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Gene Review

Pdyn  -  prodynorphin

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Beta-neoendorphin-dynorphin, Preprodynorphin, Proenkephalin-B
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Disease relevance of Pdyn

  • Recombinant vaccinia virus vectors were used to coexpress proDyn and PC1 in rat PC12 pheochromocytoma and mouse AtT-20 corticotroph cells [1].
  • Expression of the prodynorphin gene after experimental brain injury and its role in behavioral dysfunction [2].
  • In a model of peripheral inflammation and hyperalgesia, an oligodeoxyribonucleotide probe complementary to a portion of preprodynorphin mRNA and antisera to dynorphin A-(1-8) were used to localize changes in dynorphin mRNA and peptide to individual spinal cord neurons [3].
  • Capsaicin had minimal effects on the behavioral hyperalgesia and edema associated with the hindpaw inflammation and on the constitutive expression of preprodynorphin (PPD) mRNA and preproenkephalin mRNA in the spinal cord [4].
  • These data provide compelling evidence of a causal role for striatal fosB induction in the development of l-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in the rat and of a positive regulation of prodynorphin gene expression by FosB-related transcription factors [5].

Psychiatry related information on Pdyn


High impact information on Pdyn


Chemical compound and disease context of Pdyn

  • The results demonstrated that CFA induced more intense hyperalgesia and up-expression of spinal PPD mRNA in ADX rats than in control rats, while both of these intensified reactions could be significantly suppressed by subcutaneous pretreatment with DEX [12].

Biological context of Pdyn


Anatomical context of Pdyn


Associations of Pdyn with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Pdyn


Co-localisations of Pdyn

  • Double in situ hybridization studies showed that striatal NGFI-B mRNA colocalized with a subset of preproenkephalin and prodynorphin positive spiny neurons within the dorsomedial striatum; 22--28% of all opiate-peptide positive cells co-expressed NGFI-B mRNA [21].

Regulatory relationships of Pdyn


Other interactions of Pdyn


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Pdyn


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