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Gene Review

KRT8  -  keratin 8, type II

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CARD2, CK-8, CK8, CYK8, Cytokeratin-8, ...
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Disease relevance of KRT8

  • Also, ectopic expression of epidermal K14 in mouse liver results in chronic hepatitis, and disruption of mouse K8 leads to embryo lethality with extensive liver hemorrhage [1].
  • This moderation of the effects of TNF may be the fundamental function of K8 and K18 common to liver regeneration, inflammatory bowel disease, hepatotoxin sensitivity, and the diagnostic, persistent expression of these keratins in many carcinomas [2].
  • K8-deficient (K8(-)) mice, which escape embryonic lethality, develop inflammatory colorectal hyperplasia, mild liver abnormalities, and tolerate hepatectomy poorly [2].
  • Studies of liver explants from a large cohort of U.S. patients showed that K8/K18 mutations confer a risk to developing end-stage liver diseases, though which diseases are preferentially involved is unknown [3].
  • Notably, there was a significant association of exonic, but not of intronic K8 variants with increased fibrosis [3].

Psychiatry related information on KRT8

  • Human kallikrein 8 (hK8), whose gene was originally cloned as the human ortholog of a mouse brain protease, is known to be associated with diseases such as ovarian cancer and Alzheimer's disease [4].

High impact information on KRT8


Chemical compound and disease context of KRT8


Biological context of KRT8


Anatomical context of KRT8

  • Old K18 null mice, however, developed a distinctive liver pathology with abnormal hepatocytes containing K8-positive aggregates [17].
  • We show that normal and malignant epithelial cells deficient in K8 and K18 are approximately 100 times more sensitive to TNF-induced death [2].
  • A K8 cDNA containing all coding sequences was isolated and expressed in mouse fibroblasts either singly or in combination with K18 [18].
  • In contrast to other cytokeratins, K8 and K18 are persistently expressed during malignant transformation, but changes in cell morphology are accompanied by alterations in the intermediate filament network [19].
  • Mallory bodies (MBs) are cytoplasmic inclusions that contain keratin 8 (K8) and K18 and are present in hepatocytes of individuals with alcoholic liver disease, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, or benign or malignant hepatocellular neoplasia [20].

Associations of KRT8 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of KRT8

  • Using surface plasmon resonance, the affinity of COU-1 for this epitope was determined to be 10(9) x m(-1), i.e. more than 2 orders of magnitude higher than for intact heterotypic K8/K18 complexes [19].
  • We report that the MAb LE65 does not recognize individual keratin polypeptides but it instead reacts with a complex of K8 with K18 [25].
  • The plasminogen-binding site is located at the C-terminus of CK8 [26].
  • K8/18-bound grp78 can be dissociated by Mg-ATP and the association can be reconstituted in vitro using purified grp78, then redissociated again by Mg-ATP [27].
  • Normal nuclear morphology and k-8 immunofluorescence coupled with the lack of DNA laddering or other features of apoptosis indicated that K3-induced cytotoxicity, evident within 4 h of treatment and delayed but not prevented by MEK1/2 inhibition, was due to a form of stress-activated cell death known as oncosis [28].

Enzymatic interactions of KRT8

  • Furthermore, K8 was also phosphorylated on Ser-73 by JNK in vitro, yielding similar phosphopeptide maps as the in vivo phosphorylated material [29].
  • We show that K8 is strongly phosphorylated on Ser-73 upon stimulation of the pro-apoptotic cytokine receptor Fas/CD95/Apo-1 in HT-29 cells [29].
  • The kinase activity coimmunoprecipitated with CK8 and 18 and phosphorylated immunoprecipitates of the CK [30].
  • 2A proteinase of human rhinovirus cleaves cytokeratin 8 in infected HeLa cells [31].

Regulatory relationships of KRT8


Other interactions of KRT8


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of KRT8


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