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Gene Review

Des  -  desmin

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Desmin
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Disease relevance of Des

  • Extensive induction of important mediators of fibrosis and dystrophic calcification in desmin-deficient cardiomyopathy [1].
  • These data together with the observed up-regulation of transforming growth factor-beta1 and angiotensin-converting enzyme, could explain the extensive fibrosis and dystrophic calcification observed in the heart of desmin-null mice, potentially crucial events leading to heart failure [1].
  • MPA treatment was found to induce uterine secretory changes, glandular cystic hyperplasia, and eventually deciduomas that stained strongly for desmin and to a lesser degree for vimentin, suggesting a muscular differentiation [2].
  • Recently, mutations of the desmin gene have been reported to cause familial or sporadic forms of human skeletal, as well as cardiac, myopathy, termed desmin-related myopathy (DRM) [3].
  • Overexpression of bcl-2 in the desmin null heart results in correction of mitochondrial defects, reduced occurrence of fibrotic lesions in the myocardium, prevention of cardiac hypertrophy, restoration of cardiomyocyte ultrastructure, and significant improvement of cardiac function [4].

High impact information on Des

  • Skeletal and cardiac myopathy develops in mice that lack desmin, suggesting that mutations in the desmin gene may be pathogenic [5].
  • Expression of either MyoD or, more surprisingly, desmin in Lmna(-/-) myoblasts resulted in increased differentiation potential [6].
  • These findings suggest a model in which the primary pathophysiological mechanism in Lmna(-/-) mice is defective force transmission resulting from disruption of lamin interactions with the muscle-specific desmin network and loss of cytoskeletal tension [7].
  • In the following months, alveolar spaces enlarged in association with thickening of the alveolar walls due to an accumulation of desmin-containing fibroblasts, collagen fibers, and lymphocytes [8].
  • Remaining Kit-immunopositive cells in the pacemaker region of the small intestine developed ultrastructural features similar to smooth muscle cells, including prominent filament bundles and expression of the muscle-specific intermediate filament protein, desmin, and smooth muscle myosin [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Des


Biological context of Des

  • However, myofibrillogenesis in regenerating fibers is often abortive, indicating that desmin may be implicated in this repair process [12].
  • Rescue of the normal phenotype was achieved either by spontaneous revertants, or by overexpression of the desmin sense RNA in the defective cell lines [13].
  • An E box in the desmin promoter cooperates with the E box and MEF-2 sites of a distal enhancer to direct muscle-specific transcription [14].
  • The lack of desmin was not compensated by an upregulation of vimentin in these mice either during development or regeneration [12].
  • Double mutations of E1 with E2 or MEF-2 sites suggested that, to achieve high levels of desmin gene expression, E1 serves most possibly as an intermediary for either E2 or MEF-2 enhancer elements to function [14].

Anatomical context of Des

  • The muscle-specific intermediate filament protein, desmin, is one of the earliest myogenic markers whose functional role during myogenic commitment and differentiation is unknown [13].
  • The results presented here show that desmin is essential to maintain the structural integrity of highly solicited skeletal muscle [12].
  • The predominantly longitudinal orientation of desmin filaments seen in myoblasts and in early myotubes is transformed at g.d. 17 and 18 to distinct Z line connected striations [15].
  • Desmin is essential for the tensile strength and integrity of myofibrils but not for myogenic commitment, differentiation, and fusion of skeletal muscle [12].
  • Absence of desmin filaments within the sarcomere does not interfere with primary muscle formation or regeneration [12].

Associations of Des with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Des

  • Mutation of this MyoD binding site abrogates desmin transcription, and transactivation of the promoter no longer occurs [19].
  • On the other hand, calponin bound strongly to nonfilamentous desmin tetramers and was incorporated into intermediate filaments when the two proteins were mixed in a buffer containing 6 M urea and dialyzed into a buffer containing 0.15 M NaCl [21].

Co-localisations of Des

  • Immunohistochemical staining of fibroblast cultures derived from the transgenic mice with antibodies specific for vimentin and desmin demonstrated that the pVVim2 protein is assembled into filaments that co-localize with the endogenous vimentin filaments [22].
  • We show that in wild-type mice, synemin, paranemin, and plectin were colocalized with desmin in Z-disc-associated striations and at the sarcolemma [23].

Regulatory relationships of Des


Other interactions of Des

  • Vimentin, still present together with desmin in the myoblasts, is lost from the myotubes [15].
  • Here, we used desmin and alpha-smooth muscle actin (ASMA) as markers to analyze vSMC/PC development in PDGF-B-/- and PDGFR-beta-/- embryos [28].
  • Extensive osteopontin localization is observed by immunohistochemistry in the desmin-null myocardium in areas with massive myocyte death, as well as in hypercellular regions with variable degrees of calcification and fibrosis [1].
  • In Ang-2 null mutants, alpha SMA, desmin, and PDGFR beta prominently immunolocalized in cortical peritubular locations [29].
  • Some alpha SMA-positive cells were closely associated with CD31- and Tie-2-positive peritubular capillary endothelia, and some of the alpha SMA-positive cells expressed PDGFR beta, desmin, and neural/glial cell 2 (NG2), consistent with a pericyte-like identity [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Des

  • Immunohistochemistry with antibody reactive with desmin indicated a similar reduction in the number of differentiated myocytes in the myotome [30].
  • Alpha-smooth muscle actin, desmin and proliferating cell nuclear antigen were assessed by immunohistochemical testing of whole bladders and Western blot analysis of dissected detrusor layers [31].
  • Electron microscopy revealed that the perimeter of cellular fingerlike-projections was smaller in Des -/-, indicating that the cells have lost part of their connections to the extracellular matrix [32].
  • METHODS AND RESULTS: With the use of selective ligations of second-order mesenteric arteries, blood flow was either diminished (low flow [LF]) or elevated (high flow [HF]); respective LF to HF values were 136+/-18 to 206+/-29 microL/min for Des+/+ mice and 119+/-14 to 189+/-24 microL/min for Des-/-mice in daughter arteries [33].
  • Using SDS-PAGE gels and Western blots we found a gradient in desmin expression in the arterial tree; the desmin content increased from the elastic artery aorta, via the muscular mesenteric artery to the resistance-sized mesenteric microarteries approximately 150 microm in diameter in Des+/+ mice [34].


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