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Gene Review

PRKD1  -  protein kinase D1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: PKC-MU, PKC-mu, PKCM, PKD, PKD1, ...
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Disease relevance of PRKD1


High impact information on PRKD1

  • Protein kinase D regulates the fission of cell surface destined transport carriers from the trans-Golgi network [6].
  • When a kinase inactive form of Protein Kinase D (PKD-K618N) was expressed in HeLa cells, it localized to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and caused extensive tubulation [6].
  • In this report, evidence is presented that the downstream target of Gbetagamma is protein kinase D (PKD), an isoform of protein kinase C. PKD, unlike other members of this class of serine/threonine kinases, contains a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain [7].
  • Our findings suggest a possible mechanism by which the direct interaction of Gbetagamma with PKD regulates the dynamics of Golgi membranes and protein secretion [7].
  • Recently, the serine/threonine kinase protein kinase D1 (PKD1) was identified as a mitochondrial sensor for oxidative stress. mROS-activated PKD regulates a radical-sensing signaling pathway, which relays mROS production to the induction of nuclear genes that mediate cellular detoxification and survival [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of PRKD1

  • Co-transfection of Clostridium botulinum C3 toxin blocked activation of PKD by RhoQ63L, Lbc, or aluminum fluoride-stimulated Galpha(13) [9].
  • Consistent with these expression results, EKI-785 or EKB-569 administration had no effect or worsened PKD, and had no effect on the development of fibrocystic liver disease [10].
  • In the Cy/+ females, testosterone treatment caused azotemia and an increase in the severity of the PKD [11].
  • We measured the changes of forearm flexor H reflexes produced by conditioning radial nerve stimulation at delays of -2, 0, 2, 4, 7.5, 10, 25 and 75 ms in 10 patients with PKD and six with generalized seizure disorder [12].
  • Based on our finding that caffeine exacerbates hypertension in rats with PKD, it may be prudent for patients with ADPKD to limit coffee consumption to four or fewer cups of caffeinated coffee per day, pending studies of humans [13].

Biological context of PRKD1


Anatomical context of PRKD1


Associations of PRKD1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of PRKD1

  • CK2 binds to DeltaCSN3(111-403) and CSN7, whereas PKD interacts with full-length CSN3 [26].
  • Although p32 binds to the kinase domain of PKC mu, it does not serve as a substrate [27].
  • Moreover, PKD interacted with PLCgamma even in unstimulated cells, and PKD tyrosine 463 phosphorylation was not required for this interaction [28].
  • Second, TLR5 interacted with PKD in coimmunoprecipitation experiments, and this association was rapidly enhanced by flagellin treatment [29].

Enzymatic interactions of PRKD1

  • Kinetic studies revealed that the three PKD isozymes phosphorylate HDAC5 through a random sequential mechanism, and that ATP has no effect on association of kinase with peptide substrate [16].
  • PKC mu can down-regulate the ability of Syk to phosphorylate PLC gamma 1 in vitro [18].
  • Both CK2 and PKD phosphorylate c-Jun as well as p53 [26].
  • Furthermore, PKD localizes to the area of particle intake in the cell and phosphorylates two of the three cytosolic components of the NADPH oxidase, p40(phox) and p47(phox) [30].

Regulatory relationships of PRKD1

  • Secretion of NT is regulated by phorbol ester-sensitive protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms-alpha and -delta and may involve protein kinase D (PKD) [19].
  • Protein kinase D (PKD) binds to diacylglycerol (DAG) in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and is activated by trimeric G-protein subunits beta gamma [14].
  • Analysis of mutants of the chicken B cell line DT40 deficient in either Syk, Lyn, Btk, or PLC gamma 2 revealed that BCR-induced activation of PKC mu, like activation of PLC gamma 2, requires Syk and is partially regulated by Btk, but is Lyn independent [18].
  • Protein kinase D is sufficient to suppress EGF-induced c-Jun Ser 63 phosphorylation [31].
  • Moreover transfection of PKD(Y463F), PKD(S738A/S742A), or PKD-small interfering RNA blocked VEGF-induced angiogenesis in vivo [28].
  • A constitutive active mutant of PKD1 stimulates GAL4-CREB-mediated transcription in a Ser-133-dependent manner, activates CRE-responsive promoters, and increases the expression of CREB target genes [32].
  • As a consequence of this trimeric complex, the existing interaction between PKCdelta and PKD1 was increased, and the transfer of phosphate groups from PKCdelta to PKD1 was at least partly blocked by Spry2 [33].
  • DAG to which PKD1 is recruited in this pathway is formed downstream of phospholipase D1 (PLD1) and a lipase-inactive PLD1 or inhibition of PLD1 by pharmacological inhibitors blocked PKD1 activation under oxidative stress [34].

Other interactions of PRKD1

  • The purpose of our present study was: (i) to define the role of PKD in NT release from BON endocrine cells and (ii) to delineate the upstream signaling mechanisms mediating this effect [19].
  • Because catalytically active PKD associates with JNK we determined whether it could phosphorylate the c-Jun N-terminus as a potential mechanism by which it suppresses c-Jun Ser 63 phosphorylation when it complexes with JNK [15].
  • The association is mediated through the pleckstrin homology domain of PKD and the C-terminal domain of ASK1 [35].
  • Uncoupling of protein kinase D from suppression of EGF-dependent c-Jun phosphorylation in cancer cells [36].
  • In vitro phosphorylation of fusion proteins showed that both Syk and PLC gamma 1 are potential substrates of PKC mu in vivo [18].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PRKD1


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