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Gene Review

ACVRL1  -  activin A receptor type II-like 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ACVRLK1, ALK-1, ALK1, Activin receptor-like kinase 1, HHT, ...
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Disease relevance of ACVRL1

  • In some families in whom a form of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension cosegregated with HHT, mutations in the ACVRL1 gene were present [1].
  • Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by arteriovenous malformations and resulting from mutations in two major genes: ENG and ACVRL1 [2].
  • Identification of 13 new mutations in the ACVRL1 gene in a group of 52 unselected Italian patients affected by hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia [3].
  • METHODS: The coding sequence (in 44 patients with AVMs and 27 with aneurysms) and the 5' end and the polyA site (in 53 patients with AVMs) of the ACVRL1 gene were analyzed for sequence variations using direct sequencing and single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis [4].
  • One ENG and three ACVRL1 gene polymorphisms were genotyped using restriction enzyme-based analysis in 101 patients with sporadic AVMs and DAVFs of the CNS, 79 patients treated for intracranial aneurysms, and 202 control volunteers [4].

Psychiatry related information on ACVRL1

  • In endothelial cells, TGF-beta binds to two distinct type I receptor serine-threonine kinases, ALK-5 and ALK-1; the latter activates the same R-Smads that are activated by BMP and induces synthesis of Id (inhibitor of differentiation or inhibitor of DNA binding) proteins [5].

High impact information on ACVRL1


Chemical compound and disease context of ACVRL1


Biological context of ACVRL1


Anatomical context of ACVRL1


Associations of ACVRL1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of ACVRL1

  • Their structural properties suggest that ALK-1 to -4 are receptors that may bind ligands that are members of the TGF-beta superfamily [19].
  • Using the two-hybrid system, we identified an ALK1-binding protein encoded by an ancient retroviral/retrotransposon element integrated as a single copy gene known as PEG10 on human chromosome 7q21 [23].
  • Interestingly, SKR-3 could interact with both CUL-1 and its close paralog CUL-6 [24].

Other interactions of ACVRL1

  • We report three mutations in the coding sequence of the ALK1 gene in those families which show linkage of the ORW phenotype to chromosome 12 [15].
  • In HUVEC, ALK-1 was not detectable in the TGF-beta1 or -beta3 receptor complexes [16].
  • TEK and ACVRL1 could essentially be excluded [25].
  • DNA from the proband of each family was sequenced for the ACVRL1, ENG, and MADH4 genes [26].
  • In COS-1 transfected cells, ALK-1 was found in the TGF-beta1 and -beta3 receptor complexes in association with endoglin and TbetaRII, but not in activin receptor complexes containing endoglin [16].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ACVRL1

  • However, in the absence of ligand, ALK-1 and endoglin interactions were observed by immunoprecipitation/western blot in HUVEC from normal as well as HHT1 and HHT2 patients [16].
  • We report here on the genetic and molecular heterogeneity found in the HHT population in the Netherlands. Probands of 104 apparently unrelated families were studied and we performed sequence analysis on both the ENG gene and ALK-1 gene [27].
  • To identify downstream genes implicated in ALK-1 cellular responses, we next performed a cDNA array analysis of the expressed genes [28].
  • We performed temperature gradient capillary electrophoresis and full gene sequencing of both ACVRL1 and ENG genes [29].
  • The high rate of detection of mutations by genomic sequencing of ALK-1 suggests that this will be a useful diagnostic test for HHT2, particularly where preliminary linkage to chromosome 12q13 can be established [30].


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