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Gene Review

FASN  -  fatty acid synthase

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: FAS, Fatty acid synthase, OA-519, SDR27X1
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Disease relevance of FASN


Psychiatry related information on FASN

  • apolipoprotein-E dependent role for the FAS receptor in early onset Alzheimer's disease: finding of a positive association for a polymorphism in the TNFRSF6 gene [3].
  • Those in the SHPT group had significantly impaired performance in 3 of 14 cognitive tests (Digit span forward, Stroop test part 1 and 2, and Word association test (FAS)) as compared with the controls, and also had a significantly higher depression score at the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) (items 1-13) [4].
  • Energy deficit suppressed the resting metabolic rate and general locomotor activity and increased the activity of fatty acid synthetase (FAS) [5].
  • CONCLUSION: Significantly more fathers of children with FAS were referred for alcohol treatment, received alcohol treatment, experienced injuries, and had delirium tremens than control fathers [6].

High impact information on FASN


Chemical compound and disease context of FASN


Biological context of FASN

  • To date, elevated FASN expression in prostate cancer has not been correlated with gene copy number alterations [1].
  • This previously unrecognized ability of OA to directly affect the expression of a cluster of interrelated human cancer genes (i.e., HER2, FASN and PEA3) should open a new line of research aimed to explore the anti-cancer effects of OA [17].
  • Similarly, p185(HER2) expression was dramatically down-regulated when FAS gene expression was silenced by using the highly sequence-specific mechanism of RNA interference (RNAi) [2].
  • Furthermore, supplementation of the culture medium with palmitate or with the antioxidant vitamin E resulted in the complete rescue of cells from both ACCalpha and FAS siRNA-induced apoptosis [18].
  • Expression of a small interfering RNA (siRNA)-resistant form of ACCalpha mRNA prevented the effect of ACCalpha-RNAi but failed to prevent the effect of FAS gene silencing [18].

Anatomical context of FASN


Associations of FASN with chemical compounds

  • Pharmacological FAS inhibitors cerulenin and C75 were found to suppress p185(HER2) oncoprotein expression and tyrosine-kinase activity in breast and ovarian HER2 overexpressors [2].
  • We show that specific silencing of either the ACCalpha or the fatty acid synthase (FAS) genes in cancer cells results in a major decrease in palmitic acid synthesis [18].
  • In contrast, dietary 18:1(n-9), i.e. triolein, had no inhibitory influence on the expression of SREBP-1 or FAS [22].
  • In this study we further investigated the role of malonyl-CoA during FAS inhibition [11].
  • Interestingly, we recently established that both pharmacological inhibition of FAS activity and silencing of FAS gene expression specifically suppress Her-2/neu oncoprotein expression and tyrosine-kinase activity in breast and ovarian Her-2/neu overexpressors [23].

Physical interactions of FASN

  • Moreover, in transient transfection studies EGF stimulates the transcriptional activity of a 178 bp FAS promoter fragment harboring a complex SREBP-binding site [24].
  • To our knowledge this ACC/FAS coupled scintillation proximity assay is the only assay format that is compatible with high-throughput screening for systematic search of inhibitors against mammalian ACC [25].
  • Considerable differences existed between the specific activities of the fatty-acid synthase complex measured in human and rat lipogenic organs [26].

Enzymatic interactions of FASN


Regulatory relationships of FASN

  • Deletion or mutation of this binding site abolishes these effects and ectopic expression of dominant negative SREBP-1 inhibits FAS expression and induction in intact LNCaP cells [24].
  • Theanaphthoquinone inhibits fatty acid synthase expression in EGF-stimulated human breast cancer cells via the regulation of EGFR/ErbB-2 signaling [12].
  • The EGF-induced expression of FAS was inhibited by green and black tea extracts [28].
  • Fatty acid synthase inhibition triggers apoptosis during S phase in human cancer cells [29].
  • We evaluated the effects of FAS inhibition on E2- and TAM-induced estrogen receptor (ER) transcriptional activity by using transient cotransfection assays with an estrogen-response element reporter construct (ERE-Luciferase) [30].
  • Our results suggest that FASN and activated AKT pathway may be a potential target for therapeutic intervention for the treatment of PTC [31].

Other interactions of FASN

  • The PUFA-dependent decrease in nuclear content of mature SREBP-1 was paralleled by a 70-90% suppression in FAS gene transcription [22].
  • In summary, our findings suggest that TNQ modulates FAS expression by the regulation of EGFR/ErbB-2 pathways and induces cell death in breast cancer cells [12].
  • Unexpectedly, the specific inhibition of the de novo fatty acid synthesis with the small-molecule inhibitor of FAS activity C75 resulted in a dramatic dose-dependent enhancement (up to 500% increase) of VEGF secretion in Her-2/neu-overexpressing SK-Br3, BT-474, and SKOV3 cancer cells [23].
  • Concurrently, FAS blockade drastically activated MAPK and promoted further a prominent accumulation of HIF-1alpha in Her-2/neu overexpressors [23].
  • Liver X receptor (LXR) activation by T0901317 increased gene expression of SREBP-1c, SREBP-1a, FAS and acetyl-CoA carboxylase without altering SREBP-2 [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of FASN


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