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Gene Review

ORF1  -  uncharacterized protein, clone pT-Adv JuaX22

Homo sapiens

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Disease relevance of ORF1

  • ORF1 encoded a retrovirus-like major homology region and a Cys/His box motif, also present in Gag polyproteins of related retrotransposons and retroviruses [1].
  • Interestingly, in contrast to other adenoviruses, in which oncogenic viral functions are entirely encoded within the E1 region, Ad9 requires an E4 region transforming protein (ORF1) for its unique mammary oncogenicity [2].
  • Adenovirus type 9 (Ad9) is distinct among human adenoviruses because it elicits solely mammary tumors in animals and its primary oncogenic determinant is the E4 region-encoded ORF1 (E4-ORF1) protein [3].
  • P40 is the protein encoded by the first open reading frame (ORF1) of the human LINE-1 (L1Hs) retrotransposon; it is 338 amino acids long, has a leucine zipper motif and has been found in human teratocarcinoma cell lines and some tumor cells [4].
  • VP10, a minor structural protein of the calicivirus rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus, is encoded in the small 3'-terminal open reading frame (ORF) 2 and is translated with an efficiency of approximately 20% of the preceding ORF1 [5].

High impact information on ORF1

  • Using a site-directed mutagenesis approach, we found that this clone recognized a transframe epitope generated by an internal +1 frameshifting in the IL-10 sequence and so derived partly from ORF1, partly from ORF2 [6].
  • Based on our results, we propose a model wherein E4-ORF1 binding to Dlg1 triggers the resulting complex to translocate to the plasma membrane and, at this site, to promote Ras-mediated PI3K activation [7].
  • Despite a general belief that such interactions function solely to inactivate this suspected human tumor suppressor protein, we demonstrate here that E4-ORF1 specifically requires endogenous Dlg1 to provoke oncogenic activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) in cells [7].
  • The retrotransposition requires conserved domains in both open reading frames (ORFs), including the ORF1 cysteine- histidine motifs [8].
  • Link of the unique oncogenic properties of adenovirus type 9 E4-ORF1 to a select interaction with the candidate tumor suppressor protein ZO-2 [3].

Chemical compound and disease context of ORF1


Biological context of ORF1

  • A nucleotide alignment of 10 full-length SaV genome sequences was subjected to similarity plot analysis, which indicated that the most conserved site was the polymerase-capsid junction in open reading frame 1 (ORF1) [14].
  • Although the predicted amino acid sequence of ORF1 is not closely related to any known proteins, it is highly basic; thus, it has long been hypothesized that ORF1 protein functions to bind LINE-1 (L1) RNA during retrotransposition [15].
  • We found that novel (i.e., unrelated) regulatory regions (5'UTR) have been frequently recruited during the evolution of L1, whereas the two open-reading frames (ORF1 and ORF2) have remained relatively conserved [16].
  • The RNA sequence of the 3'-terminal 84 nucleotides of ORF1 but not the encoded peptide was found to be crucial for VP10 expression [5].
  • One of gene products (ORF1) catalyzed the methylation reactions of glycine and sarcosine with S-adenosylmethionine acting as the methyl donor [17].

Anatomical context of ORF1

  • The results are compatible with a model for ORF1 translation initiation in which the majority of ribosomes scan from a point 5' of nt 661 but suggest that ORF2 is not translated by attached ribosomes that reinitiate after the termination of ORF1 translation [18].
  • The presence of both ORF1- and ORF2-encoded proteins in vascular endothelial cells and its apparent association with certain stages of differentiation and maturation of blood vessels may have functional relevance for vasculogenesis and/or angiogenesis [19].
  • The ORF1 polypeptide targets EGFP to cytosol and nucleus whereas ORF2 targets EGFP to mitochondria [20].
  • Immunohistochemical analyses revealed coexpression of ORF1 and ORF2 in prespermatogonia of fetal testis, in germ cells of adult testis, and in distinct somatic cell types, such as Leydig, Sertoli, and vascular endothelial cells [19].
  • While PDZ domain-containing proteins represent cellular targets for several different viral oncoproteins, including human papillomavirus E6, human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 Tax, and human adenovirus E4-ORF1, the functional consequences for such interactions have not been elucidated [21].

Associations of ORF1 with chemical compounds

  • This protein, termed Tip (tyrosine kinase interacting protein), is identified as a viral protein encoded by the open reading frame 1 (ORF1) [22].
  • Disruption of ORF1 with a chloramphenicol-resistance cassette (CAT) rendered the H. pylori mutants more susceptible to cupric ion than their parental strains, whereas there is no significant alteration of susceptibility to Ni2+, Cd2d+ and Hg2+ between the mutants and the parental strains [23].
  • The first open reading frame (ORF1) of PsCR1 has two unusual arrangements of Cys residues [24].
  • Rather, the lysine substitutions alter the delicate balance between the ORF1 protein's melting and reannealing activities, thereby reducing its nucleic acid chaperone activity [25].
  • An in-frame fusion of ORF1 to the malE gene of the expression vector, pMAL-c2, yielded a protein that was immunostained with antibodies raised against the maltose binding protein and A. naeslundii T14V whole bacteria [26].

Other interactions of ORF1

  • Galectin-3 mRNA and L1-related ORF1/ p40 protein showed similar expression patterns [27].
  • The induction of p38delta appears to be mediated by an ORF1/p40-dependent process [28].
  • The fact that several different human virus oncoproteins, including adenovirus type 9 E4-ORF1, evolved to target the Dlg1 mammalian homolog of the membrane-associated Drosophila discs-large tumor suppressor has implicated this cellular factor in human cancer [7].
  • Two ORFs were predicted within human MGC9753 mRNA, and ORF1 (nucleotide position 18-980 of NM_033419.1) was predicted as the coding region of human MGC9753 mRNA based on comparative genomics [29].
  • A database search revealed that 2P1 was 91% identical to ORF1 of E3-3, a rat gene probably involved in the regulation of alternative splicing [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ORF1


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