MeSH Review:
Leukemia, B-Cell, Acute
- Requirement of Src kinases Lyn, Hck and Fgr for BCR-ABL1-induced B-lymphoblastic leukemia but not chronic myeloid leukemia. Hu, Y., Liu, Y., Pelletier, S., Buchdunger, E., Warmuth, M., Fabbro, D., Hallek, M., Van Etten, R.A., Li, S. Nat. Genet. (2004)
- A human minor histocompatibility antigen specific for B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Dolstra, H., Fredrix, H., Maas, F., Coulie, P.G., Brasseur, F., Mensink, E., Adema, G.J., de Witte, T.M., Figdor, C.G., van de Wiel-van Kemenade, E. J. Exp. Med. (1999)
- p16 gene homozygous deletions in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Quesnel, B., Preudhomme, C., Philippe, N., Vanrumbeke, M., Dervite, I., Lai, J.L., Bauters, F., Wattel, E., Fenaux, P. Blood (1995)
- Inducible expression of BCR/ABL using human CD34 regulatory elements results in a megakaryocytic myeloproliferative syndrome. Huettner, C.S., Koschmieder, S., Iwasaki, H., Iwasaki-Arai, J., Radomska, H.S., Akashi, K., Tenen, D.G. Blood (2003)
- CD34(+) acute myeloid and lymphoid leukemic blasts can be induced to differentiate into dendritic cells. Cignetti, A., Bryant, E., Allione, B., Vitale, A., Foa, R., Cheever, M.A. Blood (1999)
- Irreversible deformation of the spectrin-actin lattice in irreversibly sickled cells. Lux, S.E., John, K.M., Karnovsky, M.J. J. Clin. Invest. (1976)
- Microscopic analysis of ethanol damage to rat gastric mucosa after treatment with a prostaglandin. Lacy, E.R., Ito, S. Gastroenterology (1982)
- Translocation of c-myc into the immunoglobulin heavy-chain locus in human acute B-cell leukemia. A molecular analysis. Carè, A., Cianetti, L., Giampaolo, A., Sposi, N.M., Zappavigna, V., Mavilio, F., Alimena, G., Amadori, S., Mandelli, F., Peschle, C. EMBO J. (1986)
- Bim is a suppressor of Myc-induced mouse B cell leukemia. Egle, A., Harris, A.W., Bouillet, P., Cory, S. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2004)
- Size of the amino acid side chain at position 158 of cytochrome b is critical for an active cytochrome bc1 complex and for photosynthetic growth of Rhodobacter capsulatus. Atta-Asafo-Adjei, E., Daldal, F. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1991)
- Hyper-CVAD program in Burkitt's-type adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Thomas, D.A., Cortes, J., O'Brien, S., Pierce, S., Faderl, S., Albitar, M., Hagemeister, F.B., Cabanillas, F.F., Murphy, S., Keating, M.J., Kantarjian, H. J. Clin. Oncol. (1999)
- Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas of childhood and adolescence: results of a treatment stratified for biologic subtypes and stage--a report of the Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster Group. Reiter, A., Schrappe, M., Parwaresch, R., Henze, G., Müller-Weihrich, S., Sauter, S., Sykora, K.W., Ludwig, W.D., Gadner, H., Riehm, H. J. Clin. Oncol. (1995)
- Prevention of cyclophosphamide/cytarabine-induced emesis with ondansetron in children with leukemia. Carden, P.A., Mitchell, S.L., Waters, K.D., Tiedemann, K., Ekert, H. J. Clin. Oncol. (1990)
- The complete amino acid sequence of the catalytic domain of rat brain hexokinase, deduced from the cloned cDNA. Schwab, D.A., Wilson, J.E. J. Biol. Chem. (1988)
- Gradient of E2A activity in B-cell development. Herblot, S., Aplan, P.D., Hoang, T. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2002)
- Methylation of the IL-12Rbeta2 gene as novel tumor escape mechanism for pediatric B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Airoldi, I., Cocco, C., Di Carlo, E., Disarò, S., Ognio, E., Basso, G., Pistoia, V. Cancer Res. (2006)
- Adult precursor B-ALL with BCR/ABL gene rearrangements displays a unique immunophenotype based on the pattern of CD10, CD34, CD13 and CD38 expresssion. Tabernero, M.D., Bortoluci, A.M., Alaejos, I., López-Berges, M.C., Rasillo, A., García-Sanz, R., García, M., Sayagués, J.M., González, M., Mateo, G., San Miguel, J.F., Orfao, A. Leukemia (2001)
- Immunoglobulin lambda isotype gene rearrangements in B cell malignancies. Tümkaya, T., van der Burg, M., Garcia Sanz, R., Gonzalez Diaz, M., Langerak, A.W., San Miguel, J.F., van Dongen, J.J. Leukemia (2001)
- VLA-4 affinity correlates with peripheral blood white cell count and DNA content in patients with precursor B-ALL. Blenc, A.M., Chiagev, A., Sklar, L., Larson, R.S. Leukemia (2003)
- The mTOR inhibitor CCI-779 induces apoptosis and inhibits growth in preclinical models of primary adult human ALL. Teachey, D.T., Obzut, D.A., Cooperman, J., Fang, J., Carroll, M., Choi, J.K., Houghton, P.J., Brown, V.I., Grupp, S.A. Blood (2006)
- Differentiation of naive cord-blood T cells into CD19-specific cytolytic effectors for posttransplantation adoptive immunotherapy. Serrano, L.M., Pfeiffer, T., Olivares, S., Numbenjapon, T., Bennitt, J., Kim, D., Smith, D., McNamara, G., Al-Kadhimi, Z., Rosenthal, J., Forman, S.J., Jensen, M.C., Cooper, L.J. Blood (2006)
- Expression of selected human HOX-2 genes in B/T acute lymphoid leukemia and interleukin-2/interleukin-1 beta-stimulated natural killer lymphocytes. Petrini, M., Quaranta, M.T., Testa, U., Samoggia, P., Tritarelli, E., Carè, A., Cianetti, L., Valtieri, M., Barletta, C., Peschle, C. Blood (1992)
- Differential expression of B29 (CD79b) and mb-1 (CD79a) proteins in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Astsaturov, I.A., Matutes, E., Morilla, R., Seon, B.K., Mason, D.Y., Farahat, N., Catovsky, D. Leukemia (1996)
- The effects of ICRF-154 in combination with other anticancer agents in vitro. Kano, Y., Narita, T., Suzuki, K., Akutsu, M., Suda, K., Sakamoto, S., Miura, Y. Br. J. Cancer (1992)
- Methylation of the multi tumor suppressor gene-2 (MTS2, CDKN1, p15INK4B) in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Iravani, M., Dhat, R., Price, C.M. Oncogene (1997)
- Inactivation of the ARF-MDM-2-p53 pathway in sporadic Burkitt's lymphoma in children. Wilda, M., Bruch, J., Harder, L., Rawer, D., Reiter, A., Borkhardt, A., Woessmann, W. Leukemia (2004)
- In vivo and in vitro expression of myeloid antigens on B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Hara, J., Kawa-Ha, K., Yumura-Yagi, K., Kurahashi, H., Tawa, A., Ishihara, S., Inoue, M., Murayama, N., Okada, S. Leukemia (1991)
- Effects of recombinant human IL-7 on blast cell proliferation in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Eder, M., Ottmann, O.G., Hansen-Hagge, T.E., Bartram, C.R., Gillis, S., Hoelzer, D., Ganser, A. Leukemia (1990)
- Cyclin E overexpression in relapsed adult acute lymphoblastic leukemias of B-cell lineage. Scuderi, R., Palucka, K.A., Pokrovskaja, K., Björkholm, M., Wiman, K.G., Pisa, P. Blood (1996)
- Variability in the measurement of C-reactive protein in healthy subjects: implications for reference intervals and epidemiological applications. Macy, E.M., Hayes, T.E., Tracy, R.P. Clin. Chem. (1997)
- Chemoimmunotherapy with hyper-CVAD plus rituximab for the treatment of adult Burkitt and Burkitt-type lymphoma or acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Thomas, D.A., Faderl, S., O'Brien, S., Bueso-Ramos, C., Cortes, J., Garcia-Manero, G., Giles, F.J., Verstovsek, S., Wierda, W.G., Pierce, S.A., Shan, J., Brandt, M., Hagemeister, F.B., Keating, M.J., Cabanillas, F., Kantarjian, H. Cancer (2006)
- Acute neurotoxicity after intrathecal cytosine arabinoside in two adolescents with acute lymphoblastic leukemia of B-cell type. Resar, L.M., Phillips, P.C., Kastan, M.B., Leventhal, B.G., Bowman, P.W., Civin, C.I. Cancer (1993)
- Non-radiolabelled PCR consensus primers and automatic sequencing enable rapid identification of tumor-specific V(H) CDR3 in aggressive B-cell malignancies. Pession, A., Tonelli, R., Canderan, G., Bendandi, M., Rosolen, A., Basso, K., Basso, G., Locatelli, F., Zabalegui, N., Paolucci, G. Leuk. Lymphoma (2003)