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Maillard Reaction

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Disease relevance of Maillard Reaction


Psychiatry related information on Maillard Reaction


High impact information on Maillard Reaction


Chemical compound and disease context of Maillard Reaction


Biological context of Maillard Reaction


Anatomical context of Maillard Reaction


Associations of Maillard Reaction with chemical compounds

  • High dietary intake of ascorbic acid did not affect the fluorescence spectrum of murine lenses; thus, we assume that the speed and extent of the lenticular browning reactions must depend on a deterioration of other factors of the multicomponent antioxidant system of the eye [26].
  • Pentosidine is a recently discovered protein crosslink, involving lysine and arginine residues linked together in an imidazo [4,5,6] pyridinium ring formed by a 5-carbon sugar during nonenzymatic browning (Maillard reaction) [27].
  • The detection of a time-related increase in the amount of FFI or a closely related structure in enzymatically digested proteins implicates it as an in situ product on proteins which have undergone the Maillard reaction with glucose [28].
  • The chemistry of Maillard or browning reactions of glycated proteins was studied using the model compound, N alpha-formyl-N epsilon-fructoselysine (fFL), an analog of glycated lysine residues in protein [29].
  • Increase in 3-deoxyglucosone levels in diabetic rat plasma. Specific in vivo determination of intermediate in advanced Maillard reaction [2].

Gene context of Maillard Reaction

  • This suggests that sufficient ALR is present to detoxify 3-DG when it is formed through the Maillard reaction in vivo [30].
  • We have reported that the enzyme which reduces 3-deoxyglucosone (3-DG), a major intermediate and a potent cross-linker in the Maillard reaction, is identical with aldehyde reductase [Takahashi, M., Fujii, J., Teshima, T., Suzuki, K., Shiba, T., & Taniguchi, N. (1993) Gene 127, 249-253] [31].
  • DESIGN: Test proteins (bovine serum albumin/type I collagen) were incubated continuously for 16 weeks in glucose solutions (200 mmol/L) with or without NAC (2 mmol/L), and the generation time courses (8 and 16 weeks) of CML and furosine (the biomarker of the glycation products of the early Maillard reaction) were determined [32].
  • We propose that of the two pathways, the FN3K-independent mechanism is more important due to the fact that it breaks down the very first intermediate of the Maillard reaction, the Schiff base (a.k.a aldosamine) [33].
  • Immunochemical studies showed that acidic beta 2M reacted with anti-AGE antibody and also with an antibody against an Amadori product, an early product of the Maillard reaction, but normal beta 2M did not react with either antibody [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Maillard Reaction


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