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Chest Tubes

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Disease relevance of Chest Tubes


High impact information on Chest Tubes

  • INTERVENTION: A chest tube was inserted for drainage of the effusion, and pleurodesis was done using bleomycin as the sclerosant [6].
  • In addition, patients taking aspirin or Coumadin required prolonged chest tube drainage compared to those in heparin or control groups (34 +/- 4 versus 20 +/- 1 h) (P less than 0.001) [7].
  • Chest tube drainage measured within the first 35 hr after CABG revealed that the median loss with aspirin daily (965 ml), aspirin three times daily (1175 ml), and aspirin plus dipyridamole (1000 ml) exceeded (p less than .02) that with placebo (805 ml), while median loss with sulfinpyrazone (775 ml) did not [8].
  • A single dose of cisplatin 100 mg/m2 plus cytarabine 1,200 mg was instilled into the pleural space via a chest tube, which was then immediately removed [9].
  • The clopidogrel group had higher 24-h mean chest tube output (1,224 ml vs. 840 ml, p = 0.001), and more transfusions of red blood cells (2.51 U vs. 1.74 U, p = 0.036), platelets (0.86 U vs. 0.24 U, p = 0.001) and fresh frozen plasma (0.68 U vs. 0.24 U, p = 0.015) [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Chest Tubes


Biological context of Chest Tubes


Anatomical context of Chest Tubes


Associations of Chest Tubes with chemical compounds

  • RESULTS--The response to tetracycline sclerotherapy in the two groups was the same (80%) but the duration of chest tube drainage was significantly shorter for patients in group 2 (median two days) than for those in group 1 (median seven days) [24].
  • The small calibre chest tube with a one way valve is recommended as a safe and easy technique [25].
  • The desmopressin-treated patients in group 2 neither experienced increased mediastinal chest tube drainage nor received increased amounts of homologous blood products when compared to those in group 1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)[26]
  • He responded well to chest-tube drainage and antifungal therapy; he received fluconazole as maintenance therapy for 1 year and has not relapsed [27].
  • All patients had chest tubes inserted on admission, and all were treated with parenteral antibiotics, which included chloramphenicol in 92% of the patients and cloxacillin in 72% [28].

Gene context of Chest Tubes

  • There was a significant difference in duration of chest tube placement between the early and late tPA groups [29].
  • METHODOLOGY: Twelve sheep were divided into three groups and were given a single intrapleural dose of TGF-beta2 (0.25 microg/kg), talc slurry (5 g) or bleomycin (60 IU) via a chest tube [30].
  • There was no association between recurrence rate and COPD/non-COPD, age or duration of chest tube treatment (1-7 days, 8 days or more) [31].
  • Total 8-h chest tube drainage did not correlate with any coagulation test at any time point except with P-selectin expression after protamine administration (r = -0.4; P = 0.03) [32].
  • Mean chest tube duration was 6.3 +/- 0.5 days [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Chest Tubes


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