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Chemical Compound Review

Ketobutyrate     2-oxobutanoic acid

Synonyms: a-Oxobutyrate, a-Ketobutyrate, K401_ALDRICH, CHEMBL171246, ACMC-1AW4C, ...
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Disease relevance of oxobutyrate


High impact information on oxobutyrate


Chemical compound and disease context of oxobutyrate


Biological context of oxobutyrate


Anatomical context of oxobutyrate


Associations of oxobutyrate with other chemical compounds

  • Previous studies have proposed that some HI0719 homologues may act on small molecules in the isoleucine biosynthetic path and, if this is correct, the ligand screening results presented here suggest that the interaction most likely occurs with 2-ketobutyrate and/or its unstable enamine precursor [21].
  • We overcome this problem by preparing a protein using a 98% D2O cell culture medium containing 3-(13)C pyruvic acid, 50-60% deuterated at the 3-position, and 4-(13)C 2-ketobutyric acid, 98% and 62% deuterated at the 3- and 4-positions, respectively [22].
  • Inhibitory antibodies to BCODH and an inhibitor of PDH (3-fluoropyruvate) were used with mitochondrial extracts to determine the relative contribution of both complexes to oxidative decarboxylation of 2-oxobutyrate [16].
  • Importantly, much smaller effects were observed for the kinetic parameters of reactions with the alternate substrates L-vinylglycine (L-VG) (deamination to form alpha-ketobutyrate and ammonia) and L-alanine (transamination to form pyruvate), which have uncharged side chains [23].
  • Alternatively, in the threonine dehydratase pathway, the 1-carbon ends up in alpha-ketobutyrate, which is oxidized in the mitochondria to CO(2) [24].

Gene context of oxobutyrate


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of oxobutyrate


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