Gene Review:
DDX4 - DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 4
Homo sapiens
DEAD box protein 4, VASA, Vasa homolog
- VASA is a specific marker for both normal and malignant human germ cells. Zeeman, A.M., Stoop, H., Boter, M., Gillis, A.J., Castrillon, D.H., Oosterhuis, J.W., Looijenga, L.H. Lab. Invest. (2002)
- Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoid heart disease and granulomatous aortitis. Reimer, K.A., Rodgers, R.F., Oyasu, R. JAMA (1976)
- Congenital absence of the vas deferens. The fertilizing capacity of human epididymal sperm. Silber, S.J., Ord, T., Balmaceda, J., Patrizio, P., Asch, R.H. N. Engl. J. Med. (1990)
- Vasa vasorum in coronary-artery disease. Train, J.S., Mitty, H.A., Efremidis, S.C. N. Engl. J. Med. (1984)
- Deterioration of the seventeenth-century warship Vasa by internal formation of sulphuric acid. Sandström, M., Jalilehvand, F., Persson, I., Gelius, U., Frank, P., Hall-Roth, I. Nature (2002)
- Müllerian inhibiting substance: an instructive developmental hormone with diagnostic and possible therapeutic applications. Teixeira, J., Maheswaran, S., Donahoe, P.K. Endocr. Rev. (2001)
- Therapeutic Angiogenesis Inhibits or Rescues Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy: Taxol- and Thalidomide-induced Injury of Vasa Nervorum is Ameliorated by VEGF. Kirchmair, R., Tietz, A.B., Panagiotou, E., Walter, D.H., Silver, M., Yoon, Y.S., Schratzberger, P., Weber, A., Kusano, K., Weinberg, D.H., Ropper, A.H., Isner, J.M., Losordo, D.W. Mol. Ther. (2007)
- Carbon monoxide-induced arterial wall hypoxia and atherosclerosis. Schneiderman, G., Goldstick, T.K. Atherosclerosis (1978)
- Chronic neuropathy associated with immune complexes of hepatitis B virus. Tsukada, N., Koh, C.S., Owa, M., Yanagisawa, N. J. Neurol. Sci. (1983)
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- Enalapril in hypertension with renal artery stenosis: long-term follow-up and effects on renal function. Tillman, D.M., Malatino, L.S., Cumming, A.M., Hodsman, G.P., Leckie, B.J., Lever, A.F., Morton, J.J., Webb, D.J., Robertson, J.I. Journal of hypertension. Supplement : official journal of the International Society of Hypertension. (1984)
- Acute renal failure with selective medullary injury in the rat. Heyman, S.N., Brezis, M., Reubinoff, C.A., Greenfeld, Z., Lechene, C., Epstein, F.H., Rosen, S. J. Clin. Invest. (1988)
- Hyperemia of the aortic wall in atherosclerotic monkeys. Heistad, D.D., Armstrong, M.L., Marcus, M.L. Circ. Res. (1981)
- Vascular factors and metabolic interactions in the pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy. Cameron, N.E., Eaton, S.E., Cotter, M.A., Tesfaye, S. Diabetologia (2001)
- New aspects in the pathogenesis of diabetic atherothrombosis. Moreno, P.R., Fuster, V. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. (2004)
- Germ line development in the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria: vasa as a marker. Chang, C.C., Dearden, P., Akam, M. Dev. Biol. (2002)
- RNA helicases: regulators of differentiation. Abdelhaleem, M. Clin. Biochem. (2005)
- The human VASA gene is specifically expressed in the germ cell lineage. Castrillon, D.H., Quade, B.J., Wang, T.Y., Quigley, C., Crum, C.P. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2000)
- Derivation of oocyte-like cells from a clonal pancreatic stem cell line. Danner, S., Kajahn, J., Geismann, C., Klink, E., Kruse, C. Mol. Hum. Reprod. (2007)
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- Increased accumulation of tissue ACE in human atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. Diet, F., Pratt, R.E., Berry, G.J., Momose, N., Gibbons, G.H., Dzau, V.J. Circulation (1996)
- Vasa vasorum in atherosclerotic coronary arteries: responses to vasoactive stimuli and regression of atherosclerosis. Williams, J.K., Armstrong, M.L., Heistad, D.D. Circ. Res. (1988)
- At physiological expression levels the Kidd blood group/urea transporter protein is not a water channel. Sidoux-Walter, F., Lucien, N., Olivès, B., Gobin, R., Rousselet, G., Kamsteeg, E.J., Ripoche, P., Deen, P.M., Cartron, J.P., Bailly, P. J. Biol. Chem. (1999)
- Bone morphogenetic proteins induce germ cell differentiation from human embryonic stem cells. Kee, K., Gonsalves, J.M., Clark, A.T., Pera, R.A. Stem Cells Dev. (2006)
- A novel cyclic peptide immunization strategy for preventing HIV-1/AIDS infection and progression. Misumi, S., Endo, M., Mukai, R., Tachibana, K., Umeda, M., Honda, T., Takamune, N., Shoji, S. J. Biol. Chem. (2003)
- Detection of Duffy antigen in the plasma membranes and caveolae of vascular endothelial and epithelial cells of nonerythroid organs. Chaudhuri, A., Nielsen, S., Elkjaer, M.L., Zbrzezna, V., Fang, F., Pogo, A.O. Blood (1997)