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Facial Muscles

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Disease relevance of Facial Muscles


High impact information on Facial Muscles

  • During embryonic development, cav3 expression is apparent by early segmentation stages in the first differentiating muscle precursors, the adaxial cells and slightly later in the notochord. cav3 expression appears in the somites during mid-segmentation stages and then later in the pectoral fins and facial muscles [6].
  • METHODS: Ninety-two healthy adults engaged in stress-challenge tasks, during which cardiovascular responses, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis responses (i.e., cortisol), emotional expressions (i.e., facial muscle movements), and subjective emotional experience (self-reported) were assessed [7].
  • Surprisingly, mutation of these elements results in ectopic ANF promoter activity in the kidneys, facial muscles, and aortic arch artery-associated muscles, and causes persistent expression in the ventricle and outflow tract of the heart [8].
  • Shortened cortical silent period in facial muscles of patients with cranial dystonia [9].
  • Surprisingly, however, X-gal staining showed that, in this mutant, hyoid arch-derived facial muscles were either reduced or absent, thus revealing that Met also contributes to the development of muscles in the head [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Facial Muscles


Biological context of Facial Muscles

  • Boiten (1996) used the Directed Facial Action task (a task we developed in which participants follow instructions, based on theory about how emotion is expressed in the face, to move facial muscles deliberately to produce different facial configurations) to investigate heart rate differences among six emotional configurations [12].
  • Denervated rat facial muscle displayed distinct up-regulation of ubiquitin, alpha-B-crystallin, N-CAM, and tenascin [13].
  • There was an absence of heart rate or blood pressure changes after injection of relaxant and a variable and inconsistent fade response to train-of-four and tetanic stimulus of the facial muscles [14].
  • The role of acetylcholine and the role of DMAE as a modulator of acetylcholine-mediated functions in the skin remain to be elucidated.Thus, the benefits of DMAE in dermatology include a potential anti-inflammatory effect and a documented increase in skin firmness with possible improvement in underlying facial muscle tone [15].

Anatomical context of Facial Muscles


Associations of Facial Muscles with chemical compounds

  • Finally, the time course of the accelerative effect of TP suggests that the hormone is acting primarily at the level of the facial neuron, which contains androgen receptors, and perhaps secondarily at the level of the facial muscles, which are also known to contain androgen receptors [19].
  • To test this notion, we used focal transcranial magnetic brain stimulation to quantify crossed and uncrossed cortico-muscular projections to 6 different facial muscles (right and left Mm. frontalis, nasalis, and orbicularis oris) in 36 healthy right-handed volunteers (15 men, 21 women, mean age 25 years) [20].
  • The same HFS failed to evoke visible side effects such as stepping, turning, raising of the head or facial muscle contraction in the absence of treadmill movement, or to change rotational behaviors elicited by the dopamine (DA) agonist apomorphine in unilateral lesioned rats [21].
  • The facial muscles were less affected objectively by atracurium than was the hind limb [22].
  • 3. During periods of elevated facial muscle activity, fentanyl or butorphanol decreased SEMG amplitude [23].

Gene context of Facial Muscles


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Facial Muscles


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