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Chemical Compound Review

ANGIOTENSINAMIDE     2-[[1-[2-[[2-[[2-[[2-[[2-[(2- amino-3...

Synonyms: Ipertensina, Hypertensine, NSC-107678, AC1L1LCU, LS-15802, ...
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Disease relevance of Angiotensin amide


High impact information on Angiotensin amide


Chemical compound and disease context of Angiotensin amide


Biological context of Angiotensin amide


Anatomical context of Angiotensin amide


Associations of Angiotensin amide with other chemical compounds

  • These data suggest that O2 induced impairment in activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme at the endothelial membrane level has functionally significant effects on cardiovascular homeostasis, probably via reduced generation of endogenous AII [24].
  • Furthermore, the effect of a non-specific COX inhibitor (sulpyrine), a COX-2-specific inhibitor (NS398), and an Ang receptor antagonist (CS866) on renal function and renal PG contents were evaluated [25].
  • Systolic BP (SBP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were significantly lower in spirapril-treated rats, and the dose-response curve to ANGI was shifted to the right.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)[26]
  • BK perfusion prevented this deterioration in a concentration-dependent manner, whereas the Ang II receptor antagonist saralasin was only marginally effective [4].
  • 3. Atrial natriuretic peptide caused a dose-dependent increase in FBF both before and after L-NMMA and significantly reduced the plasma concentration of angiotensin (Ang) II [27].

Gene context of Angiotensin amide

  • The combined effects of the elevations in circulating ET-1 and Ang II, as well as the associated ROS production, may contribute to the development of hypertension induced by chronic ET-1 infusion [28].
  • Angiotensin II is a central neurotransmitter acting through AT1 and AT2 receptors [29].
  • The final shaping of AngII signaling depends on cross-talk between nNOS and AngII receptors at both molecular and protein levels [18].
  • Interactions between AT1 and AT2 receptors in uterine arteries from pregnant ewes [30].
  • Furthermore, intrarenal COX isoforms may play differential roles, with COX-1 participating in modulation of renal hemodynamics, and COX-2 contributing to sodium excretion and Ang II formation [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Angiotensin amide


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