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Health Promotion

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Disease relevance of Health Promotion


Psychiatry related information on Health Promotion


High impact information on Health Promotion

  • The cholesterol saga: whither health promotion [10]?
  • Two-year results of a randomized controlled trial of a health promotion program in a retiree population: the Bank of America Study [11].
  • Health promotion by flavonoids, tocopherols, tocotrienols, and other phenols: direct or indirect effects? Antioxidant or not [12]?
  • A major goal set by the Public Health Service in its National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives for the year 2000 is "to reduce stroke deaths to no more than 20 per 100,000." Part of this can be achieved if the risk of stroke recurrence is reduced [13].
  • There is considerable clinical interest in the utility of probiotic therapy--the feeding of (live) non-pathogenic bacteria, originally derived from the alimentary tract, for disease treatment or health promotion [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of Health Promotion

  • METHODS: We gathered data from the U.S. Army Safety Center, the U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine, and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. This paper describes ten representative cases of laser eye injury that occurred in the U.S. military between 1984 and 2000 [15].
  • CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: The sustained fall in neural tube defects is thought to be due to increased periconceptional folate intake in response to health promotion campaigns and fortification of selected foods [16].
  • Licensees of all licensed premises in the Hunter Region of New South Wales, Australia, were offered free services to encourage adoption of health promotion initiatives relating to responsible service of alcohol, environmental tobacco smoke, healthy food choices, breast and cervical cancer prevention, and the prevention of HIV/AIDS [17].
  • It aimed to increase the physical activity levels of women aged 20-50 years living in the Concord Local Government Area (LGA), an inner-western region of Sydney, Australia. A key feature of this intervention was a partnership between Concord Council (the local government) and the Central Sydney Health Promotion Unit (CSHPU) [18].
  • DESIGN: The association between birth length, birth weight, Ponderal Index and total serum cholesterol was examined in 545 Danish men and women aged 31 to 51 years who participated in the Ebeltoft Health Promotion Project in Denmark [19].

Biological context of Health Promotion


Anatomical context of Health Promotion

  • Insurers, employers, and individuals create demands for laboratory testing in "wellness programs." Tests chosen to identify cases deserving intervention included routine automated chemical tests plus high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, ferritin, and thyroid tests [23].
  • DCT advocates addressing masturbation and other semen loss concerns in all sexual health campaigns in South Asia, based on the magnitude of these concerns, their potential to confound syndromic management of STIs and their significance as an idiom of psychosocial distress [24].

Associations of Health Promotion with chemical compounds

  • CONCLUSIONS: Measurement of waist circumference 'Action Level 1' at 94 cm (37 inches) in men and 80 cm (32 inches) in women could be adopted as a simpler valid alternative to BMI for health promotion, to alert those at risk of cardiovascular disease, and as a guide to risk avoidance by self-weight management [25].
  • The authors used prospective data from two supplemental studies of the National Health Interview Survey, the 1988 Alcohol Supplement and the 1990 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Supplement, to examine the relation between alcohol intake and mortality [26].
  • BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Estimates of dietary folate intake are currently of considerable interest, but no rapid tools are available to assess dietary intake of folate that are well suited to everyday health promotion activities [27].
  • The results obtained in the present work suggest that folic acid may be useful in the prevention of damage and promotion of health of the progeny of ethanol-treated rats [28].
  • Specifically, 17% require physicians to provide interventions, 15% evaluate interventions, 39% of physician organizations offer smoking health promotion programs, 25% provide nicotine replacement therapy starter kits, and materials are provided on pharmacotherapy (39%), counseling (37%), and self-help (58%) [29].

Gene context of Health Promotion

  • Ten classes were then randomly selected to receive health promotion lessons (intervention group, high-risk; IGHR), while the other 10 classes served as controls (control group, high-risk; CGHR) [30].
  • A joint effort to affect lives. The COPD Wellness Program [31].
  • Randomized controlled study of a retiree health promotion program. The Bank of American Study [32].
  • Results from the Next Step Trial will provide additional data on whether and how health promotion interventions influence these factors, and whether such changes are associated with dietary change [33].
  • CONCLUSIONS: The government favours the development of health promotion programmes as stated in its document "Health at work in the NHS". The response in this study, showed methods to increase compliance must be developed if such programmes are to be successful [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Health Promotion


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