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Gene Review

FPR1  -  formyl peptide receptor 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: FMLP, FPR, N-formyl peptide receptor, N-formylpeptide chemoattractant receptor, fMLP receptor, ...
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Disease relevance of FPR1


Psychiatry related information on FPR1

  • Human formyl peptide receptor (FPR)-like 1 (FPRL1) and its mouse homologue mFPR2 are functional receptors for a variety of exogenous and host-derived chemotactic peptides, including amyloid beta 1-42 (Abeta(42)), a pathogenic factor in Alzheimer's disease [6].
  • The degranulation response of human neutrophils to the calcium ionophore A23187, serum opsonized zymosan (ZC), aggregated gamma-globulin (A gamma G), C5a, formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP), and PMA has been studied as a reaction time course in order to compare the release kinetics of the separate granule types [7].
  • During daytime sleep the % FPR was significantly smaller in SWS than in stage 2 or REM sleep [8].

High impact information on FPR1


Chemical compound and disease context of FPR1

  • Treatment of endometrial adenocarcinoma explants with PGF(2 alpha) resulted in mobilization of inositol phosphate signaling, indicating functional FP receptor expression [13].
  • Of the latter compounds, compound 14 (1,3-benzodioxolane-5-carboxylic acid 4'-benzyloxy-3'-methoxybenzylidene-hydrazide) activated neutrophils at nanomolar concentrations, and Ca(2+) mobilization was inhibited by pertussis toxin and N-t-butoxycarbonyl-Phe-Leu-Phe-Leu-Phe (Boc-2), an antagonist of formyl peptide receptors (FPR/FPRL1) [14].
  • We investigated a role for PGF2alpha-FP receptor interaction in modulating COX-2 expression and PGF2alpha biosynthesis using an endometrial adenocarcinoma cell line stably transfected with the FP receptor cDNA (FPS cells) [15].
  • Platelet chemotaxis to formyl peptides was blocked with FPR-specific antibody as well as by pertussis toxin inhibition of the formyl peptide G-coupled receptor [16].
  • An FKBP-rapamycin complex is concluded to be the toxic agent because (i) strains that lack FKBP proline rotamase, encoded by FPR1, were viable and fully resistant to rapamycin and (ii) FK506 antagonized rapamycin toxicity in vivo [10].

Biological context of FPR1

  • The high-affinity fMLP receptor (FPR1) of phagocytic cells interacts with bacterial fMLP and mediates chemotaxis, degranulation, and superoxide production [1].
  • To evaluate the generality of these SNPs in AP patients, we sequenced a 363 bp interval of the FPR1 gene in an ethnically diverse group of patients (n=111) and controls (n=115) [1].
  • Six SNPs were identified including two located in the FPR1 second extracellular loop that were significantly associated with the AP phenotype in African-American patients (p.R190W, P=0.0033; and p.N192K, P=0.0018) [1].
  • We found that the FPR1 polymorphisms are linked in 15 common haplotypes [17].
  • Thus, the regulation of FPRL2 gene expression in vivo differs from FPR1 and FPRL1 [18].

Anatomical context of FPR1

  • These results suggest that FPR1 may be the only gene that is expressed by neutrophils that encodes a receptor capable of binding prototype N-formyl peptides [19].
  • The human genes for two N-formylpeptide phagocyte chemoattractant receptors (gene symbols FPR1 and FPRL1) cross-hybridize with each other and with FPRL2, a human gene of unknown expression and function [18].
  • The annexin 1 peptide initiates chemotactic responses in human monocytes that express all three FPR family members and also desensitizes the cells toward subsequent stimulation with bacterial peptide agonists [4].
  • Preincubation of basophils with FMLP or Hp(2-20) caused complete desensitization to a subsequent challenge with homologous stimulus [20].
  • This first report of a functional formyl peptide receptor in cells of fibroblast origin opens new possibilities for the role of fibroblasts in innate immune responses [21].

Associations of FPR1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of FPR1


Regulatory relationships of FPR1

  • These observations identify the annexin 1 peptide as the first endogenous ligand of FPRL2 and indicate that annexin 1 participates in regulating leukocyte emigration into inflamed tissue by activating and desensitizing different receptors of the FPR family [4].
  • Analogs with substitution at the third position such as WKGMVm, WKRMVm, as well as analogs with substitution at the sixth d-Met, selectively altered calcium mobilization in cells expressing FPRL1 but not in cells expressing FPR [31].
  • Here we show that triggering of the formyl peptide receptor (FPR) with f-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLF) substantially reduced the neutrophil superoxide production induced by activation of the CXC receptors with IL-8 [32].
  • FMLP-stimulated CD11b upregulation as well as homotypic aggregation of PMN was inhibited by LXA4 (which at 10(-9) M gave approximately 1 log unit shift to the right in the FMLP dose-response curve) [33].
  • In contrast, the specific mRNA for the FMLP receptor, 3H-FMLP specific binding, and FMLP-induced phospholipase D activity were still observed [33].

Other interactions of FPR1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of FPR1


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  4. An annexin 1 N-terminal peptide activates leukocytes by triggering different members of the formyl peptide receptor family. Ernst, S., Lange, C., Wilbers, A., Goebeler, V., Gerke, V., Rescher, U. J. Immunol. (2004) [Pubmed]
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  6. Induction of the Formyl Peptide Receptor 2 in Microglia by IFN-{gamma} and Synergy with CD40 Ligand. Chen, K., Iribarren, P., Huang, J., Zhang, L., Gong, W., Cho, E.H., Lockett, S., Dunlop, N.M., Wang, J.M. J. Immunol. (2007) [Pubmed]
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