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Gene Review

KRT18  -  keratin 18, type I

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CK-18, CYK18, Cell proliferation-inducing gene 46 protein, Cytokeratin-18, K18, ...
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Disease relevance of KRT18

  • We recently described transgenic mice that express point-mutant human K18 (Ku, N.-O., S. Michie, R.G. Oshima, and M.B. Omary. 1995. J. Cell Biol. 131:1303-1314) and develop chronic hepatitis and hepatocyte fragility in association with hepatocyte keratin filament disruption [1].
  • Mutation of human keratin 18 in association with cryptogenic cirrhosis [2].
  • Studies of liver explants from a large cohort of U.S. patients showed that K8/K18 mutations confer a risk to developing end-stage liver diseases, though which diseases are preferentially involved is unknown [3].
  • Anti-CK18 antibodies reduced the binding and internalization of 125I-TAT by rat hepatoma cells [4].
  • To study molecular changes, K8 and K18 were purified from surgically removed colon cancer and normal epithelia tissues [5].
  • Docetaxel induced increased levels of caspase-cleaved CK18 in serum from breast cancer patients, indicating apoptosis [6].

Psychiatry related information on KRT18


High impact information on KRT18

  • We have previously described a mutation in the keratin 18 gene in a patient with cryptogenic cirrhosis, but the importance of mutations in the keratin 8 and keratin 18 genes in such patients is unclear [10].
  • To identify potential regulatory elements of the human K18 gene, various recombinant constructions were expressed in cultured cells [11].
  • Three neoplastic cell lines (colonic and esophageal) with varying degrees of expression of cytokeratin-18 were used [12].
  • An immunocytochemical assay for the epithelial cytokeratin protein (CK18) may fill this gap since it is a feature of epithelial cells but would not normally be in bone marrow [13].
  • In addition, both caspase-3 activation and K18 cleavage was inhibited by expression of DEDDDeltaNLS1-3, a cytosolic form of DEDD that cannot be ubiquitinated [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of KRT18


Biological context of KRT18

  • Our data demonstrate that a KRT18-driven expression vector delivered systemically can target gene expression to CF-affected tissues, despite an uneven distribution of plasmid DNA [20].
  • We delivered a KRT18-driven lacZ plasmid complexed with cationic liposomes intravenously to mice and examined expression in various tissues [20].
  • Dynamics of human keratin 18 phosphorylation: polarized distribution of phosphorylated keratins in simple epithelial tissues [21].
  • In addition, ser52 of human K18 is a highly dynamic phosphorylation site that undergoes modulation during the S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle in association with filament reorganization [21].
  • We have now identified human TNF receptor type 1 (TNFR1)-associated death domain protein (TRADD) to be the K18-interacting protein [22].

Anatomical context of KRT18

  • Endogenous TRADD coimmunoprecipitated with K18, and colocalized with K8/18 filaments in human mammary epithelial cells [22].
  • In contrast to other cytokeratins, K8 and K18 are persistently expressed during malignant transformation, but changes in cell morphology are accompanied by alterations in the intermediate filament network [5].
  • Cytokeratin 18 is expressed on the hepatocyte plasma membrane surface and interacts with thrombin-antithrombin complexes [4].
  • The cancer-associated forms of K8 and K18 are specifically recognized by the human antibody, COU-1, cloned from the B cells of a cancer patient [5].
  • Northern analysis detected CK 18 mRNA in extracts from 2/4 astrocytic cell lines [23].

Associations of KRT18 with chemical compounds

  • Using chemical analysis, the stoichiometry of glycosylation was found to be 1.5 and 2 molecules of N-acetylglucosamine/protein molecule of CK8 and CK18, respectively [24].
  • Acid hydrolysis of CK8 and CK18, purified from [3H]glucosamine-labeled cells, generated free glucosamine [24].
  • Transfection of K8 Ser-73 --> Ala or K8 Ser-73 --> Asp with K18 generates normal-appearing filaments [25].
  • In this system we used a human cytokeratin 18 expression cassette to drive epithelium-specific expression of the reverse tetracycline transactivator (rtTA), which turns on CFTR expression from a Tet-inducible promoter in the presence of doxycycline [26].
  • The majority of luminal cells expressed K18(++), but colocalization of K5+/18(++) were recognized [27].

Physical interactions of KRT18

  • The COOH-terminal region of TRADD interacted with the coil Ia of the rod domain of K18 [22].
  • Using surface plasmon resonance, the affinity of COU-1 for this epitope was determined to be 10(9) x m(-1), i.e. more than 2 orders of magnitude higher than for intact heterotypic K8/K18 complexes [5].
  • However, when K8 or K18 bound to nitrocellulose were incubated with complementary keratin they became reactive with this antibody [28].

Enzymatic interactions of KRT18


Regulatory relationships of KRT18


Other interactions of KRT18

  • Among IF proteins tested in two-hybrid systems, TRADD specifically bound K18 and K14, type I (acidic) keratins [22].
  • The four remaining patients had mutations at one K8 and three other K18 new sites [15].
  • In immortalized cells, which are preneoplastic or partially transformed, the levels of K5 mRNA and protein are lower than in normal cells, whereas the amount of K18 is increased [34].
  • In contrast, in both AC and ASC, the CK18 protein was diffusely distributed within the cytoplasm, and DP showed both membranous and cytoplasmic localization [35].
  • Immunofluorescence analysis revealed the expression of albumin (ALB) and cytokeratin-18 (CK-18) [36].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of KRT18


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