MeSH Review:
Facial Muscles
- MuSK antibody positive myasthenia gravis plasma modifies MURF-1 expression in C2C12 cultures and mouse muscle in vivo. Benveniste, O., Jacobson, L., Farrugia, M.E., Clover, L., Vincent, A. J. Neuroimmunol. (2005)
- Subregions of the caudate nucleus and their in- and output channels in oro-facial dyskinesia: a behavioural and retrograde tracing study in the cat. Spooren, W.P., Groenewegen, H.J., Cools, A.R. Brain Res. (1991)
- Repetitive nerve stimulation of facial muscles in MuSK antibody-positive myasthenia gravis. Oh, S.J., Hatanaka, Y., Hemmi, S., Young, A.M., Scheufele, M.L., Nations, S.P., Lu, L., Claussen, G.C., Wolfe, G.I. Muscle Nerve (2006)
- Life-threatening respiratory failure due to cranial dystonia after dental procedure in a patient with multiple system atrophy. Hamzei, F., Rijntjes, M., Gbadamosi, J., Fuchs, K., Weiller, C., Münchau, A. Mov. Disord. (2003)
- Dystonia as a presenting feature of the 3243 mitochondrial DNA mutation. Sudarsky, L., Plotkin, G.M., Logigian, E.L., Johns, D.R. Mov. Disord. (1999)
- Zebrafish as a model for caveolin-associated muscle disease; caveolin-3 is required for myofibril organization and muscle cell patterning. Nixon, S.J., Wegner, J., Ferguson, C., Méry, P.F., Hancock, J.F., Currie, P.D., Key, B., Westerfield, M., Parton, R.G. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2005)
- Facial expressions of emotion reveal neuroendocrine and cardiovascular stress responses. Lerner, J.S., Gonzalez, R.M., Dahl, R.E., Hariri, A.R., Taylor, S.E. Biol. Psychiatry (2005)
- Transgenic analysis of the atrialnatriuretic factor (ANF) promoter: Nkx2-5 and GATA-4 binding sites are required for atrial specific expression of ANF. Small, E.M., Krieg, P.A. Dev. Biol. (2003)
- Shortened cortical silent period in facial muscles of patients with cranial dystonia. Currà, A., Romaniello, A., Berardelli, A., Cruccu, G., Manfredi, M. Neurology (2000)
- Analysis of Mlc-lacZ Met mutants highlights the essential function of Met for migratory precursors of hypaxial muscles and reveals a role for Met in the development of hyoid arch-derived facial muscles. Prunotto, C., Crepaldi, T., Forni, P.E., Ieraci, A., Kelly, R.G., Tajbakhsh, S., Buckingham, M., Ponzetto, C. Dev. Dyn. (2004)
- Treating obstructive sleep apnea and snoring: assessment of an anterior mandibular positioning device. Clark, G.T., Sohn, J.W., Hong, C.N. Journal of the American Dental Association (1939) (2000)
- Difficulty does not account for emotion-specific heart rate changes in the directed facial action task. Levenson, R.W., Ekman, P. Psychophysiology. (2002)
- Expression profile of stress proteins, intermediate filaments, and adhesion molecules in experimentally denervated and reinnervated rat facial muscle. Tews, D.S., Goebel, H.H., Schneider, I., Gunkel, A., Stennert, E., Neiss, W.F. Exp. Neurol. (1997)
- Neuromuscular and cardiovascular effects of pancuronium bromide in calves anesthetized with halothane. Hildebrand, S.V., Howitt, G.A. Am. J. Vet. Res. (1984)
- The role of dimethylaminoethanol in cosmetic dermatology. Grossman, R. American journal of clinical dermatology. (2005)
- Monosynaptic innervation of facial motoneurones by neurones of the parvicellular reticular formation. Mogoseanu, D., Smith, A.D., Bolam, J.P. Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale. (1994)
- Topical papaverine and facial nerve dysfunction in cerebellopontine angle surgery. Eisenman, D.J., Digoy, G.P., Victor, J.D., Selesnick, S.H. The American journal of otology. (1999)
- The simultaneous use of electrocochleogram, brainstem auditory evoked potential and facial muscle EMG in cerebellopontine angle tumor removal. Hsu, J.C., Lui, T.N., Yu, C.L., Chen, Y.C., Chang, C.N., Tan, P.P. J. Formos. Med. Assoc. (1992)
- Testosterone-induced acceleration of recovery from facial paralysis following crush axotomy of the facial nerve in male hamsters. Kujawa, K.A., Kinderman, N.B., Jones, K.J. Exp. Neurol. (1989)
- Uncrossed cortico-muscular projections in humans are abundant to facial muscles of the upper and lower face, but may differ between sexes. Fischer, U., Hess, C.W., Rösler, K.M. J. Neurol. (2005)
- High frequency stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus improves treadmill locomotion in unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned rats. Chang, J.Y., Shi, L.H., Luo, F., Woodward, D.J. Brain Res. (2003)
- Neuromuscular and cardiovascular effects of atracurium administered to healthy horses anesthetized with halothane. Hildebrand, S.V., Arpin, D. Am. J. Vet. Res. (1988)
- Objective assessment of opioid action by facial muscle surface electromyography (SEMG). Edmonds, H.L., Couture, L.J., Paloheimo, M.P., Rigor, B.M. Prog. Neuropsychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiatry (1988)
- Control of facial muscle development by MyoR and capsulin. Lu, J.R., Bassel-Duby, R., Hawkins, A., Chang, P., Valdez, R., Wu, H., Gan, L., Shelton, J.M., Richardson, J.A., Olson, E.N. Science (2002)
- Monitoring of facial muscle motor evoked potentials during microvascular decompression for hemifacial spasm: evidence of changes in motor neuron excitability. Wilkinson, M.F., Kaufmann, A.M. J. Neurosurg. (2005)
- Ultrastructural study of chromatolytic neurons in an adult-onset sporadic case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Kusaka, H., Imai, T., Hashimoto, S., Yamamoto, T., Maya, K., Yamasaki, M. Acta Neuropathol. (1988)
- Central pontine myelinolysis. Levitt, R.O., Shenker, D.M. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. (1979)
- EMG findings of facial muscles in ALS. Sinan Bir, L., Acar, G., Kilinçer, A. Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. (2006)
- Comparative anatomy of the buccinator muscle in cat (Felis domestica). Tomo, S., Tomo, I., Nakajima, K., Townsend, G.C., Hirata, K. Anat. Rec. (2002)
- The face of pain--a pilot study to validate the measurement of facial pain expression with an improved electromyogram method. Wolf, K., Raedler, T., Henke, K., Kiefer, F., Mass, R., Quante, M., Wiedemann, K. Pain research & management : the journal of the Canadian Pain Society = journal de la société canadienne pour le traitement de la douleur. (2005)