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Gastric Fistula

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Disease relevance of Gastric Fistula


Psychiatry related information on Gastric Fistula


High impact information on Gastric Fistula


Chemical compound and disease context of Gastric Fistula


Biological context of Gastric Fistula

  • In additional studies, pretreatment with L-364,718 did not significantly reverse the inhibitory effects of a fatty acid salt (sodium oleate) upon gastric emptying in gastric fistula dogs [15].
  • Loss of circadian rhythm in luminal acidity of canine stomach by implantation of a gastric fistula [16].
  • The selective cholecystokinin (CCK)-B-receptor agonist and antagonist, BC 264 and L 365260, respectively, and the CCK-A-receptor antagonist, L 364718, were used to investigate the possible involvement of different classes of CCK receptors in the control of food intake induced by exogenous CCK octapeptide (CCK-8) in the cat with gastric fistula [17].

Anatomical context of Gastric Fistula


Gene context of Gastric Fistula

  • The actions of progressive doses of intraperitoneally (IP) administered somatostatin-14 (SS-14) and -28 (SS-28) on gastric secretion (acid, pepsin) and mucosal blood flow (MBF) were studied in conscious gastric fistula rats both under basal conditions and under additional administration of pentagastrin [23].
  • Intracerebroventricular injection of IL-1 beta (100 ng) decreased acid secretion in pylorus-ligated rats and inhibited basal and pentagastrin-stimulated acid secretion in rats with chronic gastric fistula [24].
  • 4. In fasted, antrally denervated rats with a gastric fistula, basal gastric acid secretion was depressed 3-fold, and plasma gastrin concentrations were similar to controls [25].
  • In this study we investigated the effect of intravenous PACAP on gastric acid secretion in conscious pylorus-ligated rats and in gastric fistula rats [26].
  • In order to further investigate this suppressive effect, somatostatin derivatives were injected to cats bearing a cannulated gastric fistula under pentagastrin stimulation [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Gastric Fistula

  • Finally, comparison of the acid secretory response to portal and systemic intravenous infusion of the extract in acute gastric fistula rats demonstrated significant inactivation by passage through the liver, in contrast to the results of similar studies of hog gastrin [28].
  • Intravenous injection of the CGRP receptor antagonist, CGRP(8-37) (128 nmol/kg) or the CGRP antibody #4901 (4.8 mg/kg, IV) completely prevented alpha-CGRP (3.9 nmol/kg/h)-induced inhibition of acid response to pentagastrin in urethane-anesthetized rats with gastric fistula [29].
  • The animals were equipped with a gastric fistula, fully innervated, and a Heidenhain pouch, vagally denervated, during a continuous perfusion of pentagastrin (PG) 2 microg/kg. h and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) 4 microg/kg. h [30].
  • The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of dopamine on gastric antral motility in conscious dogs with gastric fistula, using intraluminal strain-gauge transducers [31].
  • Tissue from the oxyntic gland area was obtained by introduction of an endoscope through a gastric fistula, and biopsies were taken before, after 4 weeks of oral administration of omeprazole and 1 month after withdrawal of the drug [32].


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