MeSH Review:
Stereotyped Behavior
- Experiences with a new ergoline (CF 25-397) in parkinsonism. Teychenne, P.F., Pfeiffer, R., Bern, S.M., Calne, D.B. Neurology (1977)
- Metaphit, an acylating ligand for phencyclidine receptors: characterization of in vivo actions in the rat. Contreras, P.C., Johnson, S., Freedman, R., Hoffer, B., Olsen, K., Rafferty, M.F., Lessor, R.A., Rice, K.C., Jacobson, A.E., O'Donohue, T.L. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. (1986)
- Antagonism of hypothermia and behavioral response to apomorphine: a simple, rapid and discriminating test for screening antidepressants and neuroleptics. Puech, A.J., Chermat, R., Poncelet, M., Doaré, L., Simon, P. Psychopharmacology (Berl.) (1981)
- Differential attenuation of some effects of haloperidol in rats given scopolamine. Setler, P., Sarau, H., McKenzie, G. Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1976)
- Amantadine reduces haloperidol-induced dopamine receptor hypersensitivity in the striatum. Allen, R.M., Lane, J.D., Brauchi, J.T. Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1980)
- Stereotypic behavioral responses to free-base cocaine and the development of behavioral sensitization in Drosophila. McClung, C., Hirsh, J. Curr. Biol. (1998)
- Evaluation of the role of antinociception in self-injurious behavior following intranigral injection of muscimol. Frye, G.D., Baumeister, A.A., Crotty, K., Newman, K.D., Kotrla, K.J. Neuropharmacology (1986)
- Comparison of the effects of morphine, pentazocine, cyclazocine and amphetamine on intracranial self-stimulation in the rat. Holtzman, S.G. Psychopharmacologia. (1976)
- Reversal of the increase in apomorphine-induced stereotypy and aggression in REM sleep deprived rats by dopamine agonist pretreatments. Troncone, L.R., Ferreira, T.M., Braz, S., Silveira Filho, N.G., Tufik, S. Psychopharmacology (Berl.) (1988)
- Voluntary consumption of beverage alcohol by vervet monkeys: population screening, descriptive behavior and biochemical measures. Ervin, F.R., Palmour, R.M., Young, S.N., Guzman-Flores, C., Juarez, J. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. (1990)
- The role of the floor plate in axon guidance. Colamarino, S.A., Tessier-Lavigne, M. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. (1995)
- Enduring changes in dopamine receptor cells of pups from drug administration to pregnant and nursing rats. Rosengarten, H., Friedhoff, A.J. Science (1979)
- Amphetamine-induced dopaminergic hypersensitivity in guinea pigs. Implications in psychosis and human movement disorders. Klawans, H.L., Margolin, D.I. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (1975)
- Evidence for a language quantitative trait locus on chromosome 7q in multiplex autism families. Alarcón, M., Cantor, R.M., Liu, J., Gilliam, T.C., Geschwind, D.H. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (2002)
- Neuropeptide induction of cyclic GMP increases in the insect CNS: resolution at the level of single identifiable neurons. Ewer, J., De Vente, J., Truman, J.W. J. Neurosci. (1994)
- Differential down-regulation of D1-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in rat forebrain after in vivo amphetamine treatments. Roberts-Lewis, J.M., Roseboom, P.H., Iwaniec, L.M., Gnegy, M.E. J. Neurosci. (1986)
- Risperidone for the core symptom domains of autism: results from the study by the autism network of the research units on pediatric psychopharmacology. McDougle, C.J., Scahill, L., Aman, M.G., McCracken, J.T., Tierney, E., Davies, M., Arnold, L.E., Posey, D.J., Martin, A., Ghuman, J.K., Shah, B., Chuang, S.Z., Swiezy, N.B., Gonzalez, N.M., Hollway, J., Koenig, K., McGough, J.J., Ritz, L., Vitiello, B. The American journal of psychiatry. (2005)
- Dose-response effects of beta-phenylethylamine on stereotyped behavior in pargyline-pretreated rats. Moja, E.A., Stoff, D.M., Gillin, J.C., Wyatt, R.J. Biol. Psychiatry (1976)
- gamma-Butyrolactone effects on behavior induced by dopamine agonists. Ellinwood, E.H., Gonzalez, A.E., Dougherty, G.G. Biol. Psychiatry (1983)
- In vivo electrochemical and behavioral evidence for specific neural substrates modulated differentially by enkephalin in rat stimulant stereotypy and locomotion. Broderick, P.A., Gardner, E.L., van Praag, H.M. Biol. Psychiatry (1984)
- D-serine antagonized phencyclidine- and MK-801-induced stereotyped behavior and ataxia. Contreras, P.C. Neuropharmacology (1990)
- Susceptibility to sensitization. I. Sex differences in the enduring effects of chronic D-amphetamine treatment on locomotion, stereotyped behavior and brain monoamines. Camp, D.M., Robinson, T.E. Behav. Brain Res. (1988)
- Alkylation of striatal dopamine receptors abolishes stereotyped behavior but has no effect on dopamine stimulated adenylate cyclase activity. Cameron, D.L., Crocker, A.D. Neurosci. Lett. (1988)
- Further localization of cardiovascular and behavioral actions of substance P in the rat brain. Itoi, K., Jost, N., Culman, J., Tschöpe, C., Unger, T. Brain Res. (1994)
- Effect of pretreatment with amphetamine on the interaction between amphetamine and dopamine neurons in the nucleus accumbens. Kolta, M.G., Shreve, P., Uretsky, N.J. Neuropharmacology (1989)
- Low doses of corticotropin-releasing factor potentiate amphetamine-induced stereotyped behavior. Cole, B.J., Koob, G.F. Psychopharmacology (Berl.) (1989)
- The stereotyped behavior syndrome: a new model and proposed therapy. Kryzhanovsky, G.N., Aliev, M.N. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. (1981)
- A structure-activity relationship for the neurotoxicity of triazole fungicides. Crofton, K.M. Toxicol. Lett. (1996)
- On the mechanism of action of 2-amino-4-methylpyridine, a morphine-like analgesic. Bergmann, F., Elam, R. Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie. (1980)
- Thyrotropin releasing hormone injected into the nucleus accumbens septi selectively increases face grooming in rats. Gargiulo, P.A. Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res. (1996)
- Antagonistic effects of growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) and somatostatin on locomotor activity: GRF-induced hyperkinetic syndrome. Cacabelos, R., Niigawa, H., Alvarez, X.A., Muñoz, M.D., Nishimura, T., Rubia, F.J. Methods and findings in experimental and clinical pharmacology. (1990)
- The novel neuropsychotropic agent milacemide is a specific enzyme-activated inhibitor of brain monoamine oxidase B. Janssens de Varebeke, P., Pauwels, G., Buyse, C., David-Remacle, M., De Mey, J., Roba, J., Youdim, M.B. J. Neurochem. (1989)
- Role of oxytocin in the neuroadaptation to drugs of abuse. Sarnyai, Z., Kovács, G.L. Psychoneuroendocrinology (1994)
- Important role of striatal catalase in aging- and reserpine-induced oral dyskinesia. Abílio, V.C., Silva, R.H., Carvalho, R.C., Grassl, C., Calzavara, M.B., Registro, S., D'Almeida, V., Ribeiro, R.d.e. .A., Frussa-Filho, R. Neuropharmacology (2004)
- Phencyclidine-induced stereotyped behaviors after injection of ethylketocyclazocine, Mr 2266 and naltrexone in rats. Nabeshima, T., Hiramatsu, M., Kameyama, T. Brain Res. (1986)
- Enhancement of dopamine release from the striatum through metabotropic glutamate receptor activation in methamphetamine sensitized rats. Arai, I., Shimazoe, T., Shibata, S., Inoue, H., Yoshimatsu, A., Watanabe, S. Brain Res. (1996)
- Directed coherence of EEG on ICSS rats with methamphetamine-induced hyperactivity and stereotyped behavior. Takigawa, M., Wang, H., Hamada, K., Shiratani, T., Takenouchi, K. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. (2000)
- A quantity of stereotyped behavior of ddY mice induced by low-dose methamphetamine. Masuda, Y., Matsuda, Y., Kondoh, M., Shimizu, T., Hishikawa, Y. Exp. Anim. (1996)
- Determination of functionally-relevant serum levels of MJ 13859-1 in the dog: relationship to blockade of amphetamine stereotypy. Eison, M.S., Taylor, D.P., Riblet, L.A., Temple, D.L. Methods and findings in experimental and clinical pharmacology. (1984)