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Gene Review

Aqp7  -  aquaporin 7

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AQP-7, AQP7L, AQPap, Aquaglyceroporin-7, Aquaporin-7
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Disease relevance of Aqp7


High impact information on Aqp7

  • AQP7 is abundant in the brush border of proximal tubule cells and is likely to be involved in proximal tubule water reabsorption [6].
  • Aquaporin-7 and glycerol permeability as novel obesity drug-target pathways [7].
  • Advances in determining the mechanisms that underlie the control of energy balance in mammals have recently been provided by the discovery and characterization of aquaporin-7 (AQP7), a water-glycerol transporter that is present in the plasma membrane of fat-storing cells (adipocytes) [7].
  • Aquaporin 7 deficiency is associated with development of obesity through activation of adipose glycerol kinase [8].
  • Here, we investigated glycerol and glucose metabolism in mice lacking aquaporin 7 (Aqp7), a member of the aquaglyceroporins expressed in adipose tissue, and demonstrated that Aqp7 functions as a glycerol gateway molecule in vivo [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Aqp7

  • Recent studies have shown that the absence of AQP7 expression in fat cells increases glycerol kinase activity, boosting triacylglycerol synthesis and ultimately leading to obesity [7].

Biological context of Aqp7

  • Furthermore, the coordinated regulation of fat-specific AQP7 and liver-specific AQP9 may be key to determine glucose metabolism in insulin resistance [1].
  • The AQP9 promoter contained the negative insulin response element TGTTTTC at -496/-502, similar to the promoter of the AQPap/7 gene [2].
  • The first two exons, designated exon 1 and exon 1', are alternatively spliced to common exon 2, and thus the AQPap gene possessed two potential promoters [10].
  • Deletion and single base pair substitution analysis of the promoter revealed that these sequences were required for insulin-mediated repression of AQPap gene transcription [10].
  • The mouse AQPap gene spanned 12 kilobase pairs in chromosome 4 and consisted of 8 exons and 7 introns [10].

Anatomical context of Aqp7


Associations of Aqp7 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Aqp7

  • Moreover, stimulation of Gs-proteins with cholera toxin and adenylyl cyclase with forskolin and dibutyryl-cAMP dramatically downregulated AQPap mRNA [5].

Other interactions of Aqp7


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Aqp7


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  2. Coordinated regulation of fat-specific and liver-specific glycerol channels, aquaporin adipose and aquaporin 9. Kuriyama, H., Shimomura, I., Kishida, K., Kondo, H., Furuyama, N., Nishizawa, H., Maeda, N., Matsuda, M., Nagaretani, H., Kihara, S., Nakamura, T., Tochino, Y., Funahashi, T., Matsuzawa, Y. Diabetes (2002) [Pubmed]
  3. Physiological roles of glycerol-transporting aquaporins: the aquaglyceroporins. Hara-Chikuma, M., Verkman, A.S. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. (2006) [Pubmed]
  4. Progressive adipocyte hypertrophy in aquaporin-7-deficient mice: adipocyte glycerol permeability as a novel regulator of fat accumulation. Hara-Chikuma, M., Sohara, E., Rai, T., Ikawa, M., Okabe, M., Sasaki, S., Uchida, S., Verkman, A.S. J. Biol. Chem. (2005) [Pubmed]
  5. Suppression of aquaporin adipose gene expression by isoproterenol, TNFalpha, and dexamethasone. Fasshauer, M., Klein, J., Lossner, U., Klier, M., Kralisch, S., Paschke, R. Horm. Metab. Res. (2003) [Pubmed]
  6. Aquaporins in the kidney: from molecules to medicine. Nielsen, S., Frøkiaer, J., Marples, D., Kwon, T.H., Agre, P., Knepper, M.A. Physiol. Rev. (2002) [Pubmed]
  7. Aquaporin-7 and glycerol permeability as novel obesity drug-target pathways. Frühbeck, G., Catalán, V., Gómez-Ambrosi, J., Rodríguez, A. Trends Pharmacol. Sci. (2006) [Pubmed]
  8. Aquaporin 7 deficiency is associated with development of obesity through activation of adipose glycerol kinase. Hibuse, T., Maeda, N., Funahashi, T., Yamamoto, K., Nagasawa, A., Mizunoya, W., Kishida, K., Inoue, K., Kuriyama, H., Nakamura, T., Fushiki, T., Kihara, S., Shimomura, I. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2005) [Pubmed]
  9. Adaptation to fasting by glycerol transport through aquaporin 7 in adipose tissue. Maeda, N., Funahashi, T., Hibuse, T., Nagasawa, A., Kishida, K., Kuriyama, H., Nakamura, T., Kihara, S., Shimomura, I., Matsuzawa, Y. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2004) [Pubmed]
  10. Genomic structure and insulin-mediated repression of the aquaporin adipose (AQPap), adipose-specific glycerol channel. Kishida, K., Shimomura, I., Kondo, H., Kuriyama, H., Makino, Y., Nishizawa, H., Maeda, N., Matsuda, M., Ouchi, N., Kihara, S., Kurachi, Y., Funahashi, T., Matsuzawa, Y. J. Biol. Chem. (2001) [Pubmed]
  11. Expression patterns of aquaporins in the inner ear: evidence for concerted actions of multiple types of aquaporins to facilitate water transport in the cochlea. Huang, D., Chen, P., Chen, S., Nagura, M., Lim, D.J., Lin, X. Hear. Res. (2002) [Pubmed]
  12. Aquaporin adipose, a putative glycerol channel in adipocytes. Kishida, K., Kuriyama, H., Funahashi, T., Shimomura, I., Kihara, S., Ouchi, N., Nishida, M., Nishizawa, H., Matsuda, M., Takahashi, M., Hotta, K., Nakamura, T., Yamashita, S., Tochino, Y., Matsuzawa, Y. J. Biol. Chem. (2000) [Pubmed]
  13. Defective water and glycerol transport in the proximal tubules of AQP7 knockout mice. Sohara, E., Rai, T., Miyazaki, J., Verkman, A.S., Sasaki, S., Uchida, S. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  14. Aquaporin7 expression during perinatal development of mouse brain. Shin, I., Kim, H.J., Lee, J.E., Gye, M.C. Neurosci. Lett. (2006) [Pubmed]
  15. Enhancement of the aquaporin adipose gene expression by a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma. Kishida, K., Shimomura, I., Nishizawa, H., Maeda, N., Kuriyama, H., Kondo, H., Matsuda, M., Nagaretani, H., Ouchi, N., Hotta, K., Kihara, S., Kadowaki, T., Funahashi, T., Matsuzawa, Y. J. Biol. Chem. (2001) [Pubmed]
  16. Aquaporin 7 is a beta-cell protein and regulator of intraislet glycerol content and glycerol kinase activity, beta-cell mass, and insulin production and secretion. Matsumura, K., Chang, B.H., Fujimiya, M., Chen, W., Kulkarni, R.N., Eguchi, Y., Kimura, H., Kojima, H., Chan, L. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2007) [Pubmed]
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  18. Aquaporin-4-containing astrocytes sustain a temperature- and mercury-insensitive swelling in vitro. Nicchia, G.P., Frigeri, A., Liuzzi, G.M., Santacroce, M.P., Nico, B., Procino, G., Quondamatteo, F., Herken, R., Roncali, L., Svelto, M. Glia (2000) [Pubmed]
  19. Molecular characterization of human Aquaporin-7 gene and its chromosomal mapping. Ishibashi, K., Yamauchi, K., Kageyama, Y., Saito-Ohara, F., Ikeuchi, T., Marumo, F., Sasaki, S. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1998) [Pubmed]
  20. Localization of aquaporin-7 in rat and mouse kidney using RT-PCR, immunoblotting, and immunocytochemistry. Nejsum, L.N., Elkjaer, M., Hager, H., Frokiaer, J., Kwon, T.H., Nielsen, S. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2000) [Pubmed]
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