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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

Thiophos     diethoxy-(4-nitrophenoxy)- sulfanylidene...

Synonyms: Aphamite, Foliclal, Fosferno, Paradust, Thiofos, ...
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Disease relevance of parathion

  • Here, we demonstrate that galantamine, a reversible and centrally acting AChE inhibitor approved for treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, protects guinea pigs from the acute toxicity of lethal doses of the nerve agents soman and sarin, and of paraoxon, the active metabolite of the insecticide parathion [1].
  • Polyneuropathy and exposure to parathion [2].
  • Phosphotriesterase, as isolated from Pseudomonas diminuta, is capable of detoxifying widely used pesticides such as paraoxon and parathion and various mammalian acetylcholinesterase inhibitors [3].
  • Parathion hydrolase specified by the Flavobacterium opd gene: relationship between the gene and protein [4].
  • Purification and characterization of a secreted recombinant phosphotriesterase (parathion hydrolase) from Streptomyces lividans [5].

Psychiatry related information on parathion

  • Preweanling rat pups were exposed daily to parathion (1.3 mg/kg or 1.9 mg/kg) or vehicle (corn oil) on postnatal days 5-20, a time period critical to development of behavioral and biochemical parameters of the cholinergic nervous system [6].
  • However, no single measure was the most sensitive across all compounds; for example, the lowest dose of fenthion decreased motor activity by 86% but did not alter the tail-pinch response, whereas the lowest dose of parathion did not lower activity but did decrease the tail-pinch response [7].
  • Water deprivation and food restriction on toxicity of parathion and paraoxon [8].
  • Feeding behavior was inhibited most by exposure to DEF, 2,4-DMA, and methyl parathion [9].
  • Similarly, after administration of several dose levels of parathion in the rat, durations of phases of the maximal electroshock seizure (MES) pattern were altered to the greatest extent 4 hours later, but effects disappeared at 24 hours [10].

High impact information on parathion

  • A genetic polymorphism of paraoxonase (PON) activity which determines high versus low paraoxon hydrolysis in human populations, may determine sensitivity to parathion poisoning [11].
  • Studies indicated that potent, reversible inhibition by ACVTP and the next required deoxynucleoside 5'-triphosphate also occurred when poly(dC)-oligo(dG) or activated calf thymus DNA were used as the template-primer [12].
  • Reduction of the pyridoxal-5'-P enzyme complex in the presence or absence of a deoxynucleoside 5'-triphosphate showed that the alpha subunit possesses five reactive amino groups, one of which is essential for catalytic activity; the beta subunit has three reactive amino groups which are not involved in the deoxynucleoside binding site [13].
  • The complex Rh(cod)(sulfos) (Rh(I); sulfos = (-)O(3)S(C(6)H(4))CH(2)C(CH(2)PPh(2))(3); cod = cycloocta-1,5-diene), either free or supported on silica, does not catalyze the hydrogenation of benzene in either homogeneous or heterogeneous phase [14].
  • Reports of methyl parathion intoxication, usually seen only in field pesticide applicators, have increased throughout the United States as a result of unauthorized application of methyl parathion inside homes [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of parathion


Biological context of parathion


Anatomical context of parathion

  • A similar alteration in the heme moiety of cytochrome P-450 is believed to be responsible, in part, for the loss of monooxygenase activity and cytochrome P-450 seen on incubation of parathion and other thiono-sulfur-containing compounds with hepatic microsomes or a reconstituted cytochrome P-450-containing monooxygenase system [25].
  • Although the incubation of parathion (50 microM) with rat liver microsomes for 10 min led to a 16% decrease in P450 estimated spectrophotometrically, immunoblot analysis revealed no change in the microsomal content of P450 2C11 apoprotein [26].
  • The sizes of cellular deoxynucleoside 5'-triphosphate pools in relation to sensitivity to electron irradiation using sensitive and resistant cell lines [27].
  • Mice were pretreated s.c. with either parathion [a mixed plasma and red blood cell cholinesterase (RBCCh) inhibitor], tetraisopropyl pyrophosphoramide (a selective PCh inhibitor) or placebo, and cholinesterase activity was determined at 24 hr [28].
  • In the present study, human bone marrow cells were exposed in vitro to paraoxon and malaoxon (the primary metabolites of parathion and malathion) [29].

Associations of parathion with other chemical compounds


Gene context of parathion


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of parathion


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