Gene Review:
Il12a - interleukin 12a
Mus musculus
CLMF p35, Cytotoxic lymphocyte maturation factor 35 kDa subunit, IL-12 subunit p35, IL-12A, IL-12p35, ...
- IL-23 provides a limited mechanism of resistance to acute toxoplasmosis in the absence of IL-12. Lieberman, L.A., Cardillo, F., Owyang, A.M., Rennick, D.M., Cua, D.J., Kastelein, R.A., Hunter, C.A. J. Immunol. (2004)
- Mice lacking bioactive IL-12 can generate protective, antigen-specific cellular responses to mycobacterial infection only if the IL-12 p40 subunit is present. Cooper, A.M., Kipnis, A., Turner, J., Magram, J., Ferrante, J., Orme, I.M. J. Immunol. (2002)
- IL-12p35-deficient mice are susceptible to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: evidence for redundancy in the IL-12 system in the induction of central nervous system autoimmune demyelination. Gran, B., Zhang, G.X., Yu, S., Li, J., Chen, X.H., Ventura, E.S., Kamoun, M., Rostami, A. J. Immunol. (2002)
- A profibrotic function of IL-12p40 in experimental pulmonary fibrosis. Huaux, F., Arras, M., Tomasi, D., Barbarin, V., Delos, M., Coutelier, J.P., Vink, A., Phan, S.H., Renauld, J.C., Lison, D. J. Immunol. (2002)
- IL-12 protects against coxsackievirus B3-induced myocarditis by increasing IFN-gamma and macrophage and neutrophil populations in the heart. Fairweather, D., Frisancho-Kiss, S., Yusung, S.A., Barrett, M.A., Davis, S.E., Steele, R.A., Gatewood, S.J., Rose, N.R. J. Immunol. (2005)
- Role of heat-shock factor 2 in cerebral cortex formation and as a regulator of p35 expression. Chang, Y., Ostling, P., Akerfelt, M., Trouillet, D., Rallu, M., Gitton, Y., El Fatimy, R., Fardeau, V., Le Crom, S., Morange, M., Sistonen, L., Mezger, V. Genes Dev. (2006)
- A c-Rel subdomain responsible for enhanced DNA-binding affinity and selective gene activation. Sanjabi, S., Williams, K.J., Saccani, S., Zhou, L., Hoffmann, A., Ghosh, G., Gerondakis, S., Natoli, G., Smale, S.T. Genes Dev. (2005)
- Transcriptional suppression of interleukin-12 gene expression following phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. Kim, S., Elkon, K.B., Ma, X. Immunity (2004)
- Identification and characterization of a novel OCA-B isoform. implications for a role in B cell signaling pathways. Yu, X., Wang, L., Luo, Y., Roeder, R.G. Immunity (2001)
- CD40 triggering of heterodimeric IL-12 p70 production by dendritic cells in vivo requires a microbial priming signal. Schulz, O., Edwards, A.D., Schito, M., Aliberti, J., Manickasingham, S., Sher, A., Reis e Sousa, C. Immunity (2000)
- IL-12p35 deficiency alleviates kainic acid-induced hippocampal neurodegeneration in C57BL/6 mice. Chen, Z., Duan, R.S., Q, H.C., Wu, Q., Mix, E., Winblad, B., Ljunggren, H.G., Zhu, J. Neurobiol. Dis. (2004)
- Differential expression of mRNA encoding interleukin-12 p35 and p40 subunits in situ. Bette, M., Jin, S.C., Germann, T., Schäfer, M.K., Weihe, E., Rüde, E., Fleischer, B. Eur. J. Immunol. (1994)
- Caspase-dependent immunogenicity of doxorubicin-induced tumor cell death. Casares, N., Pequignot, M.O., Tesniere, A., Ghiringhelli, F., Roux, S., Chaput, N., Schmitt, E., Hamai, A., Hervas-Stubbs, S., Obeid, M., Coutant, F., Métivier, D., Pichard, E., Aucouturier, P., Pierron, G., Garrido, C., Zitvogel, L., Kroemer, G. J. Exp. Med. (2005)
- Genetic mapping of the IL-12 alpha chain gene (Il12a) on mouse chromosome 3. Schweitzer, P.A., Noben-Trauth, N., Pelsue, S.C., Johnson, K.R., Wolf, S.F., Shultz, L.D. Mamm. Genome (1996)
- Role of IFN regulatory factor-1 and IL-12 in immunological resistance to pathogenesis of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced T lymphoma. Liu, J., Xiang, Z., Ma, X. J. Immunol. (2004)
- Suppression of cyclophosphamide induced diabetes development and pancreatic Th1 reactivity in NOD mice treated with the interleukin (IL)-12 antagonist IL-12(p40)2. Rothe, H., O'Hara, R.M., Martin, S., Kolb, H. Diabetologia (1997)
- Differential regulation of interleukin (IL)-12 p35 and p40 gene expression and interferon (IFN)-gamma-primed IL-12 production by IFN regulatory factor 1. Liu, J., Cao, S., Herman, L.M., Ma, X. J. Exp. Med. (2003)
- Cytokine production by mouse myeloid dendritic cells in relation to differentiation and terminal maturation induced by lipopolysaccharide or CD40 ligation. Morelli, A.E., Zahorchak, A.F., Larregina, A.T., Colvin, B.L., Logar, A.J., Takayama, T., Falo, L.D., Thomson, A.W. Blood (2001)
- Experimental autoimmune encephalitis and inflammation in the absence of interleukin-12. Becher, B., Durell, B.G., Noelle, R.J. J. Clin. Invest. (2002)
- IL-12 production by central nervous system microglia is inhibited by astrocytes. Aloisi, F., Penna, G., Cerase, J., Menéndez Iglesias, B., Adorini, L. J. Immunol. (1997)
- Differential regulation of interleukin-12 p40 and p35 induction via Erk mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent and -independent mechanisms and the implications for bioactive IL-12 and IL-23 responses. Goodridge, H.S., Harnett, W., Liew, F.Y., Harnett, M.M. Immunology (2003)
- Spermine differentially regulates the production of interleukin-12 p40 and interleukin-10 and suppresses the release of the T helper 1 cytokine interferon-gamma. Haskó, G., Kuhel, D.G., Marton, A., Nemeth, Z.H., Deitch, E.A., Szabó, C. Shock (2000)
- Analysis of interleukin 12 protein production and mRNA expression in mice exposed topically to chemical allergens. Warbrick, E.V., Dearman, R.J., Basketter, D.A., Kimber, I. Toxicology (1999)
- Hydrogen peroxide increases interleukin-12 p40/p70 molecular ratio and induces Th2-predominant responses in mice. Obata, F., Hoshino, A., Toyama, A. Scand. J. Immunol. (2006)
- Endotoxin fails to induce IFN-gamma in endotoxin-tolerant mice: deficiencies in both IL-12 heterodimer production and IL-12 responsiveness. Balkhy, H.H., Heinzel, F.P. J. Immunol. (1999)
- Interleukin-4 can be a key positive regulator of inflammatory arthritis. Ohmura, K., Nguyen, L.T., Locksley, R.M., Mathis, D., Benoist, C. Arthritis Rheum. (2005)
- IL-12 is dysregulated in macrophages from IRF-1 and IRF-2 knockout mice. Salkowski, C.A., Kopydlowski, K., Blanco, J., Cody, M.J., McNally, R., Vogel, S.N. J. Immunol. (1999)
- Acute cysticercosis favours rapid and more severe lesions caused by Leishmania major and Leishmania mexicana infection, a role for alternatively activated macrophages. Rodríguez-Sosa, M., Rivera-Montoya, I., Espinoza, A., Romero-Grijalva, M., López-Flores, R., González, J., Terrazas, L.I. Cell. Immunol. (2006)
- Contrasting roles of IL-12p40 and IL-12p35 in the development of hapten-induced colitis. Camoglio, L., Juffermans, N.P., Peppelenbosch, M., te Velde, A.A., ten Kate, F.J., van Deventer, S.J., Kopf, M. Eur. J. Immunol. (2002)
- Divergent pro- and antiinflammatory roles for IL-23 and IL-12 in joint autoimmune inflammation. Murphy, C.A., Langrish, C.L., Chen, Y., Blumenschein, W., McClanahan, T., Kastelein, R.A., Sedgwick, J.D., Cua, D.J. J. Exp. Med. (2003)
- Intradermal delivery of IL-12 naked DNA induces systemic NK cell activation and Th1 response in vivo that is independent of endogenous IL-12 production. Watanabe, M., Fenton, R.G., Wigginton, J.M., McCormick, K.L., Volker, K.M., Fogler, W.E., Roessler, P.G., Wiltrout, R.H. J. Immunol. (1999)
- Up-regulation of tubular epithelial interleukin-12 in autoimmune MRL-Fas(lpr) mice with renal injury. Fan, X., Oertli, B., Wüthrich, R.P. Kidney Int. (1997)