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Disease relevance of Survivors


High impact information on Survivors


Chemical compound and disease context of Survivors


Biological context of Survivors


Anatomical context of Survivors


Associations of Survivors with chemical compounds


Gene context of Survivors

  • The other two long-term survivors, LTS 9 and LTS 11, had loads of less than 200 copies of RNA/ml of plasma and are infected with viruses with larger deletions in both the nef alone and nef/LTR overlap regions [31].
  • METHODS: Two hundred twenty-two long-term survivors of renal transplantation were examined for polymorphisms in the GSTM1, GSTT1, and GSTP1 genes, using a unified polymerase chain reaction with sequence specific primers (PCR-SSP) genotyping method [32].
  • We have used a peptide 'clamp' to assess the relative roles of continuous GHRH and intermittent SS in GH pulse generation in healthy volunteers and short-and long-term survivors of childhood brain tumours [33].
  • TP53 mutations were found in 12 out of 54 (22%) GBMs of short-term survivors and 8 out of 35 (23%) tumors of long-term survivors; the respective numbers for nuclear p53 protein accumulation were 12/53 (23%) and 10/37 (27%) [34].
  • Waf1/p21 expression was found in 13/53 (25%) tumors of short-term survivors and 9/35 (26%) GBMs of long-term survivors [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Survivors


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