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Gene Review

ENG  -  endoglin

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CD105, END, Endoglin, HHT1, ORW1
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Disease relevance of ENG


Psychiatry related information on ENG


High impact information on ENG


Chemical compound and disease context of ENG


Biological context of ENG


Anatomical context of ENG

  • The TGFB signalling associated receptors ENG and ALK1 were co-expressed in 4 of the cell lines [20].
  • In the current study, umbilical cord and placenta samples from newborns with ENG mutations were analyzed to estimate the level of corresponding protein and look for potential vascular dysplasia [21].
  • Thus, blood vessels from HHT1 individuals are maintained intact in the umbilical vein and placenta during pregnancy and delivery, despite a significant reduction in endoglin expression [21].
  • We observed significantly lower values in the HHT1 group, compared to the non-HHT group for the umbilical vein (n=9; median 0.6 vs 0.9; ranges 0.2-1.0 and 0.5-1.5) and for placental stem villus vessels (n=9 and 10; median 0.42 vs 0.93; ranges 0.24-0.58 and 0.56-1.18) [21].
  • CD105 expression was intense and restricted to capillary endothelial cells in cancer lesions (>73%) [5].

Associations of ENG with chemical compounds

  • Endoglin (CD105) is a transmembrane glycoprotein that binds transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 and -beta3, and coprecipitates with the Ser/Thr kinase signaling receptor complex by affinity labeling of endothelial and leukemic cells [22].
  • CD4(+) T cells constitutively expressed CD105 in memory T cells and partially also in naive T cells; however, surface expression is regulated and is increased following TCR engagement, which induced serine/threonine phosphorylation of CD105 [23].
  • When analysing patient 700/01 and his affected daughter, we encountered a mutant ENG allele with two mutations--a deletion in exon 7 and a substitution in exon 12--which converts isoleucine 575 into threonine, in a non-conserved region [24].
  • Use of Implanon (etonogestrel subdermal implant, referred to herein as ENG implant) for up to 2 years had no clinically significant effects on laboratory parameters, physical and pelvic examinations, vital signs or body mass index [25].
  • Apoprotein A-I (Apo A-I) increased by 9% with ENA and by 11% with EED (p less than 0.05), but did not change significantly with ENG [26].

Regulatory relationships of ENG


Other interactions of ENG


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ENG


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