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Chemical Compound Review

Fluorocitrate     1-fluoro-2-hydroxy-propane- 1,2,3...

Synonyms: AG-F-24347, AC1Q5SNK, CTK4H5354, AR-1L0037, LS-193769, ...
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Disease relevance of Fluorocitrate


High impact information on Fluorocitrate


Chemical compound and disease context of Fluorocitrate

  • A protein (21-22kd) protein was also found in wild-type E. coli K12 and in fluorocitrate-resistant mutants of Cit+ strains, but it was present in a cryptic form no longer inducible by citrate [9].

Biological context of Fluorocitrate


Anatomical context of Fluorocitrate


Associations of Fluorocitrate with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Fluorocitrate

  • Intrathecal administration of fluorocitrate (a glial metabolic inhibitor), TNF antagonist, and IL-1 antagonist each blocked gp120-induced increases in spinal IL-1 protein [20].
  • Only C16, C14 and C12 intermediates were detected in uncoupled mitochondria oxidizing [U-14C]hexadecanoyl-CoA in the presence of fluorocitrate and carnitine, providing evidence for some organization of the enzymes of beta-oxidation [Garland, Shepherd & Yates (1965) Biochem. J. 97, 587-594; Sumegi & Srere (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 8748-8752] [21].
  • The steady-state level of opsin in retinas exposed to alpha-aminoadipic acid was unchanged compared with control eyes, whereas, in eyes exposed to fluorocitrate, opsin levels were slightly reduced [19].
  • Local or intraventricular injection of FC significantly decreased ATP levels and mitochondrial aconitase activity, but did not produce neuronal damage [22].
  • GLY markedly increased after blocking either the tricarboxylic cycle with fluorocitrate or the glutamine synthetase activity with MSO [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Fluorocitrate

  • After treatment with FC, similar high-K+ dialysis raised [K+]o much more [7].
  • Fluorocitrate, a selective astrocytic toxin, was microinjected into the right striatum of rat brain, and the regional distribution of 14C-acetate was measured using autoradiography [10].
  • The glia-inhibitory effect of fluorocitrate as obtained by intracerebral microinjection in vivo is reversible within 24 h [24].
  • Specifically, morphine analgesia was restored if LPS was preceded by systemic administration of a non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist (MK-801), spinal infusion of a glial metabolic inhibitor (fluorocitrate), or intracerebroventricular microinjection of an opioid receptor antagonist (naloxone) [25].
  • Using a push-pull cannula in chronically instrumented and conscious rats, we administered a glial toxin, fluorocitrate (FC; 1 mM) into the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN), a putative chemosensitive site, during normocapnia and hypercapnia [26].


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