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Gene Review

Ds  -  disorganization

Mus musculus

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Disease relevance of Ds

  • Although other mouse mutations produce similar congenital defects, extreme pleiotropism, random occurrence, developmental independence of multiple defects, and type of anomaly make Ds unique [1].
  • Here, we show that Runx1 is required to sustain muscle by preventing denervated myofibers from undergoing myofibrillar disorganization and autophagy, structural defects found in a variety of congenital myopathies [2].
  • Islet disorganization and fibrosis did not result from lymphocytic infiltration, since they were also observed in SCID mice bearing the transgene [3].
  • We report the generation of Cd151-null mice that recapitulate the renal pathology of human patients, i.e., with age they develop massive proteinuria caused by focal glomerulosclerosis, disorganization of the glomerular basement membrane, and tubular cystic dilation [4].
  • Normoleptinemic control ACS-transgenic mice developed severe dilated cardiomyopathy with thickened left ventricular walls and profound impairment of systolic function on echocardiogram; histologically, there was severe myofiber disorganization and interstitial fibrosis, with intracytoplasmic lipid vacuoles identifiable by electron microscope [5].

Psychiatry related information on Ds


High impact information on Ds


Chemical compound and disease context of Ds


Biological context of Ds

  • This mapping assignment places the Gata4 gene in the vicinity of the mouse Ds (disorganization) locus, a dominant gain-of-function mutation affecting embryonic development [18].
  • Ds may therefore serve not only as a model for developmental anomalies in cell fate and pattern formation but also for complex developmental traits showing variable expressivity, low penetrance, and sporadic occurrence in mice and humans [19].
  • To characterize the effects of gene dosage, we examined the viability and phenotype of Ds homozygotes and the phenotype of +/+/Ds trisomic fetuses [1].
  • Not only were Ds homozygotes found in their expected frequency, homozygotes were not more severely affected than heterozygotes [1].
  • Trisomies provide a direct test for determining whether Ds is a gain-of-function mutation [1].

Anatomical context of Ds

  • Two trisomic fetuses had developmental defects characteristic of Ds mice [1].
  • Rho+/- animals retain the majority of their photoreceptors although the inner and outer segments of these cells display some structural disorganization, the outer segments becoming shorter in older mice [20].
  • Most mice lacking Mef2a died suddenly within the first week of life and exhibited pronounced dilation of the right ventricle, myofibrillar fragmentation, mitochondrial disorganization and activation of a fetal cardiac gene program [21].
  • Null mice display ataxia, behavioral abnormalities, and tremors that correlate with a twofold decrease in brain mass that disproportionately affects the cerebellum (sixfold reduced in mass) and the cerebral cortex, both of which show signs of disorganization [22].
  • Runx1 prevents wasting, myofibrillar disorganization, and autophagy of skeletal muscle [2].

Associations of Ds with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Ds


Regulatory relationships of Ds


Other interactions of Ds

  • Unlike the two-hit model that has been used to describe the development of retinoblastoma, the "second hit" for Ds is thought not to arise in the other Ds allele [32].
  • Although the tensile properties of the wounds were unchanged, ultrastructural analysis showed a significantly decreased level of debridement, greater disorganization of matrix, and an alteration of collagen fibrillogenesis leading to small diameter collagen fibrils in the OPN mutant mice [33].
  • Cystic embryoid bodies derived from afadin(-/-) embryonic stem cells showed normal organization of the endoderm but disorganization of the ectoderm [34].
  • However, after this time, marked disorganization of the vascular system was observed in those chimeric mice that have a high contribution of Lmo2-null ES cells [35].
  • In this model, Capn3 proteolytic activity leads to disruption of the actin cytoskeleton and disorganization of focal adhesions through cleavage of several endogenous proteins [36].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ds


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