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Gene Review

Grpr  -  gastrin releasing peptide receptor

Mus musculus

Synonyms: GRP-R, GRP-preferring bombesin receptor, Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor, bombesin receptor
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Disease relevance of Grpr


Psychiatry related information on Grpr


High impact information on Grpr

  • These experiments provide genetic evidence that GRP and its neural circuitry operate as a negative feedback regulating fear and establish a causal relationship between Grpr gene expression, LTP, and amygdala-dependent memory for fear [9].
  • Moreover, we found that GRP receptor (GRPR) is expressed in GABAergic interneurons of the lateral nucleus [9].
  • GRPR-deficient mice showed decreased inhibition of principal neurons by the interneurons, enhanced long-term potentiation (LTP), and greater and more persistent long-term fear memory [9].
  • We describe the structure and expression of a cloned NMB-preferring bombesin receptor (NMB-R) with properties distinct from a GRP-preferring bombesin receptor (GRP-R) reported previously [10].
  • The gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRP-R) is one of three members of the mammalian bombesin subfamily of seven-transmembrane G protein-coupled receptors that mediate diverse biological responses including secretion, neuromodulation, chemotaxis, and growth [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Grpr


Biological context of Grpr

  • Comparative mapping of the Grpr locus on the X chromosomes of man and mouse [13].
  • Exclusion of three candidate genes, Grpr, Cxn33, and Pdha1, for the X-linked cataract gene on the distal region of the mouse chromosome X [14].
  • Studies in man indicate that GRPR maps to the Xp21.2-p22.3 region of the human X chromosome and not to the Xp11-q11 interval as previously reported [13].
  • In addition, the behavioral phenotypes of GRP-R-deficient mice were not observed in NMB-R-deficient mice [15].
  • In conclusion, we show that for the PLC-coupled GRP-R, receptor number had little or no effect on binding affinity, potency for activating PLC, tyrosine phosphorylation of p125FAK, or extent of receptor internalization [16].

Anatomical context of Grpr


Associations of Grpr with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Grpr


Regulatory relationships of Grpr

  • Unlike the impaired responses to BN-like peptides, the feeding inhibitory action of cholecystokinin was enhanced in GRP-R KO mice [4].
  • A domain on the GRP molecule involving Lys-13 or Arg-17 was identified which promoted binding to the GRP receptor under conditions of low ionic strength [23].

Other interactions of Grpr

  • In a previous report we identified four amino acids that are critical for high affinity binding of bombesin and gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) to the GRP-R [24].
  • To explore the cause of this phenomenon, we examined changes in feeding responses to appetite-related neuropeptides in BRS-3-deficient, GRP-R-deficient, and wild-type littermate mice [25].
  • The bombesin receptor subtypes have distinct G protein specificities [26].
  • In addition, GRP-R showed higher catalytic activity on squid Galphaq [26].
  • [DPhe12]Bn analogs; des Met14 amides, esters and alkylamides; psi 13-14 Bn pseudopeptides; and D-amino acid-substituted analogs of substance P (SP) or SP(4-11) were all synthesized and each functioned as a GRP receptor antagonist [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Grpr

  • There was no significant difference in feeding between BRS-3-deficient and wild-type littermate mice after treatment with bombesin (BN), although the hypophagic response to low-dose BN was significantly suppressed in the GRP-R-deficient mice [25].
  • By using RT-PCR we showed that GRPR mRNA is expressed in islets of wild-type mice, but is lost in GRPR-deleted mice [21].
  • Double-labeling immunohistochemistry demonstrated that subpopulations of GRP-R are present in GABAergic neurons in the amygdala [28].
  • To define the in vivo function of GRPR, we generated GRPR null mutant mice by gene targeting [6].
  • The presence of a spacer in the molecule induced an increment in the in vivo uptake in pancreas and PC-3 xenografts (GRP receptor-positive tissues) [29].


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  10. cDNA cloning, characterization, and brain region-specific expression of a neuromedin-B-preferring bombesin receptor. Wada, E., Way, J., Shapira, H., Kusano, K., Lebacq-Verheyden, A.M., Coy, D., Jensen, R., Battery, J. Neuron (1991) [Pubmed]
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  12. Bombesin specifically induces intracellular calcium mobilization via gastrin-releasing peptide receptors in human prostate cancer cells. Aprikian, A.G., Han, K., Chevalier, S., Bazinet, M., Viallet, J. J. Mol. Endocrinol. (1996) [Pubmed]
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  19. Bombesin and [Leu8]phyllolitorin promote fetal mouse lung branching morphogenesis via a receptor-mediated mechanism. King, K.A., Torday, J.S., Sunday, M.E. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1995) [Pubmed]
  20. An aspartate residue at the extracellular boundary of TMII and an arginine residue in TMVII of the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor interact to facilitate heterotrimeric G protein coupling. Donohue, P.J., Sainz, E., Akeson, M., Kroog, G.S., Mantey, S.A., Battey, J.F., Jensen, R.T., Northup, J.K. Biochemistry (1999) [Pubmed]
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