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Chemical Compound Review

Chlorten     1,1,1-trichloroethane

Synonyms: Cleanite, Tafclean, Baltana, Inhibisol, Chlorotene, ...
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Disease relevance of Trichloromethylmethane


Psychiatry related information on Trichloromethylmethane


High impact information on Trichloromethylmethane

  • The T alpha subunit of transducin (composed of subunits T alpha, T beta and T gamma) is triggered by photoexcited rhodopsin (R*) to release GDP and bind GTP [11].
  • Qa-2-dependent selection of CD8alpha/alpha T cell receptor alpha/beta(+) cells in murine intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes [12].
  • CD8alpha/beta+, but not CD8alpha/alpha+, T lymphocytes are also present in the lamina propria [13].
  • CD8 alpha+ T cell population in the thymus and in most peripheral lymphoid organs was reduced to 20-30% of that in wild-type littermates [14].
  • In addition, they show that at least in vitro, CD8 alpha/alpha T cells are generated from TCR-stimulated DP thymocytes (which express the CD8 alpha/beta in the heterodimeric isoform) along an IL-2-driven pathway of T cell differentiation [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Trichloromethylmethane


Biological context of Trichloromethylmethane

  • The binding of T alpha-T beta gamma with the membranes was shown to require the S-farnesylated cysteine residue of T gamma, whose methylation further enhanced the binding [21].
  • Thus we concluded that a formation of the ternary complex, T alpha-T beta gamma-metarhodopsin II, is enhanced by the farnesylation and methylation of T gamma [21].
  • Among the new mutations found in the course of our study, there is a complete deletion of the zeta-alpha cluster and three nondeletional determinants (alpha alpha T), affecting to various extents alpha-globin gene expression [22].
  • The coinheritance of a nondeletional form of alpha thalassemia (alpha alpha T) was suspected because of the severity of the proband's phenotype and the presence of normal alpha-globin gene fragments in the father [23].
  • Evidence suggests that the (alpha alpha alpha)T Saudi haplotype has arisen as a result of a recombination between two misaligned chromosomes bearing the alpha T Saudi alpha defect [24].

Anatomical context of Trichloromethylmethane

  • Taking advantage of the high and reproducible yield of T gamma from the column, we analyzed the composition of T gamma subspecies in the T alpha-T beta gamma complex which did not bind with transducin-depleted rod outer segment membranes containing metarhodopsin II [21].
  • alpha-Tocopherol (alpha-T) uptake and its relationship to cell proliferation and lipid peroxidation was studied in a baby hamster kidney cell line (BHK-21/C13) and its polyoma virus-transformed malignant counterpart (BHK-21/PyY cells) [25].
  • Long-term cultures consist almost exclusively of T lymphocytes as defined by the formation of spontaneous rosettes with sheep erythrocytes and C-mediated lysis with heteroantibodies to human T cells (R alpha T H) [26].
  • We explored a possible contribution of the blocked amino terminus of beta-subunits of bovine photoreceptor G-protein, transducin (T alpha/T beta gamma = Gt alpha/beta 1 gamma 1), and of three beta gamma complexes (beta 1 gamma 2, beta 1 gamma 3, and beta 1 gamma 7) purified from bovine brains [27].
  • Kifunensine does not inhibit the degradation of an unglycosylated substrate (lambda Ig light chains) or of chimeric mu chains extended with the transmembrane region of the alpha T cell receptor chain, implying the existence of additional pathways for extracting proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum lumen for proteasomal degradation [28].

Associations of Trichloromethylmethane with other chemical compounds

  • The reduction of alpha-T(.) by ascorbate was a comparatively less efficient mechanism for preserving alpha-TH than (.)NO-mediated termination of peroxyl radicals, due to slower reaction kinetics and limited transfer of reducing equivalents from the aqueous phase [29].
  • These fluorescence changes were specifically elicited by the GDP-bound form of alpha T and were not observed upon the addition of purified alpha T.guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S) complexes to the MIANS beta gamma T species [30].
  • Whether T cells or macrophages played a significant role in the observed lytic activity was determined by treating the NK effector cell population with anti-rat T cell serum (alpha T) and complement or by depletion of macrophages after binding to a glass bead column and treatment with carbonyl iron [31].
  • In these studies we have investigated the role of the beta gamma T subunit complex in promoting the rhodopsin-stimulated guanine nucleotide exchange reaction (i.e. the activation event) of the alpha T subunit [32].
  • This result is interpreted in terms of diffusion of alpha-tocopherol from the bound alpha-T X BSA form to the liposome before it exhibits antioxidant activity [33].

Gene context of Trichloromethylmethane

  • Activin A rapidly and transiently increased Smad7 messenger RNA (mRNA) levels of rat anterior pituitary (RAP), clonal gonadotrope (alpha T 3-1 and L beta T2), and corticotrope (AtT20) cells with an EC(50) of 0.1-0.2 nM [34].
  • Our results indicate that alpha-T undergoes enterohepatic circulation and that the biliary secretion of alpha-T, basally and following chemical treatment, is dependent on the presence of a functioning mdr2 Pgp in rats and mice [35].
  • IL-1 beta TT (+3953) polymorphism was also more frequent in OM patients (P = 0.014, chi(2) = 5.12, OR = 5.1, 95% CI, 1.21-52.14), but IL-1 beta is in linkage disequilibrium with the IL-1 alpha *T (P < 0.001) [36].
  • Defective tissue uptake of lipoprotein alpha-T in SR-BI-deficient mice may contribute to the reproductive and cardiovascular pathologies exhibited by these animals [37].
  • These observations suggest that some of the actions of alpha-T are mediated by the transcription factor ROR-alpha [38].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Trichloromethylmethane

  • The most consistent ECG change was Q alpha T prolongation [39].
  • Microelectrode studies on single cells showed that QRS widening occurring with 5-ID treatment was related to a decrease in the maximum rate of depolarization (Vmax) and that Q alpha T prolongation resulted from an increase in the duration of the action potential [39].
  • Pulse radiolysis analysis showed no direct reaction between (.)NO and alpha-tocopheroxyl radical (alpha-T(.)), inferring that peroxyl radical termination reactions are the principal lipid-protective mechanism mediated by (.)NO [29].
  • Thirty animals received a 2.5% vitamin E diet for two weeks prior to irradiation and, in addition, each was given a single intraperitoneal injection of water-soluble alpha T (150 mg) four hours prior to irradiation [40].
  • Topical alpha-T/UVA may provide a selective and safer alternative approach for the photochemotherapy of psoriasis and other cutaneous diseases [41].


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