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Gene Review

Mycn  -  v-myc myelocytomatosis viral related...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: N-myc, N-myc proto-oncogene protein, Nmyc, Nmyc-1, Nmyc1, ...
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Disease relevance of Mycn


Psychiatry related information on Mycn


High impact information on Mycn

  • In all these T cell lymphomas either c-myc or N-myc was activated by proviral insertion, suggesting strong cooperation between pim-1 and myc in lymphomagenesis [7].
  • In neuroblastoma, an embryonal tumour derived from the neural crest, Id2 is overexpressed in cells carrying extra copies of the N-myc gene [8].
  • Activated N-myc and L-myc expression has been implicated in oncogenesis; for example, although N-myc expression has been found in all neuroblastomas tested, activated (greatly increased) N-myc expression, resulting from gene amplification, is correlated with progression of the tumour [9].
  • The L-myc gene is less well characterized, but shows homology to N-myc and c-myc (ref. 6; also see below). c-myc is expressed in most dividing cells, and deregulated expression of this gene has been implicated in the development of many classes of tumours [9].
  • The N-myc and c-myc genes have 5'-noncoding exons, strikingly homologous coding regions, and display similar oncogenic potential in an in vitro transformation assay [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Mycn

  • An exceptional mouse plasmacytoma with a new kappa/N-myc [T(6; 12) (C1; B)] translocation expresses N-myc but not c-myc [10].
  • Effect of vitamin E succinate and a cAMP-stimulating agent on the expression of c-myc and N-myc and H-ras in murine neuroblastoma cells [11].
  • A nude mouse model for human neuroblastoma has been developed to examine possible relationships between amplification/over-expression of the N-myc oncogene and altered regulation of expression of specific integrin subunits during tumor progression [12].
  • It is shown in this paper that serum growth factors are required for activation of expression of gene encoding translation initiation factor 4E (eIF-4E) in non-transformed NIH 3T3 and Rat-1 fibroblasts but this requirement is lost in C6 glioblastoma, A431 carcinoma and N-myc transformed Rat-1 cells [13].

Biological context of Mycn

  • In particular, we found that in cerebellar granule neuron precursors, the N-myc transcription factor communicates with the cell cycle machinery via cyclins D1 and D2, but not D3, explaining the inability of D3-only mice to up-regulate cyclin D3 in this compartment [14].
  • Targeted deletion of N-myc results in severely compromised proliferation as shown by a striking decrease in S phase and mitotic cells as well as in cells expressing the Myc target gene cyclin D2, whereas apoptosis is unaffected [2].
  • Previously, we have shown that TGF-beta 1 inhibits branching morphogenesis and N-myc expression in mouse embryonic lung cultures [15].
  • For the N-myc and L-myc oncogenes, expression was also highest in prenatal and newborn tissue as compared to the 6-month young adult, but little or no further change was found at older ages [16].
  • Taken together, these results indicate that the expression of the proto-oncogenes c-, L- and N-myc is dependent not only on tissue and embryonic development, as previously shown by other workers, but also on age past the young adult stage of life span [16].

Anatomical context of Mycn

  • N-myc is essential during neurogenesis for the rapid expansion of progenitor cell populations and the inhibition of neuronal differentiation [2].
  • In addition, loss of N-myc disrupts neuronal differentiation as evidenced by ectopic staining of the neuron specific marker betaTUBIII in the cerebrum [2].
  • For example, during mouse lens maturation, the growth arrest and differentiation of epithelial cells into lens fiber cells is associated with a decrease in L- and c-myc expression and a reciprocal rise in N-myc levels [17].
  • Lmyc, but not c-myc and Nmyc, was upregulated in terminally differentiated visceral endoderm cells [18].
  • However, substantial tissue-dependent differences in expression were also found, and no expression at all was detected at any age for N-myc in liver and for L-myc in heart, small intestine and liver [16].

Associations of Mycn with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Mycn


Regulatory relationships of Mycn

  • We present a model whereby Tbx2 directly represses Nmyc1 in outflow tract and atrioventricular canal of the developing heart, resulting in relatively low proliferation [22].
  • According to this interpretation, constitutive activation of N-myc would suppress the expression of c-myc, but would not interfere with the differentiation of the pro-B cell into a fully mature plasma cell [24].
  • We have generated transgenic mouse lines that carry one of three different constructs in which the murine N-myc gene is expressed under the control of the immunoglobulin heavy chain transcriptional enhancer element (E mu-N-myc genes) [25].
  • Our data present a paradigm by which T-box proteins regulate regional differences in Nmyc1 expression and proliferation to effect organ morphogenesis [22].
  • We report a new common proviral insertion site in murine leukemia virus-induced T cell lymphomas to be N-myc [26].

Other interactions of Mycn


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mycn


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  2. N-myc is essential during neurogenesis for the rapid expansion of progenitor cell populations and the inhibition of neuronal differentiation. Knoepfler, P.S., Cheng, P.F., Eisenman, R.N. Genes Dev. (2002) [Pubmed]
  3. Transcriptional profiling of the Sonic hedgehog response: a critical role for N-myc in proliferation of neuronal precursors. Oliver, T.G., Grasfeder, L.L., Carroll, A.L., Kaiser, C., Gillingham, C.L., Lin, S.M., Wickramasinghe, R., Scott, M.P., Wechsler-Reya, R.J. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2003) [Pubmed]
  4. Id2 is critical for cellular proliferation and is the oncogenic effector of N-myc in human neuroblastoma. Lasorella, A., Boldrini, R., Dominici, C., Donfrancesco, A., Yokota, Y., Inserra, A., Iavarone, A. Cancer Res. (2002) [Pubmed]
  5. Provirus integration at the 3' region of N-myc in cell lines established from thymic lymphomas spontaneously formed in AKR mice and a [(BALB/c x B6)F1----AKR] bone marrow chimera. Yano, Y., Kobayashi, S., Yasumizu, R., Tamaki, J., Kubo, M., Sasaki, A., Hasan, S., Okuyama, H., Inaba, M., Ikehara, S. Jpn. J. Cancer Res. (1991) [Pubmed]
  6. E mu N- and E mu L-myc cooperate with E mu pim-1 to generate lymphoid tumors at high frequency in double-transgenic mice. Möröy, T., Verbeek, S., Ma, A., Achacoso, P., Berns, A., Alt, F. Oncogene (1991) [Pubmed]
  7. Predisposition to lymphomagenesis in pim-1 transgenic mice: cooperation with c-myc and N-myc in murine leukemia virus-induced tumors. van Lohuizen, M., Verbeek, S., Krimpenfort, P., Domen, J., Saris, C., Radaszkiewicz, T., Berns, A. Cell (1989) [Pubmed]
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  10. An exceptional mouse plasmacytoma with a new kappa/N-myc [T(6; 12) (C1; B)] translocation expresses N-myc but not c-myc. Silva, S., Wang, Y., Babonits, M., Axelson, H., Wiener, F., Klein, G. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. (1992) [Pubmed]
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