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Chemical Compound Review

Hygroton     2-chloro-5-(1-hydroxy-3-oxo- 2H-isoindol-1...

Synonyms: Higroton, Oxodolin, Zambesil, Oxodoline, Thalitone, ...
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Disease relevance of Chlorphthalidolone


Psychiatry related information on Chlorphthalidolone


High impact information on Chlorphthalidolone


Chemical compound and disease context of Chlorphthalidolone


Biological context of Chlorphthalidolone


Anatomical context of Chlorphthalidolone

  • The affinity of chlorthalidone for red blood cells was further evidenced on incubation of 14C-chlorthalidone with human blood [21].
  • Preincubation of the blood samples with acetazolamide prior to the addition of 14C-chlorthalidone, as well as incubation of acetozolamide in blood samples previously incubated with 14C-chlorthalidone, demonstrated that acetazolamide is able to inhibit and to displace chlorthalidone from blood cells [21].
  • Thus, myocardial electrical excitability was measured in patients with mild essential hypertension and known coronary artery disease after 8 weeks of treatment with a potassium-conserving diuretic (amiloride) and a similar period on a potassium-losing diuretic (chlorthalidone) in a randomised study [22].
  • Non-use of chlorthalidone was associated with bone loss at the calcaneus (-0.56% per year) and the proximal radius (-0.91% per year); borderline bone gain was observed at the distal radius (+0.39%) [23].
  • In 12 patients with essential hypertension who remained hypertensive despite chronic chlorthalidone treatment, the effect of 2 weeks of additional therapy with the converting enzyme inhibitor (CEI) enalapril on blood pressure and body fluid volumes has been evaluated [24].

Associations of Chlorphthalidolone with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Chlorphthalidolone


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Chlorphthalidolone


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