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Chemical Compound Review

indolamin     1H-indol-2-amine

Synonyms: aminoindole, SureCN37667, amino indole, SureCN3944368, CHEBI:33066, ...
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Disease relevance of indolamine


Psychiatry related information on indolamine

  • In addition, these results suggest that 5-HT2A agonist activity may be required, but is not in itself sufficient, for indolamine and phenylalkglamine compounds to elicit hallucinations in humans [6].
  • Theoretical and therapeutic potential of indolamine precursors in affective disorders [7].
  • Ibogaine, an indolamine derivative, is currently being investigated as a potential agent in the treatment of stimulant and opiate addiction [8].
  • Our previous reports have pointed out that the Rett syndrome (RS) starts from early infancy with autistic behavior and muscle hypotonia, and we have raised the hypothesis in regard to the pathophysiology that RS can be an early developmental disorder of the monoaminergic and indolamine systems [9].

High impact information on indolamine

  • The antiproliferative effect of the indolamine on these cells is partially abolished when coincubated with the PKC activator 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, thus indicating that the ability of melatonin to change cellular redox state may be inactivating the pathway RTK/PKC/Akt/NF-kappaB [10].
  • Melatonin is an indolamine mostly produced in the pineal gland, soluble in water, and highly lipophilic, which allows it to readily cross the blood-brain barrier [10].
  • Interestingly, the mRNA levels of leukemia inhibitory factor, TGF-beta and heme oxygenase-1 at the fetal-maternal interface were dramatically up-regulated after Treg transfer, while the levels of indolamine 2,3-dioxygenase remained unchanged [11].
  • This indolamine causes CaM subcellular redistribution in epithelial MDCK and MCF-7 cells, and selectively activates protein kinase C alpha (PKC alpha) in neuronal N1E-115 cells [12].
  • Melatonin has been shown to regulate several immune functions, and some authors showed that leukocytes are also able to produce the indolamine [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of indolamine


Biological context of indolamine


Anatomical context of indolamine


Associations of indolamine with other chemical compounds


Gene context of indolamine


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of indolamine


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