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Waist-Hip Ratio

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Disease relevance of Waist-Hip Ratio


Psychiatry related information on Waist-Hip Ratio


High impact information on Waist-Hip Ratio


Chemical compound and disease context of Waist-Hip Ratio


Biological context of Waist-Hip Ratio


Anatomical context of Waist-Hip Ratio


Associations of Waist-Hip Ratio with chemical compounds

  • OBJECTIVE--To determine if individuals who are overall obese but have low waist-to-hip ratios have unfavorable lipid profiles, blood pressures, and glucose statuses [29].
  • After adjustment for potentially confounding covariates, there were no significant differences between estrogen users and nonusers in BMI at follow-up, change in weight or BMI between baseline and follow-up, or waist-hip ratio or fat mass at follow-up [30].
  • Multiple regression analyses indicated that percent body fat, waist to hip ratio, plasma insulin, gender and renal function (1/creatinine), but not insulin sensitivity, were significant and independent determinants of plasma leptin level [31].
  • In stepwise regression modeling waist-to-hip ratio was most significantly related to peak GH in response to GHRH + arginine in HIV-infected men [32].
  • Waist to hip ratio paralleled the change in daylight and temperature, with the highest values during the summer and was thus inversely related to the seasonal testosterone variation [33].

Gene context of Waist-Hip Ratio


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Waist-Hip Ratio


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