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Gene Review

Ptk2  -  PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2

Mus musculus

Synonyms: FADK 1, FAK, FRNK, Fadk, Fak, ...
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Disease relevance of Ptk2


High impact information on Ptk2


Chemical compound and disease context of Ptk2

  • The inhibition of RhoA by the C3 toxin (Clostridium botulinum toxin) restored endothelial barrier function in the FRNK-expressing cells [7].
  • Additionally, treatment of cells with Clostridium difficile toxin B potently inhibited hyperosmotic stress-induced FAK tyrosine phosphorylation [8].
  • Re-expression of the tumor suppressor NF2/merlin inhibits invasiveness in mesothelioma cells and negatively regulates FAK [9].
  • We tested the hypothesis that FAK is a determinant of gemcitabine chemoresistance in pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells and examined the effect of inhibiting FAK expression on gemcitabine-induced cytotoxicity in vitro and in vivo [10].
  • These results demonstrate that combination treatment with EGCG and dacarbazine strongly inhibits melanoma growth and metastasis, and the action mechanisms of EGCG are associated with the inhibition of cell spreading, cell-extracellular matrix and cell-cell interactions, MMP-9 and FAK activities [11].

Biological context of Ptk2


Anatomical context of Ptk2

  • Here we show that cell-specific ablation of the murine gene Ptk2 (more commonly known as fak), encoding focal adhesion kinase (FAK), increases the number of axonal terminals and synapses formed by neurons in vivo [15].
  • Our results show that fibronectin binding to integrins on NIH3T3 fibroblasts promotes c-Src and FAK association and formation of an integrin-activated signalling complex [12].
  • FAK activity can influence the formation of distinct actin cytoskeletal structures such as lamellipodia and stress fibers in part through effects on small Rho GTPases, although the molecular interconnections of these events are not well defined [16].
  • The FAK-deficient mast cells had a reduction in the content of chondroitin/dermatan sulfate, the major glycosaminoglycan component of the granular matrix [17].
  • The FAK-deficient cells had fewer microvilli that were fused with each other, giving the cell surface a ruffled appearance [17].

Associations of Ptk2 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Ptk2

  • In all cases, phosphorylation of the putative Grb2-binding site in Fak (Tyr-925) was almost undetectable [20].
  • It resulted from decreased activity of Src family tyrosine kinase and/or decreased amount of Src kinase interacting with pp125FAK [19].
  • This correlated with increased coprecipitation of SSeCKS with biotin-phalloidin-bound F-actin from FAK-/- compared to FAK+/+ cell lysates [21].
  • Also, TNF-induced association of FAK with RIP and subsequent association of RIP with TRAF2 were not observed, resulting in a failure of RIP to recruit the IKK complex in FAK-/- cells [22].
  • First, a beta1 integrin subunit deletion mutant affecting the putative FAK binding site supports activation of MAP kinase in adhering fibroblasts but not tyrosine phosphorylation of FAK [23].

Enzymatic interactions of Ptk2

  • Src and FAK kinases cooperate to phosphorylate paxillin kinase linker, stimulate its focal adhesion localization, and regulate cell spreading and protrusiveness [24].
  • It was found that FCS and fibronectin stimulated phosphorylating activity of FAK in the cells at the logarithmic phase of growth, but were inefficient in the confluent cells [25].
  • Recently, we found that Cdk5 phosphorylates focal adhesion kinase (FAK) at Serine 732 in vitro and is responsible for this phosphorylation in the developing brain [26].
  • Our data show that Src kinase activity is required for adhesion turnover associated with cell migration in cancer cells and that, in addition to the catalytic activity, Src also acts as an adaptor to recruit other kinases that can phosphorylate key substrates including FAK [27].
  • Overexpression of N17 Rac only slightly altered the hyperosmotic stress-mediated localization of phosphorylated FAK to focal contacts [8].

Regulatory relationships of Ptk2


Other interactions of Ptk2

  • This increase is shown to result from vinculin's modulation of paxillin-FAK interactions [32].
  • In this study, we show that over-expression of PYK2, but not FAK, in rat and mouse fibroblasts leads to apoptotic cell death [14].
  • Primary murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from mutant homozygotes display defective cell cycle coupled to impaired activation of the FAK-PI3K-Akt and Rac-JNK signaling pathways [33].
  • Tyr-576 and Tyr-577 lie in the putative activation loop of the kinase domain, and FAK catalytic activity may be elevated through phosphorylation of these residues by associated Src family kinase [28].
  • These defects were associated with deficiencies of PAK1, GSK3beta, myosin light chain, and FAK phosphorylation [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ptk2


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  9. Re-expression of the tumor suppressor NF2/merlin inhibits invasiveness in mesothelioma cells and negatively regulates FAK. Poulikakos, P.I., Xiao, G.H., Gallagher, R., Jablonski, S., Jhanwar, S.C., Testa, J.R. Oncogene (2006) [Pubmed]
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