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Vitreous Body

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Disease relevance of Vitreous Body


High impact information on Vitreous Body

  • A majority of the RARbeta2 single null mutants also exhibit this latter defect, thus demonstrating that the RARbeta2 isoform plays a unique role in the formation of the definitive vitreous body [6].
  • Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-independent Ca(2+) mobilization triggered by a lipid factor isolated from vitreous body [7].
  • However, the vessels traversed the ILM and penetrated the vitreous body less frequently than in wild-type retinas (31-55% in Vim(-/-), 66-79% in GFAP(-/-) Vim(-/-)) [8].
  • X-linked Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy (XLFEVR) is a hereditary eye disorder that affects both the retina and the vitreous body [9].
  • Vitreous humor, the presumptive source of differentiation-promoting activity in vivo, contains a factor capable of diffusing out of the vitreous body and inducing delta-crystallin and CP49 expression in chick lens cultures [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Vitreous Body


Anatomical context of Vitreous Body


Associations of Vitreous Body with chemical compounds

  • Monoclonal antibody 9BA12 recognizes collagen type IX proteoglycan from vitreous body and an unidentified chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan in retina and brain, herein referred to as 9BA12 CSPG [15].
  • The calculations are performed by relating the time course of the free--not protein bound--fluorescein concentration in the bloodstream with the fluorescein concentration profile in the vitreous body [20].
  • Lipid factor (bVLF) from bovine vitreous body evokes in EGFR-T17 cells a Ca2+-dependent K+ current associated with inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-independent Ca2+ mobilization [21].
  • Nickel subsulfide, alpha Ni3S2, was administered to albino Fischer rats by a single injection into the vitreous body of the right eye (0.5 mg alpha Ni3S2/rat, suspended in 20 microliter of NaCl vehicle) [22].
  • Finally, we found that DOPAC diffused freely into and out of isolated vitreous bodies and we found the vitreous to be metabolically inert with respect to DOPAC, supporting the idea that vitreal levels of DOPAC are consequential to the retinal metabolism of dopamine [23].

Gene context of Vitreous Body


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Vitreous Body


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