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Dairy Products

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Disease relevance of Dairy Products


Psychiatry related information on Dairy Products


High impact information on Dairy Products

  • Subjects in the Cholesterol Lowering Atherosclerosis Study in whom new lesions did not develop increased dietary protein to compensate for reduced intake of fat by substituting low-fat meats and dairy products for high-fat meats and dairy products [9].
  • Levels of PBB were highest in that part of the state where meat and dairy products had been most contaminated and were lowest in the upper peninsula, farthest from the source [10].
  • Therefore, C57Bl/6J(Min/+) mice with a truncated APC gene product were fed diets supplemented with ceramide, sphingomyelin, glucosylceramide, lactosylceramide, and ganglioside G(D3) (a composition similar in amount and type to that of dairy products) to determine whether tumorigenesis caused by this category of genetic defect is suppressed [11].
  • In this study, we examine the effects of the cis-9, trans-11 isomer of conjugated linoleic acid (c9, t11-CLA), a dietary PUFA found in meat and dairy products, on murine DC activation [12].
  • Early introduction of dairy products associated with increased risk of IDDM in Finnish children. The Childhood in Diabetes in Finland Study Group [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Dairy Products

  • BACKGROUND: High intakes of dairy products and of the milk sugar lactose have been hypothesized to increase ovarian cancer risk, but prospective data are scarce [1].
  • Nonetheless, a growing number of studies arising from around the world purport to show a link between fat, saturated fat and/or cholesterol or food groups containing relatively high amounts of these macronutrients (i.e. dairy products, eggs and/or red meat consumption) and lung cancer, and these recent studies add support to this hypothesis [14].
  • BACKGROUND: Milk is promoted as a healthy beverage for children, but some researchers believe that estrone and whey protein in dairy products may cause weight gain [15].
  • When the present method was applied to a fermented dairy product (Yakult), D-alanine, D-aspartic acid, D-glutamic acid and D-proline were positively detected along with their respective L-forms in addition to glycine [16].
  • Samples of meat and dairy products taken from the city of Rabat, Morocco, were examined for the presence of Escherichia coli O157 by the selective enrichment procedure followed by plating on cefixime-tellurite-sorbitol MacConkey agar and a latex agglutination test [17].

Biological context of Dairy Products

  • CONCLUSIONS: The protective effects of a long duration of breast-feeding and a late introduction of dairy products on the risk of IDDM remained significant after adjusting for the mother's education [18].
  • Consumption of dairy products containing fat was associated with an enhanced CCK response, which may have implications for the regulation of food intake [19].
  • Post-column catalytic hydrolysis combined with 4-aminobenzoic acid hydrazide derivatization is employed for the determination of both reducing and non-reducing carbohydrates in a variety of complex sample matrices such as dairy products, processed foods and tobaccos [20].
  • Data from national statistics and sample surveys in different areas of Italy show an increase in total calorie intake, in animal proteins, fats and dairy products and raised average serum cholesterol levels plus an increase in smoking prevalence but a possible decline in blood pressure levels [21].
  • It was concluded that these interactions may strongly influence vitamin D3 stability and, hence, bioavailability in processed dairy products [22].

Anatomical context of Dairy Products


Associations of Dairy Products with chemical compounds


Gene context of Dairy Products

  • AMACR is therefore significantly increased at the protein level in CaP cells, through what appears to be the stabilizing effect of the same fatty acids that are present at appreciable concentrations in beef and dairy products, which have been associated with CaP risk [33].
  • PC2 indicates a 'sweet- and fat-dominated' diet with a preference for sweets, added fat and dairy products but not meat, alcohol, bread and eggs [34].
  • The results suggest that young age at introduction of dairy products and high milk consumption during childhood increase the levels of cow's milk antibodies and that high IgA antibodies to cow's milk formula are independently associated with increased risk of IDDM [35].
  • This association has been attributed to an avoidance of calcium-containing dairy products by lactase-deficient subjects and/or an adverse affect of lactose malabsorption on calcium absorption [36].
  • Thus, exogenous betagalactosidases can eliminate lactose malabsorption in lactase-deficient individuals even in the presence of solid foods, allowing lactose intolerant persons to consume milk and dairy products without gastrointestinal discomfort [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dairy Products


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