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Gene Review

BCR  -  breakpoint cluster region

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ALL, BCR1, Breakpoint cluster region protein, CML, D22S11, ...
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Disease relevance of BCR


Psychiatry related information on BCR

  • The breakpoint cluster region (BCR) gene is located on chromosome 22q11, one of the most significant susceptibility loci in bipolar disorder linkage studies [6].
  • Assuming that imatinib could be included in pretransplantation conditioning therapies, we tested whether combinations of imatinib and gamma-irradiation or alkylating agents such as busulfan or treosulfan would display synergistic activity in BCR-ABL-positive chronic myelogenous leukaemia BV173 and EM-3 cell lines [7].
  • The association is stronger for BCR enlargement than for VBR enlargement, suggesting that selective caudate region atrophy is associated with HIV dementia [8].
  • We found significantly elevated levels of CML in CSF of AD patients and of pentosidine in CSF of patients suffering from vascular dementia when compared to controls [9].
  • The age-dependent accumulation of CML in lens protein indicates that products of both glycation and oxidation accumulate in the lens with age, while the constant rate of accumulation of CML in lens with age argues against an age-dependent decline in free radical defense mechanisms in this tissue [10].

High impact information on BCR


Chemical compound and disease context of BCR


Biological context of BCR

  • The BCR-ABL story represents a notable example of how research from the fields of cytogenetics, retroviral oncology, protein phosphorylation, and small molecule chemical inhibitors can lead to the development of a successful molecular targeted therapy [11].
  • Comparing genome-wide gene expression profiles of BCR-ABL1+ pre-B ALL and normal bone marrow pre-B cells by serial analysis of gene expression, many genes involved in pre-B cell receptor signaling are silenced in the leukemia cells [3].
  • One of the important contributions of BCR to transformation is believed to be dimerization or oligomerization of ABL, thereby activating ABL tyrosine kinase activity [4].
  • Introduction of the BCR/ABL oncogene into this cell line resulted in factor-independent proliferation and constitutive phosphorylation of p95Vav [20].
  • The N-terminal sequence of the protein is derived from the BCR gene on chromosome 22 [21].

Anatomical context of BCR


Associations of BCR with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of BCR

  • An immune complex kinase assay showed that the 230-kDa BCR/ABL protein ahd autophosphorylation activity [25].
  • Although the biological significance of the binding remains to be uncovered, BCR binds to the XPB/p62 complex [26].
  • The amino terminal CRKL SH3 domain binds directly to a proline-rich region in the C-terminus of BCR-ABL [27].
  • These data provide evidence that BCR couples the cytoplasmic protein-tyrosine kinase and RAS signaling pathways [28].
  • SHP-1 remained attached to the BCR in subgroup Ia, but not in subgroup Ib, where signal transduction was associated with an excess of truncated CD79b [29].

Enzymatic interactions of BCR

  • The binding appeared to be required for XPB to be tyrosine-phosphorylated by BCR-ABL [30].
  • The SH2-SH3 domain-containing adaptor protein CRKL is the predominant tyrosine phosphorylated protein in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) neutrophils and BCR-ABL-expressing cell lines [27].
  • Because recent evidence has clearly implicated both PI(3,4, 5)P3 and PI(3,4)P2 in growth factor-mediated signaling, our finding that both SHIP1 and SHIP2 are constitutively tyrosine phosphorylated in CML primary hematopoietic progenitor cells may thus have important implications in p210(bcr/abl)-mediated myeloid expansion [31].
  • We have examined the ability of additional SH2 domains to bind phosphotyrosine-free BCR and compared this with their ability to bind tyrosine-phosphorylated c-ABL 1b [17].
  • Grb2 binding is mediated through a phosphorylated tyrosine residue (Y177) located within a consensus Grb2 binding site encoded by the first exon of the BCR gene [32].

Regulatory relationships of BCR


Other interactions of BCR


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of BCR


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