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Gene Review

Des  -  desmin

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Desmin
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Disease relevance of Des

  • Mutations in desmin have been associated with a subset of human myopathies [1].
  • When expressed in cultured rat neonatal cardiac myocytes via adenovirus infection, these mutant proteins disrupted the endogenous desmin filament to an extent that correlated with their defects in in vitro assembly properties [1].
  • Microtubules and desmin filaments during onset of heart hypertrophy in rat: a double immunoelectron microscope study [2].
  • Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that desmin-positive cells and alpha-sm-actin-positive cells were increased in the hepatic fibrosis, whereas neither cells were seen in livers of DMN-treated rats given dHGF [3].
  • At the age of 11-21 weeks, all male mice carrying both genetic lesions developed embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas expressing desmin, myosin, and insulin-like growth factor-II, in the genitourinary tract [4].

High impact information on Des


Chemical compound and disease context of Des


Biological context of Des


Anatomical context of Des

  • Immunohistochemical localization of desmin was restricted to the theca externa [14].
  • Acute effects of desmin mutations on cytoskeletal and cellular integrity in cardiac myocytes [1].
  • Northern analysis of RNA from different organs reveals that, as expected, desmin is expressed in striated, heart and smooth muscle cells containing tissues; among other tissues, lung displays relatively high expression levels, while desmin mRNA is barely detectable in spleen, kidney and liver [15].
  • Desmin is a differentiation marker for all types of muscle cells [15].
  • Both squash preparations and cultured cells from adult rat seminiferous tubules revealed distinct cell populations positive for desmin [19].

Associations of Des with chemical compounds


Enzymatic interactions of Des


Co-localisations of Des


Regulatory relationships of Des


Other interactions of Des

  • The present study demonstrated that heparin recovered Ang receptors and differentiation markers, such as desmin, SM-22 and smooth muscle alpha-actin in VSMCs at the ninth passage [29].
  • The analysis of neural agrin expression and myogenic desmin, myogenin, MyoD, Trisk 51, and nicotinic-acetycholine receptor (nACh-receptor) epsilon-subunit expression revealed the differentiation of the myoblasts to myofibers [30].
  • We applied monoclonal antibodies recognizing desmin, sm-alpha-actin and smoothelin, a novel marker specific for the differentiated phenotype of SMC [31].
  • Northern blot analysis showed that dHGF suppressed the increase of messenger RNA (mRNA) levels of procollagen alpha 2(I), alpha l(III), alpha 1(IV), transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta1), desmin (a marker of hepatic lipocytes), and alpha-smooth muscle (sm)-actin (a marker of activated hepatic lipocytes) [3].
  • At 48 hours, we observed a collapse of PCs in the centrilobular zone, coinciding with strongly positive staining for IGF-II/M6P receptor in fat-storing cells (FSCs), identified by dual IGF-II/M6P receptor and desmin immunostaining [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Des


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