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Gene Review

Bglap2  -  bone gamma-carboxyglutamate protein 2

Mus musculus

Synonyms: BGP2, Bglap1, Bgp, OG2, Og2, ...
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Disease relevance of Bglap2

  • Histomorphometric studies done before and after ovariectomy showed that the absence of osteocalcin leads to an increase in bone formation without impairing bone resorption [1].
  • While osteocalcin-deficient mice have increased bone formation, MGP-deficient mice have abnormal calcification leading to osteopenia, fractures, and premature death owing to arterial calcification [2].
  • Osteocalcin promoter-based toxic gene therapy for the treatment of osteosarcoma in experimental models [3].
  • The runt domain site is identical to an osteoblast-specific element-2 or acute myelogenous leukemia binding sequence in the mouse and rat osteocalcin genes, respectively [4].
  • RESULTS: GH tg mice displayed a significant increase in body weight (up to 50%) and BMC (up to 90%), but serum osteocalcin was significantly reduced compared with controls [5].

High impact information on Bglap2


Chemical compound and disease context of Bglap2

  • Surprisingly, serum osteocalcin levels, a biochemical marker of bone formation, suggested that the bone-sparing effects of IL-7 neutralization were due not only to inhibition of bone resorption, but also to stimulation of bone formation [10].
  • Osteosarcoma tumor growth was inhibited more efficiently than by either Ad-OC-TK plus ACV (P < 0.05) or MTX treatment (P < 0.005) alone [11].
  • Chemogene therapy: osteocalcin promoter-based suicide gene therapy in combination with methotrexate in a murine osteosarcoma model [11].
  • The discovery of OC expression in prostate cancer specimens led us to study the regulation of OC gene in androgen-independent metastatic human prostate PC3 cells [12].
  • This relatively rapid change was associated with an increase in plasma osteocalcin, a marker of bone formation, while a decrease in bone resorption reflected by a decrease in urinary hydroxyproline excretion was observed in parallel [13].

Biological context of Bglap2

  • From sequence inspection, DNA transfection experiments, and DNA binding assays, we could not identify a functional vitamin D-responsive element in the promoter of OG2 or in the first 3.3 kilobases of the OG1 promoter [14].
  • Furthermore, during embryogenesis, OG1 and OG2 begin to be expressed at day 15.5, while ORG is transcribed as early as day 10 [15].
  • We examine Osc expression by in situ hybridization during murine development, detailing temporospatial relationships with Msx2 expression during preappositional and appositional odontogenesis and calvarial osteogenesis [16].
  • Northern blot analysis revealed that in the Ad/PDGF-A treated implants OPN was increased, whereas OC gene expression was downregulated at 3 weeks [17].
  • On the other hand, Ad/PDGF-1308 inhibited mineralization of tissue-engineered cementum possibly due to the observed downregulation of BSP and OC and a persistence of stimulation of MNGCs [17].

Anatomical context of Bglap2


Associations of Bglap2 with chemical compounds

  • Consistent with these DNA binding data, a mutation in OSE2 in the OG2 promoter abrogated the inhibitory effect of 1,25-(OH)2D3 treatment on this promoter activity [14].
  • Osteocalcin and osteopontin are noncollagenous proteins secreted by osteoblasts and regulated by a complex interplay of systemic and locally produced factors, including growth factors and steroid hormones [22].
  • Menaquinone-7 regulates the expressions of osteocalcin, OPG, RANKL and RANK in osteoblastic MC3T3E1 cells [23].
  • Here, we examined the mRNA expressions of OPN, MGP, ON, and OC in the kidneys of stone-forming model rats administered an oxalate precursor, ethylene glycol (EG) for up to 28 days [24].
  • However, when cells were treated acutely with 1,25(OH)2D3 at later times during growth in ascorbic acid, the induction of mouse osteocalcin protein was only partially inhibited [25].

Regulatory relationships of Bglap2

  • Overexpression of wild-type PTH-1R increased cell numbers and promoted osteocalcin gene expression versus inactivated mutant receptors [26].
  • This member of the runt/Cbfa family of transcription factors was first identified as the nuclear protein binding to an osteoblast-specific cis-acting element activating the expression of Osteocalcin, the most osteoblast-specific gene [27].
  • Therefore, KCA-098 had a bidirectional effect on the differentiation of osteoblasts (i.e., stimulating both alkaline phosphatase activity and synthesis of CDP and inhibiting osteocalcin synthesis) [28].

Other interactions of Bglap2

  • We named them osteocalcin gene 1 (OG1), osteocalcin gene 2 (OG2), and osteocalcin-related gene (ORG) in order from the 5' end to the 3' end of the cluster [15].
  • Collectively, these studies establish that actions of PTH on the osteocalcin gene are mediated by multiple signaling pathways and require OSE1 and associated nuclear proteins [21].
  • Nuclear orphan receptor Nurr1 directly transactivates the osteocalcin gene in osteoblasts [29].
  • Incubating primary muscle cells with 300 ng/ml of BMP-2 for 6 d also inhibited myotube formation, whereas induced ALP activity and osteocalcin production [30].
  • OG2 Phex transgenic Hyp mice did exhibit a small, but significant, increase in bone mineral density and dry ashed weight, suggesting a partial mineralization effect from restoration of Phex function in mature osteoblasts [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Bglap2

  • The mRNA expression of alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin was increased by SFs from patients with OA, whereas only osteocalcin mRNA was increased by SFs from patients with a loose prosthesis [32].
  • Here we show that OSE1 is a cis-acting element as important as OSE2 for the osteoblast-specific expression of OG2 in cell culture and transgenic mice [33].
  • Southern blot analysis and restriction mapping of genomic DNA from several strains of mice indicated the presence of at least three copies of the OC coding sequence within a 19 kb fragment [34].
  • Finally, chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis in MC3T3-E1 cells showed in vivo occupancy of the OG2 promoter by Runx2 and C/EBPdelta [35].
  • Our results revealed that reduced Nurr1 expression, using Nurr1 siRNA in MC3T3-E1 cells, affected the expression of osteoblast differentiation marker genes, osteocalcin (OCN) and collagen type I alpha 1 (COL1A1), as measured by quantitative real-time PCR [36].


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