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Gene Review

Slc1a3  -  solute carrier family 1 (glial high...

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: EAAT1, Eaat1, Excitatory amino acid transporter 1, GLAST, GLAST-1, ...
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Disease relevance of Slc1a3


Psychiatry related information on Slc1a3


High impact information on Slc1a3

  • Excitatory synaptic events activate rapid electrogenic glial glutamate transporter currents similar to those elicited by exogenous glutamate in other preparations [9].
  • Three glutamate transporters have been identified in rat, including astroglial transporters GLAST and GLT-1 and a neuronal transporter EAAC1 [10].
  • Astroglial membrane GLAST densities ranked as follows: Bergmann > cerebellar granular layer approximately hippocampus > cerebellar white matter [11].
  • GLAST is found in both neurons and astroglia [12].
  • Analysis of such synaptic EAAT currents suggests that, on average, postsynaptic EAATs take up approximately 1,300,000 glutamate molecules in response to a single climbing fiber action potential [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Slc1a3


Biological context of Slc1a3

  • The amino acid sequence of GLAST suggests a distinctive structure and membrane topology, with some conserved motifs also present in prokaryotic glutamate transporters [17].
  • A GLAST-specific cDNA clone was isolated from a rat brain cDNA library [17].
  • Here we demonstrate that the complete open reading frame of GLAST-1 mRNA and corresponding 69 kDa protein are expressed in rat bone in vivo [18].
  • Mouse excitatory amino acid transporter EAAT2: isolation, characterization, and proximity to neuroexcitability loci on mouse chromosome 2 [19].
  • Therefore the 70-kDa isoform differs only in the degree of glycosylation from the 64-kDa GLAST-1 isoform [20].

Anatomical context of Slc1a3

  • These data suggest that GLAST may be involved in the regulation of neurotransmitter concentration in central nervous system [17].
  • In situ hybridization reveals a strikingly high density of GLAST mRNA in the Purkinje cell layer of cerebellum, presumably in the Bergmann glia cells, and a less dense distribution throughout the cerebrum [17].
  • However, when neurons are seeded and co-cultured on a layer of hippocampal astrocytes, they do not develop any immunoreactivity towards GLAST or GLT antibodies [21].
  • In apparent contrast, all factors completely failed to affect GLT-1 and GLAST expression in astroglial cultures from the cerebellum, mesencephalon, and spinal cord between 36 h and 7 days [22].
  • This has led us to propose that GLAST-1a has an opposite orientation in the cell membrane to GLAST-1 [18].

Associations of Slc1a3 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Slc1a3


Other interactions of Slc1a3

  • In blocking experiments using neutralizing antibodies and by incubation of astrocytes with recombinant cytokines, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) was identified as being responsible for the down-modulation of GLAST [28].
  • Intriguingly, alterations of caveolin gene expression in response to cAMP or TGF-alpha coincided with reciprocal and brain-region specific changes in glial glutamate transporter GLT-1 expression [29].
  • Thus, long-term treatment with the group I mGluR agonist, DHPG, causes down-regulation of GLAST, whereas the group II agonist, DCG-IV, has an opposite effect on the expression of GLAST in astrocytes [30].
  • In contrast, hypoxic preconditioning had no effect on the levels of EAAT1 and ERbeta in any of the brain regions studied at any of the time points analyzed [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Slc1a3


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  6. Selective down-regulation of the astrocyte glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST within the medial thalamus in experimental Wernicke's encephalopathy. Hazell, A.S., Rao, K.V., Danbolt, N.C., Pow, D.V., Butterworth, R.F. J. Neurochem. (2001) [Pubmed]
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