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Gene Review

CD81  -  CD81 molecule

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: 26 kDa cell surface protein TAPA-1, CD81 antigen, CVID6, S5.7, TAPA-1, ...
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Disease relevance of CD81

  • Like CD81, several tetraspanins are involved in cell adhesion, motility, and metastasis, as well as cell activation and signal transduction [1].
  • HTLV-1 MA also interacted with the inner loop of CD81 [2].
  • To further characterize the major proteins present in a typical TM4SF protein complex, we raised monoclonal antibodies against proteins co-immunoprecipitated with CD81 from MDA-MB-435 breast cancer cells [3].
  • CD81 is required for hepatitis C virus glycoprotein-mediated viral infection [4].
  • CD81 is required for HIV-HCV pseudotype infection since (i) a monoclonal antibody specific for CD81 inhibited infection of susceptible target cells and (ii) silencing of CD81 expression in Huh-7.5 hepatoma cells by small interfering RNAs inhibited HIV-HCV pseudotype infection [4].

Psychiatry related information on CD81


High impact information on CD81


Chemical compound and disease context of CD81


Biological context of CD81


Anatomical context of CD81

  • Finally, anti-CD9 and anti-CD81 monoclonal antibodies triggered apoptotic degeneration of C2C12 cell myotubes after they were formed [15].
  • Ectopic expression of CD9 caused a four- to eightfold increase in RD cell syncytia formation, whereas anti-CD9 and anti-CD81 antibodies markedly delayed RD syncytia formation [15].
  • In summary, TM4SF proteins such as CD9 and CD81 appear to promote muscle cell fusion and support myotube maintenance [15].
  • Enhanced signaling is due in part to the ability of the CD19/CD21/CD81 complex to stabilize the BCR in sphingolipid- and cholesterol-rich membrane microdomains termed lipid rafts [16].
  • Transmembrane-4-superfamily proteins CD151 and CD81 associate with alpha 3 beta 1 integrin, and selectively contribute to alpha 3 beta 1-dependent neurite outgrowth [17].

Associations of CD81 with chemical compounds

  • Anti-alpha 4 integrin mAb also coprecipitated CD81 from the alpha 4 beta 7-positive B cell line RPMI 8866 [18].
  • We have examined the role of CD81 in HCV glycoprotein-dependent entry by using a recently developed retroviral pseudotyping system [4].
  • On mAb binding, CD38 translocates to the membrane lipid microdomains, as shown by a colocalization with the GM1 ganglioside and with CD81, a raft-resident protein [19].
  • We have generated a series of CD81 cysteine mutants to identify palmitoylated intracellular motifs of CD81, and reveal palmitoylation on the N- and C-terminal tails as well as the intracellular loop between transmembrane domains 2 and 3 [20].
  • Here, we show that CD81 clustering stimulates ERK/MAPKinase activity and tyrosine phosphorylation of the adapter protein Shc in Huh7 cancer cells [21].

Physical interactions of CD81

  • Here, we examine whether coligation of the B cell Ag receptor (BCR) with the complement (C3)-binding CD21/CD19/CD81 costimulatory complex can enhance the escape of human B cells from Fas-induced death [14].
  • CD9P-1 was also shown to form separate complexes with CD81 and with an unidentified 175-kDa molecule [22].
  • Hepatitis C virus (HCV) or HCV-low-density lipoprotein (LDL) complexes interact with the LDL receptor (LDLr) and the HCV envelope glycoprotein E2 interacts with CD81 in vitro [23].
  • Cross-linking CD81 is also shown to be costimulatory with signaling through the TCR/CD3 complex inducing interleukin 2-dependent thymocyte proliferation [24].

Co-localisations of CD81


Regulatory relationships of CD81


Other interactions of CD81

  • In nonstringent detergent, NAG-2 protein was co-immunoprecipitated with other TM4SF members (CD9 and CD81) and integrins (alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta1) [3].
  • Thus, association of HTLV-1 Gag with tetraspanin-enriched microdomains is mediated by the inner loops of CD81 and CD82 [2].
  • Also, cross-linking experiments established that alpha 3 beta 1/CD81, alpha 3 beta 1/CD9, and alpha 3 beta 1/CD63 associations occur on the surface of intact cells and suggested that a critical interaction site is located within extracellular domains [30].
  • The palmitoylation of CD9 did not influence the partition in detergent-resistant membranes but contributed to the interaction with CD81 and CD53 [31].
  • Here, we investigated whether altered CCR5 expression in hepatitis C results from interactions of CD81 with the HCV E2 protein [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CD81


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