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Gene Review

AR  -  androgen receptor

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Disease relevance of AR

  • This study is the first to investigate the association between the AR CAG repeat polymorphism and the relative risk of prostate cancer in the Brazilian population [1].

High impact information on AR


Chemical compound and disease context of AR

  • These results provide new evidence on antagonistic/agonistic responses of prostate cancer cells to antiandrogen drugs that are widely used in therapy and show that flutamide can elicit responses in prostate cancer cells that do not express AR [7].

Biological context of AR


Anatomical context of AR

  • The gastrointestinal tract as target of steroid hormone action: quantification of steroid receptor mRNA expression (AR, ERalpha, ERbeta and PR) in 10 bovine gastrointestinal tract compartments by kinetic RT-PCR [13].
  • In immunocytochemistry experiments with the human AR, concentrations as low as 1 pM significantly induced androgen-dependent translocation of the AR into the cell nucleus [14].
  • In types 3-5 follicles, AR mRNA expression was present in granulosa cells of 100% of follicles examined (n = 4, 4, and 4, respectively) and was greater than type 1 follicles (P = 0.002) [15].
  • The presence of free androgen (AR) and estrogen receptors (ER) was demonstrated in bovine skeletal muscle [16].
  • We have found that AR antagonists and inhibitors of fetal testis hormone production generally induce cumulative, apparently dose-additive adverse effects when administered in mixtures [17].

Associations of AR with chemical compounds

  • Dissociation studies with methyltrienolone and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone revealed that the AR can exist in two affinity states which differ 13- to 30-fold in their affinity for the steroid [9].
  • AR and PR seem to be not estrogen dependent [13].
  • Cells from AR tumors cultured in the presence of DHT formed confluent pavements, whereas cells maintained in the absence of DHT and cells from AI tumors formed clusters or cords of cells [18].
  • This form of AR has an intrinsic binding affinity for DNA and was eluted from DNA-cellulose with 9 mM MgCl2 [19].
  • The major site of photoaffinity labeling of the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor by [3H]flunitrazepam is histidine 102 of the alpha subunit [20].

Other interactions of AR


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of AR


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