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Hepatic Veins

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Disease relevance of Hepatic Veins


High impact information on Hepatic Veins

  • After 3 hours, the specific activity of uridine in the hepatic vein was more than three times that in the arterial circulation [6].
  • Therefore, we investigated SGU in six patients with NIDDM and six weight-matched control subjects by means of the hepatic vein catheterization (HVC) technique [7].
  • We validated this method in 12 nondiabetic subjects using hepatic vein catheterization (HVC) during an oral glucose tolerance test [8].
  • L-(1-13C,15N)leucine, L-(ring-2H5)phenylalanine, and L-(ring-2H2) tyrosine were infused intravenously, and isotopic enrichments of [1-13C,15N]-leucine, (13C)leucine, (13C)ketoisocaproate, (2H5)phenylalanine, [2H4]tyrosine, (2H2)tyrosine, and 13CO2 were measured in arterial, hepatic vein, and femoral vein samples [9].
  • When the perfusate contained 200 mM thiourea, the comparable recovery of [14C]urea from the hepatic veins exceeded that of 3HOH by a factor of 3.48 +/- 0.44 (n = 7) [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Hepatic Veins


Biological context of Hepatic Veins


Anatomical context of Hepatic Veins


Associations of Hepatic Veins with chemical compounds

  • Splanchnic exchange of glucose and gluconeogenic precursors was measured using the hepatic vein catheter technique [25].
  • Evidence that supports that assumption was obtained by comparing the randomization of 14C in the urinary glucuronide with that in glucose in blood from the hepatic vein of four of the subjects before and after they were given glucagon [26].
  • MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Radiotracer-derived measures of norepinephrine release to plasma, central hemodynamics, wedge hepatic vein pressure, and measures of renal function [27].
  • The HVI-CHP system was used to determine directly the doxorubicin plasma concentration in the hepatic vein and the hepatic venous flow rate, and simultaneously, to eliminate hepatic re-entry of the drug [28].
  • Propranolol has been reported to reduce portal and wedged hepatic vein pressures in man and may be useful for the prevention of variceal bleeding [29].

Gene context of Hepatic Veins


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hepatic Veins


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  21. Hepatic extraction and renal production of 3,3'-diiodothyronine and 3',5'-diiodothyronine in man. Faber, J., Faber, O.K., Lund, B., Kirkegaard, C., Wahren, J. J. Clin. Invest. (1980) [Pubmed]
  22. Hepatic venous blood and the development of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations in congenital heart disease. Srivastava, D., Preminger, T., Lock, J.E., Mandell, V., Keane, J.F., Mayer, J.E., Kozakewich, H., Spevak, P.J. Circulation (1995) [Pubmed]
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