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Gene Review

Ptpn2  -  protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AI325124, MPTP, Protein-tyrosine phosphatase PTP-2, Ptpt, TC-PTP, ...
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Disease relevance of Ptpn2


Psychiatry related information on Ptpn2


High impact information on Ptpn2


Chemical compound and disease context of Ptpn2


Biological context of Ptpn2


Anatomical context of Ptpn2

  • The T cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TC-PTP) is one of the most abundant mammalian tyrosine phosphatases in hematopoietic cells; however, its role in hematopoietic cell function remains unknown [1].
  • BM transplantation experiments showed that hematopoietic failure in TC-PTP -/- animals was not due to a stem cell defect, but rather to a stromal cell deficiency [1].
  • Moreover, hyperosmotic stress did not induce the cytoplasmic accumulation of a green fluorescent protein-TC45 fusion protein that was too large to diffuse across the nuclear pore [19].
  • In this study we have examined the intracellular distribution of TC-PTP in a glial cell line (C6) [20].
  • High levels of detergent-soluble tyrosine phosphatase were measured in the particular fraction of pancreatic islets with a substrate preferred by PTP1B/TCPTP-type protein tyrosine phosphatases [21].

Associations of Ptpn2 with chemical compounds

  • In summary, our findings identify TC-PTP as a previously unrecognized negative regulator of PDGF beta receptor signaling and support the general notion that PTPs display site selectivity in their action on tyrosine kinase receptors [17].
  • The hyperosmotic stress-induced nuclear exit of TC45 was not inhibited by leptomycin B, indicating that TC45 nuclear exit was independent of the exportin CRM-1 [19].
  • Differential intracellular compartmentalization of phosphotyrosine phosphatases in a glial cell line: TC-PTP versus PTP-1B [20].
  • MPTP, a neurotoxin that inhibits mitochondrial complex I, is a prototype for an environmental cause of PD because it produces a pattern of DA neurodegeneration that closely resembles the neuropathology of PD [22].
  • In vitro TGF-beta protects neurons from damage induced by treatment with beta-amyloid peptide, FeSO4 (induces production of reactive oxygen species), Ca2+ ionophores, glutamate, glutamate receptor agonists and MPTP (toxic for dopaminergic neurons) [23].

Enzymatic interactions of Ptpn2


Regulatory relationships of Ptpn2


Other interactions of Ptpn2

  • In order to test whether these two phosphatases can act synergistically, hydrodynamic injection was applied to deliver small interfering RNA (siRNA) of PTP1B and/or TCPTP to mouse liver [18].
  • The number of CSF-1-dependent CFU is increased in Tcptp-/- bone marrow [24].
  • Furthermore, we have identified the CSF-1 receptor (CSF-1R) as a physiological target of Tcptp through substrate-trapping experiments and its hyperphosphorylation in Tcptp-/- macrophages [24].
  • RESULTS: We have identified two members of the Janus family of tyrosine kinases (JAKs), JAK1 and JAK3, as bona fide substrates of TCPTP [25].
  • Inherent substrate specificity in the TCPTP-JAK interaction is demonstrated by the inability of other closely related PTP family members to form an in vivo interaction with the JAKs in hematopoietic cells [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ptpn2

  • In situ hybridization of brain samples revealed that MPTP delta mRNA is present in the hippocampus, thalamic reticular nucleus, and piriform cortex, where some Src family PTKs have been also demonstrated to exist [26].
  • Analysis by confocal microscopy revealed that, in TC-PTP ko MEFs, activated PDGF beta-receptors colocalized with Rab4a, a marker for rapid recycling [27].
  • Recent evidence for the involvement of sgk1 in the early pathogenesis of MPTP-induced Parkinson's disease (PD) prompted us to investigate in more detail its expression and role in animal models of different neurodegenerative diseases [28].
  • In the presence of 7-NI, a dose of 40 mg/kg MPTP produced MPP concentrations similar to those measured after treatment with 20 mg/kg MPTP alone [29].
  • After oral administration in MPTP-treated mice, V-10,367 completely protected against MPTP-induced loss of striatal TH+ axonal density, while FK506 did not [30].


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