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Gene Review

ACACA  -  acetyl-CoA carboxylase alpha

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ACAC, ACACAD, ACC, ACC-alpha, ACC1, ...
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Disease relevance of ACACA

  • Acetyl-CoA carboxylase alpha is essential to breast cancer cell survival [1].
  • RNA interference-mediated silencing of the acetyl-CoA-carboxylase-alpha gene induces growth inhibition and apoptosis of prostate cancer cells [2].
  • These observations support the concept that inhibition of ACC is an important component in stimulating fatty acid oxidation in response to exercise and that there is coordinated regulation of nNOSmu to protect the muscle from ischemia/metabolic stress [3].
  • Of note, substitution of HFD with regular diet causes a robust recovery of soleus AMPK and ACC phosphorylation in LepTg, with a higher rate of body weight reduction and a regain of insulin sensitivity [4].
  • Based on mouse genetic and preclinical pharmacologic evidence, inhibition of ACC1 and/or ACC2 may be a useful approach to treat obesity and metabolic syndrome [5].

Psychiatry related information on ACACA

  • Relative to non-traumatized subjects, PTSD subjects showed a marked bilateral reduction in MPFC activity (in particular, right anterior cingulate cortex, ACC), which showed a different Early-Late pattern to non-traumatized subjects and was more pronounced with greater trauma impact and symptomatology [6].
  • The results obtained in this study suggest that electrophysiological activity in the ACC could be related to particular psychological functions in wakefulness and in REM sleep [7].
  • We found that the ACC showed regular and continuous theta oscillation (5-7Hz) during wakefulness and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, but not during slow wave sleep [7].
  • CONCLUSION : In a great number of patients being referred to cath lab with ACC/AHA class II indication for CXA, CMR provides a high accuracy for decision making regarding appropriateness of the invasive exam [8].

High impact information on ACACA


Chemical compound and disease context of ACACA


Biological context of ACACA


Anatomical context of ACACA


Associations of ACACA with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of ACACA


Enzymatic interactions of ACACA

  • We then delineated the biochemical characteristics of the complex and found that BRCA1 interacts solely with the phosphorylated and inactive form of ACCA (P-ACCA) [29].
  • AMPK phosphorylates and inhibits acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) carboxylase (ACC) and enhances GLUT-4 translocation [3].

Regulatory relationships of ACACA


Other interactions of ACACA


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ACACA


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