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Gene Review

Adora1  -  adenosine A1 receptor

Mus musculus

Synonyms: A1-AR, A1AR, A1R, AA1R, AI848715, ...
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Disease relevance of Adora1


Psychiatry related information on Adora1


High impact information on Adora1


Chemical compound and disease context of Adora1


Biological context of Adora1


Anatomical context of Adora1


Associations of Adora1 with chemical compounds

  • A1R activation with 2-chloro-N6-cyclopentyladenosine (CCPA) resulted in a 27% reduction in contractile response to the beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol (ISO) [24].
  • Pre-treatment with a selective A1AR agonist (50 nM CHA) failed to modify coronary dysfunction, whereas A1AR antagonism (200 nM DPCPX) worsened the effects of I/R (2-chloroadenosine pEC50=6.9+/-0.1) [25].
  • Thus, the inducible A1-AR transgenic mouse model provides novel insights into the role of adenosine signaling in heart failure and illustrates the potentially deleterious consequences of selective versus nonselective activation of adenosine-signaling pathways in the heart [2].
  • To evaluate the temporal relationship between AR signaling and cardiac remodeling, we studied the effects of controlled overexpression of the A1-AR using a cardiac-specific and tetracycline-transactivating factor-regulated promoter [2].
  • The stimulatory response to R-PIA was attenuated following blockade of ARs by 0.5 mM theophylline and 10 microM BW-A1433, but not by blockade of the A1AR with 100 nM xanthine amine congener [26].

Regulatory relationships of Adora1


Other interactions of Adora1

  • This study investigated the A1R and A2AR function in beta-adrenergic-stimulated, isolated wild-type and A2AR knockout murine hearts [24].
  • Despite the approximate doubling of distal fluid and Cl delivery, AQP1/A1AR-/- mice have a normal salt excretion, normal arterial blood pressure, and only a small increase in plasma renin concentration [18].
  • Allopurinol attenuated both the increase in A1AR expression and NF-kappaB activation produced by osmotic diuretics, indicating a role of adenosine metabolites in these processes [19].
  • In Ltk cells stably expressing A1 adenosine receptors and D1A dopamine receptors, pre-treatment of cells with R(-)-PIA, a full A1 receptor agonist, did not significantly inhibit the acute increase in cAMP levels induced by D1 receptor agonists, but blocked desensitization of D1A receptors [28].
  • This indicates that A1 receptor activation non-competitively inhibits effector mechanisms activated by beta-adrenoceptors (e.g. adenylate cyclase) and/or A1 receptors activate unrelated but opposing mechanisms [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Adora1

  • In anesthetized wild-type (A1AR+/+) and A1AR-deficient mice (A1AR-/-), glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal blood flow (RBF) were determined before and after reducing renal perfusion pressure through a suprarenal aortic clamp [30].
  • These findings were corroborated by Northern blot analysis which revealed A1-receptor mRNA to be exclusively expressed in the mature adipocytes, whereas A2-receptor mRNA gradually declined during the differentiation process except in 16-day post-confluent cells [31].
  • Male homozygous A1R KO mice, wild-type (WT) mice, and heterozygotes (HET) from a mixed 129/C57BL background were implanted during anesthesia with electrodes for electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) [32].
  • In vivo micropuncture experiments were performed under anesthesia in A1AR-deficient and wild-type littermate mice to study the effects of chronic absence of A1AR on fluid and Na(+) reabsorption along the nephron, as well as the functional consequences at the single-nephron level of the lack TGF [33].
  • In vivo, the induction of arterial hypertension by either acute (single subcutaneous injection) or chronic (osmotic minipump for 72 hours) application of phenylephrine significantly reduced plasma renin concentration (PRC) in wild-type mice to approximately 40% of control, whereas it did not significantly affect PRC in A1AR(-/-) mice [34].


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