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Chemical Compound Review

Bitiscetin     (2S)-2-[2-[[(2S)-2-amino-5...

Synonyms: Bitistatin, Arg-gly-asp, Rgd peptide, CHEMBL313763, Poly(rgd), ...
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Disease relevance of Rgd tripeptide sequence

  • Adenovirus contains a heterodimeric protein complex consisting of 186 kd fiber protein that mediates high affinity virus attachment to cells and a 400 kd pentavalent subunit (penton base) that contains five Arg-Gly-Asp sequences, implying a role for integrins in adenovirus infection [1].
  • In our original crystal structure of FMDV the Arg-Gly-Asp-containing loop ('the loop'), located between beta-strands G and H of capsid protein VP1, was disordered and hence essentially invisible [2].
  • We show that an FHA Arg-Gly-Asp site induces enhanced B. pertussis binding to monocytes, and that this enhancement is blocked by antibodies directed against CR3 [3].
  • An Arg-Gly-Asp-directed receptor on the surface of human melanoma cells exists in an divalent cation-dependent functional complex with the disialoganglioside GD2 [4].
  • Structure of the major antigenic loop of foot-and-mouth disease virus complexed with a neutralizing antibody: direct involvement of the Arg-Gly-Asp motif in the interaction [5].

High impact information on Rgd tripeptide sequence

  • The alpha IIb beta 3 integrin binds Arg-Gly-Asp-containing (RGD-containing) ligands in a cation-dependent interaction [6].
  • The module contains an Arg-Gly-Asp sequence known to be involved in cell adhesion [7].
  • We now find that RGD peptide binding leads to changes in alpha IIb beta 3 that are associated with acquisition of high affinity fibrinogen-binding function (activation) and subsequent platelet aggregation [8].
  • The interaction between CR3 and FHA involves recognition of the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence at positions 1097-1099 in FHA [9].
  • Endothelial cells exclusively recognize an Arg-Gly-Asp-containing site near the C-terminus of the alpha chain (alpha residues 572-574) but fail to recognize the Arg-Gly-Asp sequence in the N-terminal region of the same chain (alpha residues 95-97) [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Rgd tripeptide sequence


Biological context of Rgd tripeptide sequence


Anatomical context of Rgd tripeptide sequence


Associations of Rgd tripeptide sequence with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Rgd tripeptide sequence


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Rgd tripeptide sequence


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