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Chemical Compound Review

2-Chloroadenosine     (2R,3R,4S,5R)-2-(6-amino-2- chloro-purin-9...

Synonyms: CADO, Cl-Ado, PubChem14159, CHEMBL285819, AG-J-02621, ...
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Disease relevance of 2 Chloroadenosine


Psychiatry related information on 2 Chloroadenosine

  • We found that incubation of the ileum with adenosine, or with the more potent derivative, 2-chloroadenosine, induced a novel form of drug dependence, made manifest by withdrawal of inducing drug, but not by antagonists of opiates or clonidine [6].
  • In conclusion, 2-chloroadenosine not only acts as an anticonvulsant against electrically induced kindled seizures as described here, and against audiogenic seizures, electroshock and a variety of chemical convulsants as described by others, it prevents the development of the epileptic state by kindling-stimulation, i.e., it is antiepileptogenic [7].
  • Moreover, the influence of the adenosine antagonist on 2-chloroadenosine (1 mg/kg, 20 min prior to the test)- and valproate (250 mg/kg, 30 min)-induced inhibitions of locomotor activity was also studied [8].

High impact information on 2 Chloroadenosine


Chemical compound and disease context of 2 Chloroadenosine


Biological context of 2 Chloroadenosine


Anatomical context of 2 Chloroadenosine

  • Depletion of macrophages from the adherent cells by 2-chloroadenosine or silica abrogated the production of this cytotoxic activity, whereas treatment of the adherent cells with anti-Thy-1.2 antibody and complement did not [23].
  • In the present study, we attempted to utilize anti-asialo-GM1 antibody and 2-chloroadenosine, agents that kill natural killer (NK) cells and macrophages, respectively, to determine the relative contribution of each effector cell type to the overall host defense [1].
  • Compounds like 2-chloroadenosine and carbocyclic adenosine are extremely efficient inactivators of the isolated enzyme, but these nucleosides exerted only a limited effect on the enzyme in intact hepatocytes [24].
  • Treatment of Caco-2 cells with 2ClAdo prevented ST-induced increases in [cGMP]i, chloride current and water secretion [25].
  • We investigated the ability of adenosine and its stable analogue 2-chloroadenosine (CADO) to inhibit cytokine production and cytotoxic activity of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells and determined whether both these effects are initiated via a common pathway [26].

Associations of 2 Chloroadenosine with other chemical compounds


Gene context of 2 Chloroadenosine


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of 2 Chloroadenosine


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