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Gene Review

EP300  -  E1A binding protein p300

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: E1A-associated protein p300, Histone acetyltransferase p300, KAT3B, P300, RSTS2, ...
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Disease relevance of EP300


Psychiatry related information on EP300

  • A metric for thought: a comparison of P300 latency and reaction time [5].
  • Abnormal P300 test results were also found in 78% of the clinically nonencephalopathic cirrhotics, while psychometric tests showed abnormalities in only 41% [6].
  • The psychomotor retardation item of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, the initiation/perseveration subscore of the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale, and the latency of the P300 auditory evoked potential were used as indices of prefrontal dysfunction [7].
  • Auditory P300 in borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia [8].
  • The patients with BPD were found to differ from patients with nonborderline personality disorders, having a longer P3 latency and smaller P3 amplitude [8].

High impact information on EP300

  • EP300 acetylation of TP53 in response to DNA damage regulates its DNA-binding and transcription functions [9].
  • The EP300 protein is a histone acetyltransferase that regulates transcription via chromatin remodelling and is important in the processes of cell proliferation and differentiation [9].
  • A role for EP300 in cancer has been implied by the fact that it is targeted by viral oncoproteins, it is fused to MLL in Leukaemia and two missense sequence alterations in EP300 were identified in epithelial malignancies [9].
  • Role of CBP/P300 in nuclear receptor signalling [10].
  • Task-relevant late positive component of the auditory event-related potential in monkeys resembles P300 in humans [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of EP300


Biological context of EP300


Anatomical context of EP300

  • Analysis of genetic stability at the EP300 and CREBBP loci in a panel of cancer cell lines [17].
  • Absence of p300 induces cellular phenotypic changes characteristic of epithelial to mesenchyme transition [22].
  • This P300 asymmetry suggests left temporal lobe dysfunction at the onset of schizophrenia [23].
  • In healthy subjects, NoGo P300 was related to activations in the anterior cingulate cortex, dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex, and right inferior parietal lobule and caudate nucleus, perhaps reflecting conflict experienced when withholding a response, control needed to inhibit a response, and stopping a response in action, respectively [24].
  • MEASUREMENTS: Middle cerebral artery velocity (V MCA), counter-regulatory hormone levels, hypoglycemic symptoms, and cognitive function (P300 evoked potentials) [12].

Associations of EP300 with chemical compounds

  • When xenografted, p300(-) cells are more sensitive to chemotherapy with doxorubicin [19].
  • The role of CBP/P300 in the transcriptional response to cyclic AMP, phorbol esters, serum, the lipophilic hormones and as the target of the E1A oncoprotein suggests they may serve as integrators of extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways [10].
  • The assay combines the spatial resolving power of laser scanning confocal microscopy with simple statistical analyses to characterize CREB binding protein (CBP)- and P300-induced changes in global histone acetylation levels at specific lysine residues [25].
  • In contrast, a greater decrement in plasma glucose concentration from 87 +/- 3 to 72 +/- 1 mg/dl for 120 min caused an increase in the latency of the P300 wave (from 301 +/- 12 to 348 +/- 20 ms, P less than 0.01), a subsequent increase in all counterregulatory hormones but no hypoglycemic symptoms [26].
  • Significant inverse correlations were found between the P300 latencies and measures of quantitative liver function such as galactose-elimination capacity and aminopyrine breath test [6].

Physical interactions of EP300

  • The adenovirus E1A-associated protein p300 is a transcriptional cofactor that interacts with YY1 and mediates the relief of YY1 transcriptional repression by E1A [27].
  • CREB-2 and ATF-2 bound to CRE serve as an anchor for P300 interaction with upstream transactivators and downstream transcription machinery [28].

Regulatory relationships of EP300


Other interactions of EP300


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of EP300


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