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Gene Review

CCR1  -  chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: C-C CKR-1, C-C chemokine receptor type 1, CC-CKR-1, CCR-1, CD191, ...
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Disease relevance of CCR1


Psychiatry related information on CCR1


High impact information on CCR1

  • SMAD4-deficient intestinal tumors recruit CCR1(+) myeloid cells that promote invasion [7].
  • A heightened expression of the CCR1 and CCR5 chemokine receptors may facilitate their preferential localization in lymphoid tissues near epithelial surfaces [8].
  • These data demonstrate that HCC-1 is a chemoattractant and identify CCR1 as a functional HCC-1 receptor on human monocytes [9].
  • The present study was designed to investigate the effect of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on C-C chemokine receptors (CCR) expressed in human mononuclear phagocytes [10].
  • We show that Th1, Th2, Th0, and nonpolarized T cells in blood and tissue can express any of the CKRs studied but that each CKR defines a characteristic pool of polarized and nonpolarized CD4 T cells [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of CCR1

  • Results from these ongoing studies indicate that substance P acting via neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptors, chemokines interacting with CCR1 receptors and platelet activating factor play an important pro-inflammatory role in regulating the severity of pancreatitis and associated lung injury [12].
  • Berlex and its parent company, Schering AG, are developing BX-471 (also known as ZK-811752), the lead in a series of non-peptide chemokine receptor 1 (CCR1) antagonists, for the potential treatment of autoimmune diseases, in particular multiple sclerosis (MS) [291682], [376290], [411184] [13].
  • The C-C chemokine receptor-1 (CKR-1), the MCP-1 receptor-A (MCP-1Ra), and MCP-1Rb can reconstitute ligand-induced accumulation of inositol phosphates with PLC beta2 in a pertussis toxin-sensitive manner, presumably through G beta gamma released from the Gi proteins [14].

Biological context of CCR1


Anatomical context of CCR1

  • Immunoprecipitation and Western blotting with polyclonal antibodies to cytoplasmic peptides clearly showed the presence of CCR1 and CCR4 in platelets in amounts comparable to monocytes and CCR4 transfected cells, respectively [18].
  • CCL16 may be specifically cross-linked to CCR1 expressed on endothelial cells [19].
  • Considering CC receptors, CCR1 was expressed in 70% of patients with CLL and 40% of those with HCL but was lacking in patients with MCL, MZL, SLL, and normal B cells [20].
  • In contrast, MIP-1alpha induced a potent response in eosinophils from a small and previously undescribed subgroup of donors via a non-CCR3 pathway likely to be CCR1 mediated [21].
  • Here, we report that cross-talk between CCR1-mediated signaling pathway and FcepsilonRI-mediated signaling pathway affects degranulation positively but affects chemotaxis of mast cells adversely [22].

Associations of CCR1 with chemical compounds

  • The strong allergen dinitrochlorobenzene slightly increased CCR7 expression on DCs but down-regulated CCR1 surface expression [23].
  • CCR1 down-regulation was not mediated by a classical maturation pathway, as it was unaffected by the corticosteroid dexamethasone [23].
  • Our study suggests shikonin may be a target for the future design of more potent, highly selective therapeutics that could be useful antiinflammatory agents for selectively blocking the binding of CCR1 ligands [24].
  • In vitro, CCR1 protein was also present on the surface of EVTs that grew out from chorionic villous explants cultured under 20% O2 [25].
  • CP-481,715, a potent and selective CCR1 antagonist with potential therapeutic implications for inflammatory diseases [26].

Physical interactions of CCR1

  • Additionally, shikonin blocked RANTES and MIP-1alpha binding to stable CC chemokine receptor-1 (CCR1) transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK)/293 cells with IC50 values of 2.63 x 10(-6) and 2.57 x 10(-6) M, respectively [24].
  • Eotaxin-3 bound to cells transfected with either CCR1 or -5 as well as to monocytes expressing both receptors [27].
  • In the present study, we use enzymatic and chemical cleavage methods on wild-type and mutated CCR1 receptors to show that the N terminus of the chemokine MIP-1alpha interacts in a specific manner with the second extracellular loop of the CCR1 receptor, within a segment comprising amino acids 178 to 194 [28].
  • The present manuscript details the discovery and early fundamental structure-activity relationship studies involving compound 3, a novel hydroxyethylene peptide isostere derived molecule that provides micromolar inhibition of CCL3 binding to its receptor CCR1 [29].
  • Macrophage inflammatory peptide-1alpha (MIP-1alpha)/CC-chemokine receptor ligand 3 is an 8-kDa peptide that induces chemotaxis of various lymphocytes to sites of inflammation through interaction with the G protein-coupled chemokine receptors CCR1 and CCR5 [28].

Enzymatic interactions of CCR1

  • Interestingly, CCR1 cross-phosphorylated and cross-desensitized CXCR2, but not CXCR1 [30].

Co-localisations of CCR1


Regulatory relationships of CCR1

  • Toll-like receptor (TLR)2 and TLR4 agonists regulate CCR expression in human monocytic cells [32].
  • Further investigation of TLR-induced down-modulation of CCR1 revealed differences in the signaling pathways activated, and chemokines generated, via the two TLR agonists [32].
  • MC stimulated with interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) expressed mRNA for the chemokine receptor CCR1 [33].
  • Consistent with this binding data, MIP-5 was only able to induce calcium fluxes in CHO cells stably transfected with CCR1 or CCR3 [34].
  • CCR1 protein was also up-regulated by GM-CSF stimulation [35].

Other interactions of CCR1

  • Constitutive expression of CCR1 and CCR3 mRNA in PMN was detected by ribonuclease protection assay [35].
  • By stably expressing five CC chemokine receptors (CCR1 to 5) and five orphan receptors, ELC-SEAP was found to bind specifically to an orphan receptor EBI1 [36].
  • Both CCR1- and CCR2B-transfected 293 cells showed significant migration in response to MCP-2, in addition to responding to other specific chemokines [37].
  • The CC chemokine receptor (CCR) 1 to 7, 9, and CXC chemokine receptor (CXCR) 1 to 4 were determined by flow cytometric analysis of whole blood and unseparated BAL cells [38].
  • However, all three active chemokines have been reported to bind to CCR1 and cross-desensitization studies demonstrate that RANTES and MIP-1alpha can partially inhibit the chemotactic response elicited by CKbeta-8 [39].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CCR1


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