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Gene Review

Csn  -  casein gene family, alpha, beta, gamma,...

Mus musculus

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Disease relevance of Csn


Psychiatry related information on Csn


High impact information on Csn

  • gamma -Secretase cleavage and nuclear localization of ErbB-4 receptor tyrosine kinase [7].
  • beta-cell-specific inactivation of the mouse Ipf1/Pdx1 gene results in loss of the beta-cell phenotype and maturity onset diabetes [8].
  • gamma 2b transgenic mice have a severe B cell defect, apparently caused by strong feedback inhibition of endogenous H-gene rearrangement coupled with an inability of gamma 2b to provide the survival/maturation functions of mu [9].
  • alpha-Syntrophin is a scaffolding adapter protein expressed primarily on the sarcolemma of skeletal muscle [10].
  • beta-very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) is a large lipoprotein with multiple apoprotein E (apoE) molecules that bind to the LDL receptors on mouse macrophages [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Csn


Biological context of Csn


Anatomical context of Csn


Associations of Csn with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Csn


Other interactions of Csn

  • Here we report a comparison of the DNA coding sequences and putative amino acid sequences they determine for the three common alleles of the Alpha subunit gene (Abpa), alleles that appear to be diagnostic for the three subspecies of Mus musculus [29].
  • alpha s1-Casein-specific CD8+ T cell clones expressed the interleukin (IL)-4 receptor, although they did not secrete detectable IL-4 [30].
  • alpha-Calcitonin gene-related peptide (alphaCGRP) is a pleiotropic peptide neuromodulator that is widely expressed throughout the Central and peripheral nervous systems [31].
  • The results of cell-free translation studies in which the pre-ABP subunits are identified specifically by immunoprecipitation with anti-ABP antibody supports the idea that independent mRNAs code for the Alpha, Beta and Gamma subunits [32].
  • The effects of BNF on expression of hepatic GST were studied in both DBA/2 and C57BL/6 mice; these studies revealed a preferential induction of the Alpha-class 25,600-Mr subunits and of the Pi-class 24,800-Mr subunits in those mice in possession of a functional Ah receptor [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Csn

  • beta cell replacement via islet or pancreas transplantation is currently the only approach to cure type 1 diabetic patients [33].
  • alpha N-acetyl human beta-endorphin-(1-31) injected icv to mice antagonized the analgesic activity of beta-endorphin-(1-31) and morphine whereas the analgesia evoked by DADLE and DAGO was enhanced by this treatment [34].
  • beta-Amyloid peptide vaccination results in marked changes in serum and brain Abeta levels in APPswe/PS1DeltaE9 mice, as detected by SELDI-TOF-based ProteinChip technology [35].


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