Gene Review:
Des - desmin
Rattus norvegicus
- Acute effects of desmin mutations on cytoskeletal and cellular integrity in cardiac myocytes. Haubold, K., Herrmann, H., Langer, S.J., Evans, R.M., Leinwand, L.A., Klymkowsky, M.W. Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton (2003)
- Microtubules and desmin filaments during onset of heart hypertrophy in rat: a double immunoelectron microscope study. Watkins, S.C., Samuel, J.L., Marotte, F., Bertier-Savalle, B., Rappaport, L. Circ. Res. (1987)
- Antifibrogenic effect of a deletion variant of hepatocyte growth factor on liver fibrosis in rats. Yasuda, H., Imai, E., Shiota, A., Fujise, N., Morinaga, T., Higashio, K. Hepatology (1996)
- Development of rhabdomyosarcoma in HER-2/neu transgenic p53 mutant mice. Nanni, P., Nicoletti, G., De Giovanni, C., Croci, S., Astolfi, A., Landuzzi, L., Di Carlo, E., Iezzi, M., Musiani, P., Lollini, P.L. Cancer Res. (2003)
- Expression of smooth muscle cell phenotype by rat mesangial cells in immune complex nephritis. Alpha-smooth muscle actin is a marker of mesangial cell proliferation. Johnson, R.J., Iida, H., Alpers, C.E., Majesky, M.W., Schwartz, S.M., Pritzi, P., Gordon, K., Gown, A.M. J. Clin. Invest. (1991)
- Rat liver myofibroblasts and hepatic stellate cells: different cell populations of the fibroblast lineage with fibrogenic potential. Knittel, T., Kobold, D., Saile, B., Grundmann, A., Neubauer, K., Piscaglia, F., Ramadori, G. Gastroenterology (1999)
- Presence of a protein immunologically related to lamin B in the postsynaptic membrane of Torpedo marmorata electrocyte. Cartaud, A., Courvalin, J.C., Ludosky, M.A., Cartaud, J. J. Cell Biol. (1989)
- Specific attachment of desmin filaments to desmosomal plaques in cardiac myocytes. Kartenbeck, J., Franke, W.W., Moser, J.G., Stoffels, U. EMBO J. (1983)
- Inhibition of hepatic stellate cell proliferation and activation by the semisynthetic analogue of fumagillin TNP-470 in rats. Wang, Y.Q., Ikeda, K., Ikebe, T., Hirakawa, K., Sowa, M., Nakatani, K., Kawada, N., Kaneda, K. Hepatology (2000)
- Class VI intermediate filament protein nestin is induced during activation of rat hepatic stellate cells. Niki, T., Pekny, M., Hellemans, K., Bleser, P.D., Berg, K.V., Vaeyens, F., Quartier, E., Schuit, F., Geerts, A. Hepatology (1999)
- Activation of pancreatic stellate cells in human and experimental pancreatic fibrosis. Haber, P.S., Keogh, G.W., Apte, M.V., Moran, C.S., Stewart, N.L., Crawford, D.H., Pirola, R.C., McCaughan, G.W., Ramm, G.A., Wilson, J.S. Am. J. Pathol. (1999)
- Variable expression of desmin in rat glomerular epithelial cells. Yaoita, E., Kawasaki, K., Yamamoto, T., Kihara, I. Am. J. Pathol. (1990)
- Transdifferentiation of cultured tubular cells induced by hypoxia. Manotham, K., Tanaka, T., Matsumoto, M., Ohse, T., Inagi, R., Miyata, T., Kurokawa, K., Fujita, T., Ingelfinger, J.R., Nangaku, M. Kidney Int. (2004)
- Microscopic Characterization of Follicular Structures in Letrozole-induced Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in the Rat. Baravalle, C., Salvetti, N.R., Mira, G.A., Pezzone, N., Ortega, H.H. Arch. Med. Res. (2006)
- Rat desmin gene structure and expression. van Groningen, J.J., Bloemers, H.P., Swart, G.W. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1994)
- Caspase proteolysis of desmin produces a dominant-negative inhibitor of intermediate filaments and promotes apoptosis. Chen, F., Chang, R., Trivedi, M., Capetanaki, Y., Cryns, V.L. J. Biol. Chem. (2003)
- A type III intermediate filament gene is expressed in mature neurons. Parysek, L.M., Chisholm, R.L., Ley, C.A., Goldman, R.D. Neuron (1988)
- Differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells and the regulation of protein kinase C-alpha. Haller, H., Lindschau, C., Quass, P., Distler, A., Luft, F.C. Circ. Res. (1995)
- Peritubular myoid cells of human and rat testis are smooth muscle cells that contain desmin-type intermediate filaments. Virtanen, I., Kallajoki, M., Närvänen, O., Paranko, J., Thornell, L.E., Miettinen, M., Lehto, V.P. Anat. Rec. (1986)
- Streptomycin and EDTA decrease the number of desmin-negative fibers following stretch injury. Willems, M.E., Stauber, W.T. Muscle Nerve (2005)
- Culture of renal arteriolar smooth muscle cells. Mitogenic responses to angiotensin II. Dubey, R.K., Roy, A., Overbeck, H.W. Circ. Res. (1992)
- Characterization of desmin-positive rat liver sinusoidal cells. Tsutsumi, M., Takada, A., Takase, S. Hepatology (1987)
- Interferon gamma decreases hepatic stellate cell activation and extracellular matrix deposition in rat liver fibrosis. Baroni, G.S., D'Ambrosio, L., Curto, P., Casini, A., Mancini, R., Jezequel, A.M., Benedetti, A. Hepatology (1996)
- Comparison of glial fibrillary acidic protein and desmin staining in normal and CCl4-induced fibrotic rat livers. Niki, T., De Bleser, P.J., Xu, G., Van Den Berg, K., Wisse, E., Geerts, A. Hepatology (1996)
- p21-activated kinase PAK phosphorylates desmin at sites different from those for Rho-associated kinase. Ohtakara, K., Inada, H., Goto, H., Taki, W., Manser, E., Lim, L., Izawa, I., Inagaki, M. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2000)
- Plectin is a linker of intermediate filaments to Z-discs in skeletal muscle fibers. Hijikata, T., Murakami, T., Imamura, M., Fujimaki, N., Ishikawa, H. J. Cell. Sci. (1999)
- SV40 T antigen inhibits expression of MyoD and myogenin, up-regulates Myf-5, but does not affect early expression of desmin or alpha 7 integrin during muscle development. Haider, S.R., Wang, W., Kaufman, S.J. Exp. Cell Res. (1994)
- Sequential changes of extracellular matrix and proliferation of Ito cells with enhanced expression of desmin and actin in focal hepatic injury. Ogawa, K., Suzuki, J., Mukai, H., Mori, M. Am. J. Pathol. (1986)
- Heparin recovers AT1 receptor and its intracellular signal transduction in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. Hashimoto, T., Kihara, M., Sato, K., Imai, N., Tanaka, Y., Sakai, M., Tamura, K., Hirawa, N., Toya, Y., Kitamura, H., Umemura, S. FEBS Lett. (2005)
- Expression of Trisk 51, agrin and nicotinic-acetycholine receptor epsilon-subunit during muscle development in a novel three-dimensional muscle-neuronal co-culture system. Bach, A.D., Beier, J.P., Stark, G.B. Cell Tissue Res. (2003)
- Smoothelin is an indicator of reversible phenotype modulation of smooth muscle cells in balloon-injured rat carotid arteries. Bär, H., Wende, P., Watson, L., Denger, S., van Eys, G., Kreuzer, J., Jahn, L. Basic Res. Cardiol. (2002)
- Insulin-like growth factor II/mannose 6-phosphate-receptor expression in liver and serum during acute CCl4 intoxication in the rat. De Bleser, P.J., Scott, C.D., Niki, T., Xu, G., Wisse, E., Geerts, A. Hepatology (1996)
- Structural and functional characterization of bladder smooth muscle in fetal rats with retinoic acid-induced myelomeningocele. Danzer, E., Kiddoo, D.A., Redden, R.A., Robinson, L., Radu, A., Zderic, S.A., Doolin, E.J., Adzick, N.S., Flake, A.W. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. (2007)
- Coexpression of the collagen-binding stress protein HSP47 gene and the alpha 1(I) and alpha 1(III) collagen genes in carbon tetrachloride-induced rat liver fibrosis. Masuda, H., Fukumoto, M., Hirayoshi, K., Nagata, K. J. Clin. Invest. (1994)
- Enhanced hepatic collagen type I mRNA expression into fat-storing cells in a rodent model of hemochromatosis. Pietrangelo, A., Gualdi, R., Casalgrandi, G., Geerts, A., De Bleser, P., Montosi, G., Ventura, E. Hepatology (1994)